
Diplomats ENFJ

Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.

'estj to the max

What is Caitlyn?

Hmmm I'd say judging from the new episode, Wind Rider is an _NTJ? He's a really good schemer, uses many manipulative tactics to get Spitfire out of the Wonderbolts solely for his benefit and is a...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e12Vsd0CwGs lol



e_fp lol






isfp? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJrIpDpGpFA


looks esfp to me fairly sure that's illegal

YESSSSSS!!!!!!! I saw e s t p too :D!!!!

I'd totally agree with you! :D

What type is Keith Lemon? It's now time to grab some Celebrity Juice and peek through the Keyhole to get his type!

I'd say Tamaki is ENFJ; as an ENFJ I can totally relate to his attitude towards others (even when he is so reactive during difficult situations people find it hilarious); in fact I'm like a carbon...

Hetalia!!!!!!!!! And Ouran too sailor moon? Sword art?

E n t j

I actually did consider ENtP as a type ages ago but in real life I'm actually sensitive to others and their reactions... A lot... I found out that Ti is very low on my function stack- it needs loads...

deez entj nuts

isfp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFBDv_IH9P8 type deez nuts


isfp lol

estj #ickyface

Tremor- Dimitri Vegas QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK!!!

I'd say infp! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilw-qmqZ5zY

NAO!!! I'd say she is ISTP


esfp wild wild risky adventure lurver, walking through a path of red roses. a hopeless romantic that shows off his reckless stunts to everyone

Well done everyone who did GCSEs!!! :D No matter what your grades are, you did your very best and that is all that matters. (I got 8*s, 3as and 1b)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2rte3QoSNM Yes, it's actually called The Evil Demon Summoning Song. And to get some pure beat drop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vMh9f41pqE

Waiting for Love!

I can agree with your typing for Wyatt!

Willkommen! Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!! :D

No but the fact is that the Earth provided the right temperature and the right conditions for people to live on. I do not mean to start an argument or anything but that is what I see and as a person...

No, that's not the point. She is an xSFJ (less bubbly CAN mean introvert like what another poster has put) and you just simply want her to be more related to you as a Thinking Perceiving type. Well I...

Still. That is what I experienced when I went to Germany. People seemed ISTJ like and the culture is very ISTJ like, which is why I put ISTJ for Germany.

No, ESFJ is the only thing that fits. The Si is too much since the world favours tradition while allowing for some new experiences and twists (Ne) but it is obviously a Fe dom. It is not a...

we all know Pakistan is ESTJ LOL

^ And Canada is ESFJ. Do we even need to explain. Look- the culture is so FJ like- they love supporting one another no matter the situation and can lend a hand to you when you're in need! Also...

Ne ne Papa, wine s'il vous plaît[1] Ne ne Maman, ne ne Maman I can never forget those flavors Of the pot-au-feu[2] I ate so long ago Draw a circle, it's the Earth, Draw a circle, it's the...

Which country is Francis Bonnefoy?? Apparently it says I'm Francis Bonnefoy

Denmark is highly Fi and Ne- they're into fairy tales, amusement parks and crazy stuff which makes me think Ne. They crave innovation (Lego? I watched a documentary on it...) and again they seem Ne....

Yes it is. We learn naturally as we age like any other being on the planet and knowledge about relationships with others matures comes naturally. It is Fe whether you like it or not- and this is...

Woo hoo!

Everybody!! :D

It's.... Fe. Everybody is learning to deal with people getting along and the world is one large dinner table. So, Fe.'