
Diplomats ENFJ

Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.

'my neck, obviously. haha jk. Mmm, I'd donate my blood to vampires on famine

def vampire, but like Gary oldman's dracula.

This isn't controversial, but I find Critical Pedagogy to have a very sixish nature. Liberating yourself from chains of the opressers, from fear of freedom, from deshumanization to humanization, to...

I chose envy and sloth. I work hard in my studies, volunteering, etc, I'm very considerate and blah, blah, blah, BUT it takes me a lot of effort to start doing things. Lots of it is procrastination,...

1. Shorter, they're playful and all-rounders. 2. The thicker the better. 3. Thrusting is a must, but shorties are good for some of the hardest techniques; it's all about skill, not stamina! 4....

Fe is not kindness.

That's such an achievement!

I like them and their intensity, but sometimes it's way too overwhelming to me! At its best, they're responsible, mindful and passionate individuals who have very strong convictions and will always...

I think your friend blew the escalator theme out of proportion, and I do think it looks like unhealthy T. Healthy Ts may debate extensively, but they'll give you sufficient reasoning that what you're...

No, I don't like sarcasm at all. Sometimes I do use it, but I try to be careful and craft words in such a way that it sounds like joking and not offending.

The only constant thing that makes me cry is to be yelled by my parents in a scolding way. There's a lot of stuff that makes me cry too, but they depend on the situation.

I learned that most traits that enneagram type descriptions tell(being generous, selfish, insecure, low self-image, being intellectual, amicable, long etc) are superficial. They only work if you see...

6w5 sp/so

I've had the same impression. When I've read character and neurosis, I found type 2 not to be a very superego function. I've seen it more as an id function, because of it's strong need for love, and...

To be a fully grown adult, I must embark in the quest for mental autonomy. Yeah, money is good, a job is better, friends are awesome, family much more, but I can't be a thoughtless sheep. I can't...

Ockham's razor is bullshit. It works like, 10% of the time.

I can accept mass consumption in Christmas, it's OK for the economy. What I don't accept or tolerate is that Roman and Christian Catholics celebrate Christmas in consumerism. Their teachings say that...

What do mean exactly by power? Please clarify :)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5St6QgS3ZVQ It's a very sweet and tender track about flirting and charming people to you. The chorus has no sense at all, but it adds that feeling of deepness that...

People who date other people based ONLY on MBTI/Enneagram/DISC/any typology do not know what they want in a partner.

- Vaginahead. - Vagina in the Dark. - 2001: A space vagina. - The Vagina Horror Picture Show. - Vagina Wide Shut.

I'm starting to think I'm SO or at least SP/SO. I value more than 2-5 people's opinions. I'll do research, thanks for enlighten me. Now, continuing with the controversial opinions: The whole 2012...

People take the credo don't care about what anyone says and thinks about you to absurd, and I mean REALLY ABSURD extremes. Okay, it's really unhealthy to base your WHOLE concept and value of...

I'm so happy and relieved, I got exonerated on a very tough exam. But tomorrow's my biggest targets awaits: macroeconomics and qualitative research.

Regarding school massacres, I think the majority of people are very ignorant because they only debate about the right to use a weapon. They forget that it's bullying and discrimination the triggers...

I do stand out of the crowd. My responsibility, work ethic, organization skills and enthusiasm leads people out of apathy and uncertainty. However, I don't always like to be a leader, a pioneer or...

I collect lots of info about Final Fantasy, movies (film junkie) and politics, but the latter is because of my career. And I constantly search random stuff on wikipedia.

Marriage by itself doesn't assure commitment.

To hibernate for one year. I'm so tired.

Oh yes I do, but I focus on the morbid side. I love to make jokes about death, sex and disturbing issues. I even talk about how someone will die. However, I know everyone doesn't like it, so it keep...

Violet, Green and Abstract Tan.

The Place to Discover Yourself :kitteh:

1) Macchiavellism is wrong. And I mean REALLY WRONG. 2) You can't judge people according to the music they listen. I have friends who love singing and dancing reggaeton (sort of grind dancing music)...

I think the need to be correct is fine, but don't hurt people's feelings in the process. You can agree to disagree, not impose what you think is right (obviously there are exceptions to this rule). ...

People have more secrets than me. I'm very open with my life details, except those that involve third parties, I respect other's privacy. However, I shut up many criticisms and opinions. I prefer...

Easy come, easy go. Hell yeah I'm Social last.

I request a judgement. Preferably from someone who has read my posts and has some idea of how my character is. If there's no one, okay. I want to know how I come across on the internet.

I don't know if PETA people have done it before, but it would be a great idea that those models go naked for at least one day. I'd be MUCH better if fat and obese people of PETA go naked. It would...

:* I think solidarity is a universal value that should be in every single culture. I think the most noble and virtuous thing is to help others and dedicate yourself to service. I think every...

I think The Beatles are way too overrated, just as every 60s - 70s british singers / bands.

The concept of female virginity is a big cause of history's sexism.

I think that England and Spain should have never collonized America (both South and North). I don't care how much technology, advancement, and values they had. Indigenous people are just as complex,...

josephkonrad I've just set rules for discussion. Thanks for your warning!

I'm interested in seeing other ENFJs' political views and why they support it. I highly support social democracy. I think that capitalism, while still basically good, does leave people in extreme...

Vocaroo | Voice message It really sounds sixish hahaha.

Well, to be more exact it's impossible to put concrete patterns of behaviour in MBTI types. They deal with cognitive and decision-making dynamics, not behaviours. An ENFJ can be an emotional...

Some submissive and unassertive ENFJs play victim. They put their image of helpfulness and sensibility to auto-justify themselves every time someone steps over them or abuse them. Passive...

Quality time, honesty, AND that people's help and support. That includes mutual responsibility, financial aid (if it's possible), supporting one each-other in tough times, etc. For example, I think...

Jawz thank you for such recognition of us! Too bad you retired... hope to see you again! Well, if anything, my ode to you is for being very open to such other types. Your fraternity makes people feel...

Very predictable. My words, personality, face and gestures tend to speak a lot. I'm not good at lying either, although I have a lot of confident charisma when I speak in public, which could be good...'