
Diplomats ENFJ

Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.

'Have any of you ever been depressed? How would one help an ENTJ cope with depression? How would an ENTJ get out of it?

As above :kitteh:

Loving dat use of Megara everywhere.

I've been stressed enough recently to go into shadow ISTP mode, which actually feels pretty cool, in a weird way. And oddly empowering as a woman with one of the most stereotypically female...

That is, your unhealthy state?




This is me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUVOgPzXm7g



I'm good, thanks! It's freezing here too, brrr :frustrating: Looking forward to the holidays, though! Hope you manage to find the balance you're looking for. I always find this time of year pretty...

I'd love to be in Dauntless, but I'm not an ENFP and even so I definitely think more than one appeals to me too :happy: Also, good to see you again too! *seconds ai.tran* How is everything? :D

Oh, right. Best of luck with prepping :) I gotta go and cook dinner, was good talking to you though :kitteh: *virtual Fe high five*

Thanksgiving sounds like fun! We don't have that over in the UK :S Are finals just before Christmas? (Exams/coursework tend to be after them here).

I'm good, thanks :) Just trying to finish some work off before Christmas. Yourself?

Laughing too hard at that gif. :laughing:  I'm sure you will too :)  http://cdn01.cdnwp.celebuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/14/request-five.gif

Fe is the best :P http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs1/1416886_o.gif If I knew an ENFJ Christian girl I'd send her your way :( /willkeepaneyeoutforyou

The Fe is strong right now. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

Why can't you see it? :( It was the perfect response. Blindly countering may not be wise... *ebil laugh*


Being a hipster seems like more of a Fi than Fe thing to me, could be wrong though. A lot of the hipsters I know are ISFPs, ties in with often being very into art too :) Thoughts?

ENFJs don't bite :p

Quickly - 2 is Se, 5 is P, so is 6. 7 is Fi :) Not sure about E/I but you should be able to figure that one out?

I'd say you sound more like an ESFP :)

http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111231151555/glee/images/4/46/Kurt_%26_Rachel_Hug.gif All the hugs for you :D :happy:

You're welcome :D

this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdjY6oy4Y2c

Not really. Do you think that would help? Sorry, should have explained - we're not together, never were :laughing: I just have a massive crush on this ENFP guy I know, who I also know is not a...

I'm trying to keep busy, yeah, and I've actually been so busy with work I haven't seen him much of late. He's just very hard to forget about, though, even when I am doing other things. It's annoying...


How do you get over someone who you know is not right for you? (too flirty with loads of other people, does drugs, not many shared interests etc.)

How do you get over someone who you know is not right for you? (too flirty with loads of other people, does drugs etc.)

Cheers man. I won't chase him, then :P. Do you also wait till you can spot signs of interest in a girl before you show any interest yourself? As in, you won't chase/flirt with a girl you like without...

ENFJ here but  http://cdn1.smosh.com/sites/default/files/ftpuploads/bloguploads/0413/epic-hugs-monsters-inc.gif

Thanks :) I'll keep an eye out for the latter in the guy I like lol. What kind of signs would you take as someone being attracted to you? As an ENFJ old school girl I don't really like to...

Thanks! :) So it's kind of on purpose, then? Stick around in a friend sense? (ENFP male friend; trying to deduce if he likes me; as an ENFJ, defo not asking outright :laughing:)

Would you (especially the guys on here) say that you flirt with everyone? If so, do you do it on purpose or is it more of an unconscious kind of thing? How can you tell when an ENFP is flirting...

Thanks, guys - sorry for the late replies, I had a busy weekend and couldn't come on here. Basically, I was out and about on Friday when some guy harassed me, but thankfully I've spoken to the police...

(1) When would you say it's better to be single than in a relationship? (2) As an ENXJ, do you find that you plan the future (including what kind of partner you want) a lot, and have high...


Thanks, will do :)

Worst day ever :sad: Can't tell those I know about this, wish I had someone to talk to.

I haven't known many INTPs, but (at least for me), among all the types, the INTPs and INTJs I've known have seemed the most similar (between any two types where there's just one letter of difference...



Any thoughts on ENFP guy/ENFJ girl? :tongue: And yep, used to know an ESTP guy I really liked...

Yeah, James Franco seems like an ENTP to me, actually :) That video was hilarious lol It's quite nice, yep, nothing on SF though IMO :laughing: Nice song! Very thoughtful and deep :happy: I...

Really? I thought that kind of humour was a Ne thing (one of my best friends is ENTP and he's the biggest troll you ever knew - still trying to get the super glue off my rucksack lol). I'm not very...'