'Your business, is my business. The more I know, the better I can... help you... or manipulate. lol
I wouldn't mind. I have no fear of showing my face... sorta. maybe we can wear funny masks until we're all comfortable. i mean, people already post their pictures on the picture thread... i don't...
would this be on google+ hangouts?
its ok. he'll get over her in a few years if things continue the way they do. or if he gets his heart hella broken, and or laid a lot by other girls, he'll also get over her... in time. lol.
L s d
I'm not an INFJ, but if you were to ask me, you're asking me if i wanna lose an arm or a leg... lol, I need both! Ni drives my ability to create possible scenarios for me to navigate emotion.
my experience tells me the emotion of some sort of despair usually is associated with this thought. or the feeling of lack of significance/purpose. existence itself is already pretty interesting,...
what's the point of anything?
an artist... +points.
of course it matters. we loved to be loved. looking good, the image that people have of you in their heads is a passive ability in which you don't need to do anything actively (like talking...
yeah i wanna know what happened lol
no human being has their emotions in control. it is the reason we do things. i mean there might be some monks that have it in control, but being in control is different than suppressing it. i...
I have very few ISFP friends. The common trait i've experienced with them is they're very... looking out for you. They are always buying me food or like something I mentioned randomly they'll be...
If I broke up with her, it's over. If she broke up with me, it might be over.
lol, i think the shallowness could also come from the NF... the idealist. ideally what we find beautiful. ideally what we would like our partners to look like (and make us feel because of that). ...
why would u move away from south california?
just tell him, you're trying to help him. and the feeling he gets from you trying to help/advise him, is the same feeling other ppl get when he tries to help/advise them. simply put, it's annoying...
Yes to all of the above. I have a hard time throwing anything out. even pieces of paper. everything in my possession has some sort of deeper meaning. Even if it's a paper clip that's been...
He likes arguing. He likes getting offended and arguing. It's like the heat of the battle. It's fun on some weird level. Satisfying. It's like lifting weights, but with your mouth... that...
over analyzing is good. i'm the same. i'm pretty sure it's because of a Ni/Ti combination. anyone with the Ni/Ti combo is a long term thinker. all plans that formulate MUST last long term....
I find I don't like debating to logically convert people or win debate points in some academic platform. I debate so I can get a rise out of the other person. So I can taste the frustration and...
I believe Ti helps u understand how it works. say... lets take a pocket watch for example. the want to take it apart and figure out what every gear and spring does... is Ti. you would know...
Lol i was just like you. i was too egotistical and self absorbed to wanna be that type of guy that sleeps around. and I didn't like to hurt girls either. but as i grew older, you know...
or really pessimistic, dark and emo as fuck. the fucked up thing is they'd both enjoy it too hahaha. harmonious emo.
Ti helps me figure out how something works so I can pass it off to my other functions and manipulate it to my liking. You can't change something, unless you understand how it works inside. ...
They are awesome. ENFJ+INTP=a superior consciousness.
Sorry to break it to you. sounds like what I'd do. I talk to my female friends about hot girls I fantasize about chasing. Those female friends are... just that... friends. I'm gonna be upfront...
im pretty sure ENFP are the most introverted of the extroverts.
In my exploration of spirituality and religions... I have come to conclude that the Buddhists are on the most accurate path when looking at the cosmos (existence in ALL forms) in the biggest scale...
depends on the definition of socially details... what is the goal? what are the expectations? we talking about who can get the most likes on fb? we talking about who can become a loved...
I get along with ISTPs it feels like we're always on the same page and they see the other 50% I'm trying to see and vice versa.
yes. I also have taken notice to little things I never noticed before. Like how beautiful some of the roads I drive down everyday are. The trees seem more vibrant. or something. They are more...
yeah but u can observe the social dynamics. like sometimes there will be like everyone just crowding around 1 persons computer laughing or talking about something. sometimes you'll see just...
yeah, it's naturally a place for introverts to interact and socialize without exposing themselves to... uncomfortable situations. even as an extrovert I like the internet more than real life. I...
-Philosophical discussions. -always try to focus on the bigger picture and not what's immediate. -lol talking about consipiracy theories... which is basically #2, but... well, it works for...
i scored below 30 lol.
how it could or should be, doesn't exactly mean we are totally fucked up now lol. I can imagine today's society satisfying many people that lived in the past... if they could only see.
yup. There is nothing wrong with society. We are doing exactly what we should be doing. Everything is the way it should be. hindsight is 20/20. looking ahead, you can imagine many...
LSD. I don't know how non intuitive types experience the drug, but for sure, it is like steroids for intuition. it gives you some sort of hyper intuition that just... no words can describe. ...
it brings us to the question of what authenticity means. i think most people would consider authenticity to mean dependability/predictability to be somewhat linear. ie. if they're you're...
developing Ti... lol usually doing the opposite of what you feel is right. that uneasy i don't like this feeling, but i cant deny the thought is usually the right thing to do from a pure logic...
I think this is where our fundamental difference is. our definition of free will, and whether or not we have it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf9eGUWGtyo ...
yes, that is your queue to just say it flat out loud. start listing reasons. they already have a list in mind, and if you are able to demonstrate that you have the same thoughts and able to add on to...
totally not what I thought this thread was about. was ready to contribute what type of porn i like to look at and the first thing I see are dogs... wtf... oh wait.. i get it... hahahaha...
I stumbled upon it. I was lost in life and this opportunity came up, and I decided to take a look. much to my surprise it was nothing like i thought it would be. and i'm pretty good at it. and...
Perhaps I shoulda been more clear in my analogy. i used robots only because they are an easy thing to reference. I don't mean the specifics of wiring and all that. i assumed those things were not...
lol the Ni description is totally me Intense, impulsive, unpredictable, magnetic. Mood is labile, activity levels are erratic. More forceful and domineering in how they engage with people. Has a...
you mean analogy? ;) yeah, those subtle differences do make up the individuality part (so does the initial programming). but given enough time, both robots will be old and have experienced...
lol I agree. objectively, it is a form of manipulation. i never said it was a perfect way, but it is the best way if you're communicating with a person. I assume the two people are having an...'