
Diplomats ENFJ

Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.

'Makes me feel special. Any gift that shows that I'm thought about is nice, really. I like how it's counter to the traditional use of the display, too, being a guy. But mostly cause it makes me...


Occam's Razor - People make out descriptions to be true in all regards in all individuals of a type, with no disclaimers of exceptions. This goes on and on until the working theory becomes...


She can carve the tally herself. Anyways, watch Louie, people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijQI2AJvNjI

Saying hi and introducing yourself usually works. If that is painful I have bad news for ya. If you can pull through that half of the work you're good to go, the rest is just mutual interest and...

Self-pity is an egotistical masturbation. One that has no climax and one devoid of even the want. It is a masturbation of a fantasy that one's struggles are deserving purely of insane dramatization...

Don't mean to be rude, but that ranges between 8 types all augmented by different Dominant Functions (and Introverted P/J complexity) and respective supporting stacks. You of course would have...

If I ever do get married, I'm going to learn blacksmithing so I can forge an engagement sword.


P-ish in what way?

Here we go... I have a lot of problems with western social movements, not necessarily the issues they stem from, but how these movements are conducted and how adherents conduct themselves. But on...

If we're going to continue to force people into existence, can we at least understand the crucial, deep level of kindness and respect that this existence should warrant? You live and die cause I...

I'd mail you buckets of chocolate if I could.

Gotta agree with Jawz on that one. Whether we want an academic definition of Good or Bad, or if thats even possible, all I can say is that I like not being irrationally persecuted or otherwise have...

Yes indeed! By the natural inclination to separate oneself from the object, one would require more effort to be as exposed, as opposed to the opposite, to the subjective experience- to reason through...

@AstrellaLunari Regardless, the distinction between emotions/feelings, and the object focused Judgement of Fe is clearly defined. Emotions are relevant information for the Fe dataset, but as an...

Well maybe that's just bullshit and nonapplicable to this real world example.

Sometimes I get the time frames of my memories mixed up. When I think back on the last 3 years, distinguishing each one individually is almost pointless. Summers melt into one, surely the years are...

Broadly, it's about a man put on trial, literally and figuratively, and the resulting judgements of his honest and stoic character are very much a result of how he is perceived rather than what he...

Gossip Goat May I suggest The Stranger, by Camus?

The people sang protest songs Protest songs in response to military aggression But the battle raged on The people chanted virtues Virtues in response to injustice But the hatred continued ...

my house

Gossip Goat Ah, but there's great beauty (and utility) in the systematic subversion of such notions.

What would said argument be about?

heh, well that's ur problem m8 -Fe

Nah, this is another problem altogether, and applying typology theory in this may just complicate things. She's fucked, start from that fact instead.

If you truly wish to regard these shitty generalizations in type descriptions as gospel in application of the theory to real individuals, come the fuck at me. ...

Thanks, some questions: Would you say that you have a genuine connection? Or is it more a formal interaction between the both of you? Have there been any other topics of interest or...

Well what do ya know about the guy- interests, opinions, demeanor, observations of behaviour with you in particular? Dunno enough about who he is or your dynamic yet.

No, I'm a person. I dislike people, I can be vain, petty, angry, jealous, envious, name it. You may have already known these things. I just notice what people claim to be, believe in, what ideals...

We can make guesses and share opinions but the only way to get accurate information is from the man himself. Pay the respect you owe yourself and the agency that he deserves, and just ask him about...

JayShambles Pretty sure his sentiment was more along the lines of, it's sickening that the world we live in consequently makes children want to die as opposed to, it's sickening that children...

It surely can be a logistical consequence of Fe, but it should not be core evidence for typing somebody as an ENFJ as it is not a fundamental property of [what I'm guessing this is attributed to-]...


Things have been rather floppy lately, but my drive is looking executable with you around.

Timely invite! And to think I was going to just sell the two families we nabbed after the heist.

Meh, shitty people exist. Let's not get romantic about MBTI types yo. It's merely a component of mind, not the whole picture.

I saw a dragon today.

Yeah those are totally manifestations of those respective angles. Emotions do tend to correlate with belief systems, it's just that they get conflated with the purpose of feeling functions,...

Feelings are neither Fe or Fi. With Fe or Fi we're talking about value judgments, specifically those related to the self or those held by the larger group. So moral and ethical rationalizations of...

Decent interpretation, though I'd make a distinction between emotions and overarching value judgments and belief systems. Unless you were just recognizing the informational value of emotions :)

You make feeling shitty look relaxing. I wish I had the capacity for crisis counselling, I'm afraid I'd choke or something. You find time at all to nurture yourself?

Gurl that masochistic self-determination and fulfillment is what my life's about. I plan on doing the same thing with counselling. Good fuckin luck to ya and I hope you leave with a wound or three....

Nobody loves you because you don't love yourself. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY

Is it an assumption that pursuing or accomplishing a goal will bring an end to your anxiety in this matter? Is it being inactive that you feel this way? Or the circumstances that you find yourself in...

I mean, that's not to be unsympathetic, but the role you'll take in such a relationship is written clear as day. The question is, do you want that? It's really a blessing to have him reveal that to...

I'll add ya when I get home. I'm on Pacific Time, free after 4:30ish.

Regardless, he shouldn't be asking advice about his mental viability in a romantic relationship from whom he has expressed the interest in. Not a red flag I'd overlook.

Came here to repel an army and ended up watching a room full of retards trying to hump a doorknob.'