
Diplomats ENFJ

Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.

'Good, good... Though I have never been sure about this shadow-idea. Although I suppose opposing forces in the psyche have to be explained somehow.

I'm sorry dear, too many air signs in your chart for that to be realistic.  http://pa1.narvii.com/5977/363895f1d4c45c0db1dcdab24b7ec4d17948a6b3_hq.gif

I use so what's your zodiac sign? Thinkers usually try to convice me out of this illogical herecy by any means necessary; feelers either gladly share information about their sign and personal...

Reminded me of this: Something about it still bothers me :p Especially because there seems to be delight/glory to be had in this suffering/darkness/violence/death. I wonder if self-preservation is...

No. No.


They were clearly going for a dimensionality model but ended up with a something that implies that ENXPs have the memory and EXTJs the authenticity of a 3 year old... doesn't that make them the most...

If you are anti counter culture does that mean you are pro culture?

Who are you talking about? Uncle Freddy or uncle Aristotle? Also psychology isn't a real science to begin with is another argument I find highly engaging and thrilling. Give it a chance? ...

MBTI: ENXJ Enneagram: 6 716657 Vigilant > Mercurial > (can't really choose between Serious, Conscientius and Leisurely especially because there seems to be a contradiction there... but also...

Indeed. Ti PoLR if there ever was one.

I think Aristotle was also an ISFP. Just think about it

Since when did enneagram tests start testing cognitive functions and why would extroverted intuition be meta cognition I am so confused you would not believe it

I'm gonna have to disagree with this. Every governing system needs myths, and it doesn't get much better than that one :laughing:

I agree, feeler dominants are hardly pushovers when it comes to feeling matters. EXTJs got a bad rep for being controlling like that though usually you find them being more indirect, like controlling...

Oh sure thing, didn't he like dancing and stuff?


Lol right. She's not profound enough to be one.

Totally. However. Everything about others can be found in us too on some level - and the other way around. We reckognize these things and reflect them back. We seek for justifications. There aren't...

What has Taylor Swift got to do with this? Why do you keep bringing her up as an example?

I'll take my chances.

It seems like people like Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams easily earn the NTP-badge but a lot of seems to be jusrified by them exploring their respective genres and that general seemingly...


ESFX https://youtu.be/yX1L7a5wfXY I want to love, I've all the wrong glory INFX https://youtu.be/o8b197szrz0

Only during some extremely bad bursts of paranoia and even at the worst moments there were some people who acted as anchores to reality so no, the feeling did not take over completely.


I would kill them with my bare hands.

Whichever starts more arguments.

Oh sure, and there are far better systems where to fit in than MBTI, I know that much. But the idea was, Fi feels a sense of identity on its own so it is easier for you to reject ecpectations...

This may work wonderfully for you Fi types who can feel your way to internal sense of self just fine on your own, but for us who Fe-el all over the place fitting a logically defined type category is...

Manners maketh man.

To be fair it's probably my fault for trying lean on Jung's types (which in themselves are pretty vague on the other hand and self-conflicting on the other) in the convo whereas some people prefer...

I'm sorry to hear that, it can't be easy to be at the receiving end of it. But it does sound fairly typical. Another problem is, even if we develop thinking, it's usually only good for a limited...

It manifests as avoidance to think about my inferior function. Which only leads to more trouble :rapture: Or I overestimate my ability to think. Either way, pretty typical stuff. I don't...

Okay, so, I think it brought awareness as to where I should direct my focus (just kind of appreciation for things I used to take for granted or ignored - and further developing them to become more...

MBTI: ENXJ Socionics: EIE-Ni Enneagram: 6 Instinctual variant: I relate to all so... I've probably misunderstood. Hogwarts house: Gryffindor :love_heart: Ocean: High in Opennes, Low in...

I'm actually an ENTJ and my machiavellian plans include mostly tax evasion

Oooh so Tori Amos really IS Ni as I suspected. How about that. Aka. Extrovert. :crying: Gotcha. I guess I agree on Reznor then, seems a bit Ni/Fi heavy overall like I said, explanations &...

Well that pretty much is the original definition. Jung might just as well taken a look of some of these artists and seen them as the lone voices in the wilderness... If intuitive perception...

At least Weird Al actually shows Ne cognition in exploring every bit of potential of the topic he is singing about.... The fact that he is a comedian is NOT the point.

. I'll just PM you rather than risk getting an infraction for derailing the thread

What kind of response were u expecting

https://youtu.be/lOfZLb33uCg Bit of an extreme comparison but I couldn't resist :crazy:


Haha ha

It's bit of a pickle to differentiate between Fe and social instinct at times because things like social awareness, group values and the like are also categorized as extroverted feeling (as opposed...

As a general trend, extroversion might lead into greater tendency to change opinion/perspective as new information comes about whereas introverts are probably slightly more hesitant in adapting to...

A bunch of NT wannabes.

I didn't say NPs lack conviction, I said NTPs don't really have strong enough feeling function to have the punch or gut MM has. MM has full confidence in his judgement, which in most cases seems...

Personally, I prefer to use the theory to excuse some of my more unpleasant traits.'