'Lmaoo, I didnt know we had a patented bitch slap, but I am glad to hear it
1.) What do you do? I'm a Digital Marketing Manager 2.) How long have you been doing it? and A little over a year
Fearful avoidant or Dismissive avoidant?
Below a 3.0 is the point at which it becomes damn near impossible to get any decent work after graduation. Assuming no interruptions, I can do 4000 words in 15hrs at the level you're talking. The...
Lol, this is sort of a weird question because the only thing that makes me an ENFP is the arrangement of my cognitive functions. Being an ENFP is less about who I am, and more about how I perceive...
Structure only becomes a problem for me when it's accompanied by monotony, and gross authority.
Ah, okay, this is what I thought you meant. I suffer from a dissociative disorder, and so most often I enter a dissociative state involuntarily, but it is something I can do at will provided the...
Can you explain your definitions of real self and actual self a little more, this all sounds interesting, but I'm not totally sure I grasp all you're trying to say.
Lol, I love this, but I think that's a bit before my time. Are you building something, bud? It's one of my greater strengths
Of course, but as soon as I get bored it's on to the next person... yeah, I've been called an asshole. Makes perfect sense. And I so identify with being able to see those we know in someone...
JMurph Did you ever give that guy a second chance, or figure out if you interpreted the vibes correctly?
During my last period of introspection I realized something about myself, and I'm not sure how best to put it in words but I'll try. My thinking is this: people vibe at different frequencies, right?...
I'm currently in marketing, and I make apps and stuff on the side, and I'm a project management for a few short term ventures. I want to be a serial entrepreneur, a career of just building businesses...
FreeBear What kind of setup do you have that you managed to get those sweet macro shots?
Sure, I mean how is this any less arbitrary than dating someone because you enjoy the same music, or happen to be at the same bar?
Sounds like my four years in high school, lol
I identify with this bit a lot. I have this irresistible desire to antagonize people I don't respect. I'm an enneagram 2, btw.
https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/12145433_1705276496375358_1692880779_n.jpg https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/12139620_954966734562815_217002474_n.jpg...
I never understood this position. No one's holding a gun to your head, you're not obligated to do anything. And no one's telling you how to celebrate Valentine's. The day is what you make of it, do...
Lol, while it may be comforting to believe that this is uniquely an ENFP thing, I gotta tell you this is actually a pretty common occurrence, so common in fact there's a name for it, Ghosting.
I'm a bit confused, if there isn't anything wrong with you talking, why'd he bring it up? I mean are you cutting people off, or making them uncomfortable? Have other people complained? Because the...
I agree, that's not the part of I have trouble with.. this is what I have trouble with: See, I believe you can fill an action or quality with affection, but I do not believe that anything is...
I know with me and online dating, I can become disinterested if all we do is text. I hate communicating online, I need face to face conversation. And if after a few days we haven't agreed to meet,...
If you're attributing all the positive qualities of a relationship to affection, what's there to discuss?
http://56.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6wrxwOQuh1qggwnvo1_1280.jpg “Some girl asked if I sold drugs. So I asked her if she sold slaves.”
It reads like you're saying that relationships based on, and full of affection are invulnerable to the obstacles and challenges so often responsible for the end of friendships and romances.You say...
Misa - Deathnote Eren - Attack on Titan Hideyoshi - Tokyo Ghoul Armstrong - Fullmetal Alchemist Aang - Avatar Last Airbender Happy, Gildarts, Lucy - Fairy Tail Shanks, Gold Roger - One...
I'm convinced.
I know he's an introvert, and I see Fi & Ne. I have to say INFP
I don't need music to dance
You based these typings off of what, may I ask?
Skip to 1:30 (It's a long instrumental) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B6E0mijV5A
I feel like everyone else is constantly running system checks, and diagnostics in the back of their mind. Where as I have to run those processes manually. Figuring out that I'm tired, or hungry, or...
Ugh >_> This is gonna be stuck in my head forever, lol
I actually have a ton of brothers and sisters, the eldest has me by 10 years, the one I was born after has me by 6. And so it's interesting to read this, because I grew up drawing from their...
Well, you can't claim a religion when you don't follow it's beliefs, you know what I mean? That's like calling myself a vegetarian while continuing to consume meat. It's not even a misnomer, it's a...
DC, specifically vertigo. Really mature, really meaningful storytelling
It's not a name I've heard used a lot, but I know Chin sometimes means weed. So maybe Chuck my Chins isn't an idiom, maybe they're saying I'm so normal I'd throw all my pot away
Ooo, I wish I had that sort of consistency in my life. I never know what my week's gonna look like until Tuesday.
From How to tell an Extrovert from an Introvert in the Digital Age?
I degree with your definition of prejudice.
I just laughed out loud. I'm done here, lmaoo
This thread should've been closed on page 1. And this idea you have, that you're speaking some sort of objective truth, is bullshit. Just so you know.
Is it against forum rules to tell you to go fuck yourself?
Their societies are dysfunctional...mainly because of pervasive corruption Corruption perpetuated by European powers. The fact that you didn't state that perpetuates the idea that Black and...
For Perpetuating the idea that Black and Brown cultures are violent. That is racist. I do not call you a racist to insult you or out of malice. I call you a racist so that you can assess your...
AmandaLee flummoxed RantnRave I don't have much patience for racist, but I'll try and speak with the respect you refuse to give black and brown people. There has never been a greater enemy of...
I can literally dance to anything, and to that extent, I don't ever mind what the DJ is playing. But when the goal isn't to dance, when the goal is to feel something, powerful vocals and meaningful...'