
Diplomats ENFJ

Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.

'Hi, ENTP, and welcome to the forum.:wink:

From what you're describing, she could be an ESTJ because SJs don't like change much and are routine-based.:wink:

It sounds like from what you desribe, you're an ENTJ.:wink:

You're definitely an INTP.:wink:

You are definitely an ESTP. I can tell by reading the description.:happy:

It's called the Daytrona patch.:laughing:

Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here.:blushed:

Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here.:blushed::blushed::blushed:

Try reading both types to see which fits.:cool:

Read both types. Then consider which of those types describe you better. You'll know by the way each feels.:cool:

Welcome to the forum.:wink:

Regardless of disorder, your personality type is yours. Don't you understand that the disorder you have doesn't determine your type. You determine who you are and not the condition. Don't you know...

I would say that you are an ISFJ.:proud:

I like to be around people. It helps me to observe who they are. :proud:

He's an INTJ.:blushed:

She's an ENTJ.:blushed:

Sounds a lot like an ISFJ.:blushed:

I think you're an INFJ and I'll tell you why. First of all, INFJ's can be analytical because they're observant. And secondly, because they look carefully at the situation. And finally, because they...

From what you've said, I would say that you're an an INFJ.:wink:

I'm an ENFJ with ADHD.:blushed:

INFP's are nice people.:proud:

I took the test and found out that I'm the dismissing type.

INTJ's are fine, but I prefer ISTJ's.:blushed:

I would be self-sacrificing.

Hi, Chrissy and welcome to the forum.:proud:

Let's Be True! Listen to your heart, so honest and true. Value your heart way up in the blue. Let's get along way up so high. And be off

To stay true to myself.:blushed:

Take time to talk and listen to each other.:proud:

I'm religious and I'm an ENFJ.:blushed:

Hi, I'm an ENFJ. Welcome to the forum.:proud:

Try and read both descriptions to see which one fits.:cool:

Very interesting topic.:happy:

You're Definitely an ENTP. :laughing:

Hi and welcome to the forum.:proud:

Hi and welcome to the forum.:happy:

Hi and welcome to the forum.:happy:

Hi and welcome to the forum.:happy:

Hi and welcome to the forum.:cool::cool:

My list of stereotypes include: strong, confident, bold, courageous, self-confident, self-assured, and assertive.:proud:

I'm an ENFJ and I like to go out with ISTJ's. They are loyal and protective. I appreciate their honesty.:proud:

Maybe you want to change because you want to use your shadow fuctions.:happy:

I go to bed at 10 pm and get at 3 am. I'm neither an early bird nor a night owl.:cool::cool::cool:

My test result is Mace Windu.:happy:

I voted non-political though when I took the test, I turned out liberal.:happy:

My life is filled with family and good times.:happy::happy::happy:

I like SJ and SP because SJ's are guardians and SP's are artisans.:wink:

He sounds like an INTJ.:happy:

My mom is an INFJ and my dad is an ESTP.:proud:

I like ISTJ's. Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy your stay here.:blushed::blushed::blushed:

Nice to meet you.:blushed::proud::wink:'