
Diplomats ENFJ

Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.

'TheRedPyro : Hahaha. My friends might kill me!! Drawn on freckles... I wish I had real freckles :') I think they're lovely.

Swaying to Lana Del Rey.

I'm not sure what my absolute greatest fear would be, but abandonment and wasting my life/one day realizing I've done absolutely nothing except be a huge failure - those two are definitely up there....

You look super pretty, @CeLaVie ! I had totally forgotten that movie until now, I used to love it as a kid. I want to see your zombie courtesan costume! Well, two of my friends and I dressed as...

Oh, no! I've totally had nights like these where nobody was around and the people I wanted most in the world weren't around either. It sucks :[ I hope you're feeling better! Right now, I'm just...

Time, time, time, time. And thoughtful/meaningful gifts. :]

The ENFP's silly switch. I don't think I've ever met another type that does this so well. One of my best friends is an ENFP and he's just one of the funniest people I've ever met!

Hahaha. Such a cute movie :] You're welcome, and thank you! Unfortunately, I'm way too shrimpy to model. 5'3!

Pencil, watercolour, photoshop! Thank you :]

I hate feeling so much.

What a babe!!!! You're gorgeous, Lemons!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/598853_4432268881286_2052272876_n.jpg Obnoxious jeans. :]

How do we turn bad? The process of? I imagine it looks something like: 1. Pain that we cannot/choose not to handle, accept, and work through. In whatever form or fashion, be it injustice,...

@Pseudowho : AHH your smile is so cute!

Cake, cake, cake!

Score pee yo.



My answer might not be the greatest one, so apologies in advance! xD Situation is a little different from yours when it comes to length. We were together for roughly the same amount of time before...

Just some stuff I do to cheer myself up! Haha. I haven't done this in maybe 2-3 months, thinking of getting back into it again. They're nothing really deep, but I enjoyed creating, so. :] ...

ENFJ Just for reblogs: henioche. More personal: untitled.

McDonalds. I am a bad, bad person. :[

Yeah... you'd be best off making the first move. xD Aww, good luck though!

It's kind of a chicken and egg situation because nervousness can be super super endearing if I already like the person. Like Hum said, I love seeing the little cracks in people, they suddenly...

Yes. I take pains to. Drawn out letters and everything, haha. Er... except I don't really SAY haha.

I'm trying to think of a situation where I'd ever be 'reserved' when I seriously like someone... and I would only be reserved if that person is off-limits (taken, sexual orientation, etc.). If...

LOL! Damnit, I melted at the second picture... any army with kittens is a serious thread. We will melt the enemy from the inside out!

Hahahaha. I said I feel love/hate!!!!! And still do!!!!!!! You guys drive me insane =_=. Something like: Attraction > Intimidation > Attraction due to intimidation > Curiosity > Prickly >...

Argh, can't find it! Thanks for the input. I read on the socionics site, however (just this morning, too -__-) this interesting article that said it wasn't as simple as that and there is no direct...

Dowwwwwwn to a T (Or an F. Get it. Har. Yep, went there). For me it's like... Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. ANNIHILATE WITH FIRE. I try as hard as I can to just not care about something that I...

Hahahahahaha. This. I'm trying! I really am!

Peaceful, hopeful. You really do believe that everything is right somehow and that everything will be alright in the end.

I only enjoy bars when I'm with friends. I don't care much for clubs - too sweaty/smelly/close contact/horny creepy dudes. In all honesty though, I am down for meeting cool people anywhere except...

Okay. This has happened to me. Not to stereotype ENTPs, but yeah, same thing. Just out of the blue, Don't love you, but you're loveable! bs. We're at a good place right now though, we are still...

(Surely somebody has already posted this one...) Cult Leader.

Hahahaha. THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS, compliments are like drugs and they become drug rings... Thank you! I'm looking at your avatar while reading that... my name/your avatar are definitely synced! I...

Haha, love-hate sounds about right. This was interesting too - I read that the MBTI INTJ is a Socionics INTx, so correct me if I'm wrong. Nonetheless, this part really resonates with me: ...


Likewise! You're incredibly pretty, Nyfiken! O_____O !!!!!!! Awwwwwwww :'] Here, my heart's doing backflips with you! <3 LOLOL. I will have your babies on the condition that you also...

Now I have that song stuck in my head... x_x

Annoying some wonderful NTs, listening to music, being lazy in bed. The liiiiiiiiife.

-Proud tear- It took me 24 hours to grow...

So I've been lurking you guys/this thread... and I've decided to contribute... https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/599083_3895982834470_244151520_n.jpg An obligatory...


To be as healthy as a Hunza!

Although I'm part Asian, sadly I didn't inherit the SUPER SLEEK SHAMPOO AD QUALITY HAIR. Sob. So I have super thick wavy hair... which usually doesn't look that good any other way than just down...

And... Decided I'd rejoin PerC!

Do you care whether somebody is being condescending towards you? - Only if it's done maliciously. If I know they don't mean it, I just shrug it off. Are you condescending towards other people? -...

It depends how important that person is... or what expectations I have of them. If you're in a relationship with me, I will ALWAYS HATE IT IF YOU DO NOT CALL/TEXT BACK. It doesn't even have to be...

I'm sure it'll feel like heaven with you. It has for the past six years or so. Sighhh. Romance schromance.'