
Diplomats ENFP

Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

'yes , I do find it somehow amusing but in a good way when you express your extraverted feeler function and get upset , I actualy can find it quiet attractive but I donnot know why though , I just...

love and passion is defenetely the centre of my world and sex is an expression of those , but yes indeed I have had good friends with benefits or male friends who were in love with me and I knew I...

in many cases, it is true :-) soon you will meet one ;-) on of my best friends is an INTJ , we can chat for hours , we both think that the other one is a complete allien though ;-) btw looove ariel,...

yes , have had it a few times especially in extremely intense painfull or shamefull situations

RED for passion :-) for fire , for boldness , for the flammes , for glamour :-)


ahaha love that :-)

I love the I have no idea what I am doing but lets talk :-)) actualy , I use those lines too but I do prefer to either make a compliment (which I mean btw) or say something funny in order to...

right , I did not know that you were being humourous and a tease , sorry about that..in which case , I take it back and find it quiet playfull and funny indeed . As regard to your exemple ,Well...

right , good points . Indeed , he had strong values but when looking at the values , there were hightly competitive values rather than cooperative values , NF values are usualy values wich connect...

right , good points . Indeed , he had strong values but when looking at the values , there were hightly competitive values rather than cooperative values , NF values are usualy values wich connect...

I see , I hate when people do that ...really really ennoying ...either , they are trying to put the other person down by being critical over stupid things and using some silly arguments ..either ,...

Oh I see , so for you it is the fact that they are stating the obvious and donnot think of the consequences before they speak ? As an nt, you are focusing on what is , facts and not what...

Because there is far more to learn in meeting/reading people who are different from us and hold different approaches than our own... , desire and curiosity to learn and understand different...

I am 100% with you on that one and people telling us what to do in general actualy ...some people cannot handle individuality ..they get confused when they cannot put you in a box ..

lol what does yolo means , sorry , never heard of it ..

[I really admire your handling of the situation, how you managed to remain calm and gain knowledge on the matter , reshearched about the topic objectively in order to make the most effective...

i really admire your handling of the situation, how you managed to remain calm and gain knowledge on the matter , reshearched about the topic objectively in order to make the most effective decision...

I fail to see how what you are saying contradicts or is relevant to what I am saying ...Hithler was defenetely a talented public speaker to the masses and knew how to motivate ... but that does not...

Of course hatred is a feeling too and of course I can imagine NF or SF being overwhelmmed by feelings of anger and hatred and comitt passion crimes ..such as finding your wife with another man and...

yes , I sympathise so much with others that I feel what they feel ...if they are in pain , I cannot separate myself from them emotionnaly , hurting , breaking up with someone is a nigthmare :-(

you know , it is quiet contradictory but I do enjoy having ENTJ's, donald trump type of boss :-)), as long as they reinforce me on my qualities and achievement but I do respond to pressure and...

yes !! that is it :-) well, indeed , in your case , it was a case of the medecine is harsh but the patient requires it Margarett Thatcher so indeed, sometimes being a bit tougher is worth it ..well...

delete the I am against at the end , it was a typing error btw , what is the name of that businessman, an ENTJ , who says you are fired? :-))

thank you for this :-) perhaps , what you were asking them to do in order to avoid the negative consequences that you had accurately anticipated, was not worth it to them ..or not sufficientely worth...


oooh :-)) may I ask a question , hoping it is not too innapropriate but do ENTP s like dominant qualities in a woman ? All my relationships with ENTP were actually passionnate and intense and a lot...

you have all my respect , your personnality type can relate more to the ENTJ communication style and actually , you are an introvert, so... you have every reason to judge and be criticall towards ...

loool are you talking to the INTJ insulting you ? :-)

have you considered that rather than being unaware , stupid and manipulated , those individuals may actualy want to bond and create intimacy with others , they enjoy creating emotionnal intimacy ,...

Does anyone else find the title of this thread a bit of a turn on ???:-))))))

well, this thread is reallyhot lol nothing gets more firery than extroverted N types arguments.:-) Personnaly , am an ENFP , and I really really get into the most passionnate and intense...

of course it can be part of it too:-)) we are both perceiver considering all possibilities so agreed ;-) I was just sharing my interpretation of sexual intelligence :-)

aaah , I was more thinking of seduction by using sexualy oriented mind games , my ex INTP and I loved that :-))

loool well I donnot know how you normaly speak :-))but you did come accross as very modest yet hightly skilled , disagreeing but not in a I am going to TEACH you or correct you or I am above you ...

or someone with such great communication skills .. and modesty , perhaps a bit too modest actualy :-)

I certainly appreciate your language ..:-) feel free to disagree with me again anytime ! :-)

Your suspicions on me not being a native english are indeed correct .. nonetheless, I completed my Master and lived 8 years in England and , sorry if you find it dissapointing, but, I make just as...

I like that thought :-) but if truth is the perception of facts then it would be interesting to know what influence perception in order to attempt perhaps to get a full complete picture .

that actually turn me on ! :-))))))))))))

indeed , I think we may just about never make peace lool ( am laughing with you not at you) I was not ( to my view that is) using more my Te but less as I was being more aggressive in my...

You are making generalisation and interpretations of my meanings which sorry but indicate that you are not understanding my point at all. Just because non violent communication is not your interest...

the strongest component in ENFP is extraverted intuition , then introverted feeling , extraverted thinking and finally introverted sensing

I use my T or analytical skills in order to understand communications, psychology , building constructive relationships ..my intuitive reasonning is people oriented focused . When I argue that the...

how presomptuous for you to state that you know WHAT IS , when I am talking about my vieuws and functionnings , I am also telling u WHAT IS then . Your definition of thruth seen to be whatever...

First of all , I think we are indeed in the middle of something here . Our communication could be constructive if we both make an effort . I thought that I was making one but apparentely not good...

Are you telling me that I am a poopy head !! :-)))))) see your point but I find it interesting to understand better what makes what personnality type tick and how we sometimes miss the point when...

I must first thank you for telling the truth (whatever that maybe :-)). I do believe you that insult is a strategy rather than an emotionnal response for INTP , at least in most cases but I donnot...

From reading and taking part in the discussion , I donnot share the same interpretations. When he spoke about people's lack of esteem etc , he was referring to the insulting behaviour of some...

Thanks a lot :-) donnot underestimate yourself although modesty is a great quality ;-) I would be interested to know more about what makes you have those views as you seem to be a free thinker ...'