Leahomme he was tested for university LemonIce Thanks :) I know I tend to be idealistic, as Leahomme already told me (which is totally normal for ENFP's, especially INFP's) so I might be...
Thankies, Tinkeries :3 :kitteh: I'd love to answer, but sadly I'm an ENFP xD
Pills Gills
Yeah, circumstances can change a lot of how you experience a half marathon :P Kinda ran it when it was clouded (17 degrees or smth?), and I don't mind a crowd :D You know, it's especially the...
A bowl of cherries :P So far... Am yearning to eat a tiny piece of chocolate now.
Are you me? Lol Exactly the same experiences that made me feel fucking good.
A good bike and anything that doesn't exceed the 30 km mark xD
Nvm. Answered it already lol
About feels, music and having to go to the toilet. (so special lel, el simple mind of le ENFP)
infp? :) 705874
Hello people, most of you have (prolly) seen me going around PerC for the past 2 months and know me already :D But now it is time to lay my problems onto the table! Let's start with a...
Maybe I have worded it wrongly. But I do mean that we align things with what we believe is right or just (Fi, followed by Te to conclude) - I was more aiming at conveying this message rather than...
As @erasinglines already said, I would never date based on types. I do however have experience with an ENTP. I fell in love with him a few years ago, but it quickly turned sour. While our convos...
Huggies are great <3 I also love hugs :) Are you tiny? Can we both be tinies doggies on baby magic carpet :O *sparkly imagination vibes* Can we circle around the baby tower with tiny rooms? :O...
*smiles in doggie style* (DONT READ THIS WRONG OK) But but - but TT.TT I want hugs *pouts* Mr. Meepers YES! I am a descendant from Alladin, and I have earned a baby carpet from his carpet!
*sparkly eyes come from under the carpet* I AM A CARPET DOGGIE EEFJE PRINCESS! Look at me carpet! So carpet! So much wow! (does this make sense) is knife a Prince Doggie then?
*hides under carpet* p.s. LittleDreamer doggie? You doggie?? <3 I love little dreamer doggies!
laughs horrendeous
:blushed: Me???? Cuteeee???? D: D: D: *throws arms in the air frantically and doesn't know what to do* Am I?? OMG Thanks :blushed:
I sthis thread still going on???? :O Gotterdammerung I'm also glad your name is still the same <3 in all this time you live up to the greatness of your name :D
Because we both make fun out of our crazy dates, that takes us to a higher level <3
Definetly. We can have this energy that seems almost surreal when we meet intresting people. We feel this deep connection that takes us a level higher (if you know what I mean). And impulsive as...
Even though this statement is partly true: I believe that we're capable of making a great and fun relationship after reality hits. We can use our Ne for more than creating just fantasies. It's...
No, never. I never underestimate someone's perseverance or reslove with never assuming/ taking into account which type the person is. Every type has a perseverance or resolve, it's just a matter of...
Howl from howls moving castle for following reasons: - frivole exterior - seems full of energy/drive - has a deep mind that seems to be torn by feeling 's of duality (light VS dark) - has...
I can handle two guys <3 still got some more handcuffs?
Icy NiTe
I've had three relationships with INTP's and a very brief one with an ENFJ (I couldn't hold it any longer and ended it after three weeks lol) As friends, ENxx's tend to come to me eventually, but...
1) Mediocre attention? I like to groom myself in order to look nice and healthy, approachable and lovely. But I'd never go as far as spending half an hour to an hour on make up in the bathroom. I...
Difficult question. What is happiness anyway? Depends I guess? Today a nice drink, some music and a confession from my crush would make me happy (lol) But maybe tomorrow it'll be something...
I'm not sure....
That's great :) Spending quality time with your fam is always fun :) -- I'm feeling fine now, a little tired but ready to go :D A part of my braces came loose, so I'm having trouble eating on...
696754 Lel what running and going on a holiday can do with your steps... Blimey :D I BEAT MY RECORD!!!!
Yeah, Lisbon was great! Nice weather (23 degrees up to 28 :D), nice food (and cheap omg :shocked: ) , nice drinks (the cocktails *faints), nice people,... overall very fun and pretty :D How have...
I'm so tired and my legs are sore. Should've stretched yesterday :'(
I am packing my clothes and things for a small trip to the south of france CoeurGrenadine I shall be in the same country as you!!! (You are French right?) Rafiki be jealous, j'parlerai Français là !
Because you are my yang to my ying
I'd be that girl that comes in alone, eats her (current) favorite lunch and cappucino by the window, and leaves with having talked to a random stranger about a random topic. I'd also be that girl...
If I'd be a man you wouldn't be my type, so I'd say NOT. But from a designers perspective I'd say a unique Hot. I love your lips and eyes <3. 696401
Not exactly but I help people out who work for non profit organisations. I like helping in general so it's a great way to make others happy, thus yourself too. Career counseling is good for some...
Exhausted. But happy :) I AM BACK. Although not for long :P BUT I'LL BE BACK. how have y'all been? :D
PerC is aliveeeee!!!! I'll be gone for a week :D Byebye PerC. Have fun :D #Holiday
Love, like, lust or long Words that grow ever so foreign I ask myself when these would reign Over lost souls and words unspoken. Reconcile with what was lost And find attachment in what is...
haha yeah, I know those tricks ;) Thanks anyway.
Haha , yeah, I am going to buy a new pair of running shoes before the marathon. If you could give me some professional advice, then that would be awesome! I am really looking forward to the...
That's fine. I'm ok with that :P Beat me all you like, but I am happy that I can run it at all :D
I like putting up goals for myself. I don't like deadlines much, like D-Day aka marathon day, but I do like to put a certain goal up so that I can make it tangible for myself to see how much I have...
I am trying to keep my mood up, but it's failing. To counter this I'm doing stuff that I like, so I'm making a rough program on what I should do to be able to run the marathon next year in March. ...
https://open.spotify.com/search/results/I'll%20make%20it%20up%20to%20you with lack of a youtube vid. Their new album just came out and I love nearly all the tracks :D