
Diplomats ENFJ

Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.

'ABILITY TO TRANSFORM. Form of... a bucket of water!

This just made me realize how to not fail at life and amount to nothing. No joke. Now I will go Close. :)

So, late last night I was on perC and stumbled upon the ENFJ forums. I was reading about their functioning and thought: I feel like I'm always using my Fe. ENFJ is Fe Dom. !!!! I MUST BE ENFJ ...

I. LOVE. My tarot cards. Whenever I feel lost or down, or I don't know what to think about situation, I can just pull out my cards and they reassure me. My favorite deck to use right now is...

@Zech do you hate cats?

The problem with dating yourself, is that it is that if you and the other INFJ are at different levels of maturity, well then it might not work out/ would be less than pleasant (although this applies...

Honestly, I feel ESTP is the best fit for INFJ. They complete us. And strengthen our weaknesses. (: Yay for being grounded.

Thank you for the reply. Though perhaps I didn't voice myself quite properly in the question. What I'm really getting at is how Can I formulate more of a self image, less in response to other...

As an INFJ, I find myself playing up the role of people-pleaser. I rarely think of what I want or need, or even how I feel about things most of the time. I feel lost in terms of my passions and...

Thank you both. These posts were extremely insightful.

INTJ's, when you and your INFJ friend are fighting over something trivial, and you start giving your INFJ friend the silent treatment--because they were too emotional or too feely--how can we...

This is probably the biggest amount of truth in a single post that I've read on this forum so far.

If you do go into academia, you could always go on SABBATICAL :)

I read that list of symptoms. Apparently, I have every single symptom. I however, do not have a single one of these disorders. Why not? Because I believe I am healthy and normal. Any problem I have...

Since I'm not sure what I would like to get out of life, I am right now being drawn towards translating and TESOL. The biggest appeal for me, is to have a job that is location irrelevant, which...

Ooooh, perhaps snakes really are your spirit animal. http://www.spiritanimal.info/snake-spirit-animal/ You and me both.

Have you formulated a system to emulate parseltongue yet? ;) That would actually be quite fantastic.

You have no idea how... Okay, actually you can probably empathize with how jealous I am. I got hawk.

This actually sounds like me too. Perhaps its an INFJ thing :3

Oh my glob yes.

I Worship this post almost as much as the MAGIC CONCH!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-IUE0idp7k

I used to deal with this all the time. Recently I started thinking, I may see something that other people do not about themselves, however, who am I to tell them that I see their problems better than...

Intriguing. I have been struggling with mine as I never had a favorite animal. However, I do have a long history of dreams involving alligators, and I've had a few confrontations with them as well....

I love this.

Sorry, I guess I misinterpreted your post then. I saw an INTP asking a question, on an ask an INTP page. But why would they ask themselves?

I plead ignorant. How is it offensive? I simply do not know enough about this topic to be politically correct.

My direct phrasing was more for helping me voice my thoughts than implying that you don't understand. Sorry for any misunderstandings of phrasing. And if some feelers is the question, then you...

So I've recently discovered SHAMANISM. Or maybe its called PAGANISM. Or even, what-have-you-ism #7, which has to do with Inner Animals representing our ideal person. Does anyone know what theirs...

Question 1: Do you as a thinker define yourself by your thoughts? Question 2: Is it an overgeneralization that all feelers expect thinkers to filter? Also, I would think that our functions are...

I keep trying to meditate so I can find my power animal. I legit know I have an alligator watching over me as a guardian, but my power animal? IT ELUDES ME. Meditation keeps letting me down...

Feeling hurts a thinker's brain? :0 Thats new to me. I don't really care what people say, regardless of their type, as long as it is respectful/considerate of others. As for my question: At...

Ironically, a few hours after I posted how well I get to sleep, it took me like an hour laying in bed to do so. I guess this forum is just too exciting.

I love taking tiny little flower petals and giving it to slugs that I come across. They are so majestic. They deserve it for being underrated by humans who prefer snails.

An INTJ preferring acts of service? :0 I can't even


Legit I love these pants. Mens Pants, Mens Trousers, Pants For Men | Bonobos I don't want a money tree, just skip the middle man and someone give me a Bonobo Tree. <3

Perhaps hes a someone with Te? Just a guess, though I'm still beginning to grasp all that MBTI really entails. I'm glad to hear this :). With enough positive reinforcement and support from...

ESTP: Be more like me (in other words)-- meaning that I should be more Se. Well, there's definitely good reason in it. Being more like him would be quite balancing for my psyche ^^

Well, I am not the oldest nor most mature INFJ here, but what it took for me was a finding that one supportive friend. I didn't quite fit in in my primary school days because a lot of the other...

Your M matches mine. Kind of. 5/10 :3

Most people doodle. I doodle WORDS. Not doodles. Words. Crazy stuff. I should probably be submitted to the loony bin. *insert Leave me alone - Alexander Rybak music video link* (5 more posts...

Like I've said. Perhaps it's easier to turn the mental to-do list off if you get it out of your head, and onto a piece of paper :)

I usually fall asleep the easiest when I am tired. This happens when I have exhausted myself using too much Fe. If my mind is racing at night time, I get off the computer and try to do something...

Well, as for one, I am extremely attracted to Outgoing personalities, especially ones who are charismatic and friendly. I happen to be in a relationship right now with an ESTP. He really likes doing...

OH MY GLOB. You understood what I was referring to with that Beefy comment. I think we could be wonderful friends. Thanks for clarifying about type too. Are you a Mexican food fan?

To be honest, I could care less about acts of service. Although I think all displays of affection are filled with good intention.

Also, It seems that my type doesn't show up, I happen to be an INFJ.

Yeah, I'd like to order 2 beefy cheesy's with a medium cup of water on the side. Please, no ice. But yeah, nice to meet you QrivaN.

Hi! I am a long-time lurker and a short-time poster at PersonalityCafe. I suppose I'll be going by Absolution or Absol for short. Right now I'm studying but it is winter break, so I finally...'