'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wt89cgjfFWk&feature=player_detailpage Holy fudge, this band is glorious :shocked:
Having a laugh with friends, or just leaving the house can help ENORMOUSLY. That and listening to music, playing with the dogs, tea, art, chocolate... just treat yourself to whatever you feel like. ...
Viva: 4w3 7w6 8w9 so/sx Ace Face: 7w8, 8w7, 3w2 cue5c: 3w2 so/sp The King of Dreams: 9w1 7w6 2w1 so/sx Alysaria: 7w6, 2w3, 9w8 sx/so MusicBird: 7w6, 9w8, 4w3 Eerie: 7w8-1w2-4w3 sx/sp Finaille:...
... I suffer from obsessivecompulsivemustconstantlychangemyavatar-disease. It's incurable ;~; Let's see what happens if I stop :wink: Maybe the universe will explode. That'd liven things up a...
I see you're also a type 3... which doesn't seem too common among ENFPs.. :0 If you do turn out to be ENFP, maybe this is why you're not such an obvious one?
You're an Energizer.A true original with a great sense of humor and spontaneous streak, you're fun to be around and love being at the centre of the action.You're well-rounded with a healthy attitude...
It's been thoroughly stuck in my head since Just Dance 2 last night, pfff.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=1IdEhvuNxV8
Oh wow, sounds like a great opportunity :D I haven't really been in this position... just take your time and try to relax... try not to think of it as something 'serious' but something you enjoy...
I love being myself, just a little more balanced would be nice.... more T please >-< Actually ENTPs seem like cool cookies and I really wouldn't mind joining their camp. It'd be cool to step...
I thought teachers lived in school and at night they all partied in this huge underground bunker thingy hidden under the school, with rollercoasters and cheesy disco dancing and water polo and...
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff....
Julian Beever~ http://lh4.ggpht.com/_9F9_RUESS2E/Soqc54ryF1I/AAAAAAAAAqU/0Ik3SzXibj4/s800/Amazing-3D-Sidewalk-Art-boat.jpg...
:D http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=607559329142 What about cake? Cake has layers! ERRYBODY LOVES CAKE! I'm sure having layers is necessary in a way, helping you to adapt to...
I try to speak my mind and be as open and honest as possible. I used to be reaaaally outspoken but that didn't always end well, haha. Then again, there's been times when I haven't felt accepted...
Poor old Skippy, must have thought it looked like bouncy fun and jumped right in. After that little incident, rule number one: Don't Mention Blueberries.
4-7-9: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/206/7/e/7ec6f15ab31bb2aa2586fac1f5e76834-d41l2un.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/314/d/5/flight_by_deathofrats-d4fpobp.jpg...
28,200 words. Huh :D
It's a shame about the misconceptions, it'd be nice to see more ESFPs around here, especially to see them *disprove* some of those stereotypes. Eh... us ENFPs sometimes get labelled as overly...
7w6 http://www.jansochor.com/photo-blog/fiesta-carnival-barranquilla.jpg 9w1 http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/353/c/4/spring_in_a_jar_by_deathofrats-d4jjzpi.jpg 4w3...
Wow, mythology is brilliant. :D I love how the gods can be so bizarre or powerful yet often seem so human. And how mythology tends to comment on human nature in general. ^^ Plus the stories can be...
BBC SHERLOCK. YES. THANKYOU FOR THIS THREAD. ALL MY LOOOOOOVE <3 Hahah... same here :D High five~! The soundtrack's just... amazing *-* Mine's a kind of ringtone-y version, here~ I like to...
Yeeeeeeep. I always seem to be the one spilling drinks everywhere or flinging food trays around or crashing into posts or doors or small children >-> And I'm in the Captain Jack Sparrow-ish habit...
Whoops... you're right :o I was half joking. But don't do that, please xD It's definitely best to wear an apron and/or old clothes... http://oilpaintingtips.org/ This site has tips as well as...
I don't have a soul, I am a soul. I have a body.
'A thin crust of moonlight still crested it’s crystals upon the trees' I really love that line! Beautiful imagery, and fun to say. Wow, 10 parts? That must have been quite the...
But making a mess is part of the FUN! :crazy: Just using a brush is fine but there are other tools too- like palette knives, but you don't need them... Fingers could work too :laughing: Unleash...
Am intensely curious about everything (read: nosy.)
SOAP BUBBLES. :crazy: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_sLK5d_X2-Zc/TIzHLJnFaDI/AAAAAAAAAZ4/wlC8TcaaXiI/s400/biggest_soap_bubble_03.jpg Hello and welcome, fellow ENFP-er! Ooh, what kind of books do...
Not 'studious' though I did put in enough effort to get by, I didn't want to let myself or anyone else down... and I love learning! But memorising stuff for exams? HAHAHAHahahAHhhaahHAHApleasegodno
Exactly!! :D Even if we do fail and muck things up or get off-track, ultimately it's these experiences that *make* us invincible. Invincibility isn't being immune to failure, it's being able to...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp0sFTsflZ0 :shocked:~!!
Pffff I love so many soundtracks! Lord of the Rings is probably my favourite, and practically everything by Hans Zimmer... Oh, I ADORE this. ...
HELP I think I got carried away with this :crazy: Awesome thread! http://www.innocentenglish.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/laughing-babies-pictures11.jpg ...
This is from the socionics description, and based on what people have been saying it seems pretty accurate~ What do you think? The last sentence is me on most days, bleh :laughing:
Berkshire, sorry I can't be more specific :3 /melts into the night
South East too c: Eeep, I only meant it metaphorically~ A metaphorical rave all up in our imaginings, it shall be glorious. We can be civilised if you like though :'D I'll bring the scones! ...
I take Tae Kwon Do, and you certainly wouldn't want to run into me in a dark alleyway. Nah, I'm only a green belt. For now... nyeheheh. ZeRo: Ahhh, good luck young grasshopper! :D
Well I was the last time I checked, don't be fooled by the flag thingy :p For some reason I just wasn't born here. We should all get together for a picnic and a rave~! :crazy:
*Fistbump* I have a massive ring-binder full of that. My second one, the first exploded. :laughing: Ooh, you might appreciate this: Badass of the Week There's a Hannibal one, and Alcibiades, who...
http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lunmrd2KMj1qbvj8yo1_500.jpg http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lupxkt9BP21qm6jj4o1_500.jpg'