'Your peers are a-holes and you haven't done anything wrong or anything that you should feel ashamed for or that you should have to make yourself smaller for. No one should have to go through what...
Well, I wouldn't suggest moving if you don't have a job first - just apply to them where ever you can. There are also programs you can apply to that provide stipends in return for work (public...
That's great! I'm glad it's going better for you. Things are never an over night clean up when they're important. Hang in there! :)
I don't like asking for help either, but is the only way I have gotten anywhere thus far. Today oftentimes privilege begets privilege, I think unpaid internships should not be allowed/should have...
Haha, Welcome! From your title, I was so sure you were an Ne-dom, you have fooled me, though, which is why I like INFJs.
You haven't gone very in depth about why this is happening apart from mental illness, which I don't want to down play, but if you're in a state where you believe it's possible, I think you should...
I think I relate more to my enneagram type. I tend to click well with anyone with 7 in their tritype :), but with other ENFPs it's more of a hit or miss.
Is there something that's troubling you? I think ENFPs, when the rest of their life-areas are stable, are naturally quite happy. What are you judging/hating yourself for?
It's not childish, it sounds like you have self-respect and expectations about how people should treat you. Your friend handled this immaturely. Even if she didn't want to share a pizza with you,...
Yeah, I was just giving that as a reason for why the average for psych may be lower than business in that study.
Rumination is the worst :(. I think the best thing you might be able to do is giving yourself freedom to just try things out and make mistakes and if you hit a bump, just getting back up and trying...
I would suggest Google Scholar. The last thing I remember reading about along the lines of what you're looking for was several studies examining humans' empathy for robots. Google that if you're...
There are also various jobs that would fall under the psychology umbrella - someone working in the field as therapeutic support staff may not have the same IQ as a licensed psychologist. I do think...
Haha, I agree :wink: and I have seen more ENFP/ENTJ couples (I'm in another one now) than INFP/ENTJ couples, but I'm also young. I could see an ENTJ, softened by a relationship with an ENFP going...
I think it depends on the maturity of both types, and the age of both parties, and assuming that your views of characteristics during one period of time will not change. I went to an MBTI career talk...
Agreed, the American version was not a bad film, given no other context. I just didn't like that they took Larsson's plot and message and cheapened it by making the focal point Salander and her...
Maybe it means I'm crazy, Idk ........ Don't reduce yourself to that. :kitteh: It doesn't give you a place to start solving problems and changing what makes you unhappy. If it would reassure...
Is there any other professional help you can seek out? Keep the toxic people out of your life, take your time when getting to know people and look for signs that they might not be people you want to...
Me toooo :)
It does really depend on what you want your college experience to be like. If you're looking at schools in NYC, I'm sure you already know that the cost of living is extremely expensive, but on the...
no one is responsible for your misery but you I don't think this is necessarily true for children. When you're an adult with the opportunity and resources (or chance of getting them) that will...
As long as Congress remains as divided and unyielding as it is, I think it's going to be a frustrating road ahead, but I am optimistic that things will come right in the end. Economics is never...
I think you might need to start over/delete some videos or create a new channel in addition to the one you have now. You don't really have a focus to your overall channel, and that makes it...
As long as you keep in contact as close as you can to daily, you two will be okay :) Communicate, communicate, communicate. And go in with a positive attitude as much as you can, but you should be...
My INTJ dad was a little like this when I was younger. Not quite to the extent that your dad seems to be, but it was quite unpredictable and unhealthy. He's gotten better as he's gotten older (and...
Stop trying to help other people when you're in a bad place, especially if it's putting you in a worse place in the short and long term. Figure out what's up with you and what you can do about it to...
It may depend on how long you plan on dancing and how old you wanted to be starting your psych career, but I don't see why you couldn't pursue both.. If you do want to go to Juilliard it might pose...
You're welcome :) Grief is a hard thing for everyone to deal with. There are no words, but it's good to say what little you can.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's through the questioning that you can make a clear decision about who you want to be. It should get easier to figure it out as you go, you'll see more and...
Just express your condolences/ say that you are sorry for their loss, and if appropriate, ask for them to let you know if there is anything you can do.
I know INTJs that are very handy and into fixing things.
Haha, I didn't want assume her age. iwrite, don't do that if you're underage.
Sign up for things, clubs, events, etc. Volunteer somewhere. Get in shape, go running, lift weights. Buy/take out books on what you're interested in. See if you can shadow someone with a career...
You're definitely not too old. I know someone who got into film/tv production after college and they are doing quite well for themselves in TV now. If you want to start off in the realistic way, I...
I believe that mood swings are a part of the PTSD diagnosis. I wouldn't try to diagnose yourself with anything, though. You're not an experienced professional. Wait to work with your therapist. ...
Get rid of/Hide everything reminding you of her, delete her number if necessary. Keep her posts from coming up on your social media. Exercise, remain active socially, keep yourself busy. Movies can...
I think the main difference that I have noticed between INFPs and ENFPs is that even the more reserved ENFPs have the 'silly switch', where Ne just plays and interacts with the environment, and then...
I think 7s enjoy doing well and being the best (if they care to do so) for the experience of it and opportunities opened because of doing well, not for the purpose of one-upping people. Although we...
I don't know what you did, but honestly, it shouldn't matter as long as you didn't hurt anyone else. Have you been around on the internet? Have you seen My Strange Addiction (Tv show I've never...
The majority of the things you feel jealous of are things you can work to achieve, or at least put yourself in a better position than you are in now. And take pride in the fact that you got yourself...
You are a good friend :crying:
You can try taking post-bacc classes, or if you go on to get a Masters just try to bring that GPA up. It is a very competitive job market right now, but it really depends on what field you're...
Just talk. We are generally pretty friendly/open/accepting, and we like nice people. I have some wonderful INFJ friends :happy:
Ahaha. This took such a long time. Thanks everybody!
If his blackouts occur when he is drinking, it is not dissociative identity disorder (newer term for MPD, encapsulates what the disorder is more accurately). His blackouts are most likely caused by...
My parents don't have the best relationship and my first serious long term relationship was terrible, too. Instead of making these experiences the basis of my expectations for future relationships,...
This sounds like a terrible situation. Her friend should ideally not be in a relationship like that and could probably use some professional help to deal with why she stays/is attracted to that kind...
I can relate to a certain extent with what you've gone through. It sounds like you've come a long way in terms of acceptance and forgiveness, and that's no small feat. It also sounds like your...
Many people struggle with this, so you are not alone, and yes, it does get better with age. Don't compare yourself with other people :( It's so unhelpful. You should only be competing with yourself....'