
Diplomats ENFP

Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

'From day 1, Miss. Even tho I initially thought you had an issue with me. 😱:shocked:

Nah, you're only any good because of the mod status. :tongue:

Pssst...I love you ladies/guys :). Off to work...boo!!

You should work on your ability to interact with others in an innoffensive manner. Did I miss part of the discussion? Maybe. Don't have time to read through 5 pages and filter through. I have a...

You're using champion in the wrong form when ratings g it to ENFP, I believe. champion noun [C] (SUPPORT) x9b a person who enthusiastically supports, defends, or fights for a belief or principle:

This is such a load of bs I can barely contain myself. I find the need to make decisions without the consideration of emotions to be more illogical than always making decisions based solely on...

Try a 3-6 month legal/agreed upon separation. See if your husband would agree to that. Pick a date that it ends and have no contact or limited contact with each other. If after 6 months you...

That's awesome..congratulations!!

indigo moon I relate to so much of this...but, sadly, I'm not there yet myself. I've still got some work to do...but this was inspiring to read and, as he said^^^, absolutely beautiful. Thank...

Morning sickness: Causes, concerns, treatments | BabyCenter I know my mom, cousins and sister (lived with or spoke to all about pregnancy) swore by gingerale. Also, staying hydrated seemed to help.

When you upload, uncheck the box that says allow PerC to store file locally or something like that. You'll see it. Or...type the code [ img ]insert url here[/ img ] but with no spaces.

Why can't you?

What about the INFPs?

I'll see yo rap and I raise you fiddy Sorry ass rhymes jus' like p-diddy you ain't got shit to give me you came in yappin yapping All I see is gums flappin' flappin' thinkin' you might win's...

When I think back to that day The tears that fell so easily And all the anger washed away But what once was would never be When you looked deep into my eyes We both saw eachother naked ...

What sucks is...the charity is not gaining from others' dislike of her. Too bad....really. Even bad people do good things...and she seems to be here. Like her or not, I'd prob donate just to help the...

Dear kittycatwindow, I think, maybe, you're overanalyzing which maybe what often leads to your social anxiety/awkwardness in the first place. Do they even wish to talk? They probably only...

In many cases, it's because they don't want you to see details.

Yeah....I like INTJs better than INTJs too

' Whoa...I wasn't upset with you...not at all. I appreciated your frankness. I just think not including the contrasting good points is similar to taking comments out of context. It can paint a...

Try clearing cookies, history and cache, then searching. Also, start the search question off with science question''. ...

Lol, me too... Had to remove it....too warm. Now I'm stuck in a v-neck white t-shirt and look....well, not as I'd like . Ahhh well.

While there's some truth within the stereotypes you've given, they're very much generalizations and fail to take into consideration the utter loathing we have for disappointing people we care about....


See...I just read it and thought Awwwe...scientists with an overactive imagination and a god complex. That's cute, but common. :tongue:

Yeah...in my teens and early twenties, I had this really hard shell. Those who knew me well knew I had a sensitive and caring side but, others thought I was a fun, cool guy you just shouldn't mess...

I wonder if it's one they slide out of...push in and slide

Thank you...this was I don't know...just..thank you.. Looking at it, it seems dramatic the way I wrote it but it was literally what happened. He's sensititve but, YA know, this summer...he's shown...

Love the advice..I told him. He broke down momentarily, but composed himself fairly quickly. I made a mistake, and told him while we were driving. But, when I asked how school was, he said good,...

Borderline personality disorder or BiPolar disorder? Both are bad, unmanaged, I believe. But, the worst part about BiPolar is getting someone with it to see they need treatment, from what I've...

I was thinking similar in regards to how introspective and deep her posts often are. Even the simpler posts are often so thought provoking. She has an ENFP fan, too.

Thank you, so much. And, sorry FePa ... Thank you too

Tap menu on top left of home screen 199282 Tap exit 199290 Tap ok 199298

Agreed on being old enough. He's just a really sensitive kid. I guess just curious on approach. She had a stroke and fell down stairs last night. He knows there was an accident but the decision was...

Anybody have advice for how to tell an 11 year old his aunt has died? I think I have this...I went through it enough as a kid..but, any advice on what to do/not to do would be greatly...

Prob too late but, Advil Cold and Sinus always takes the foggy head edge off well enough for me to function. If you have time/means to, I'd pick some up...it's behind the pharmacy counter because of...

I lost my father when I was 8 months, my stepfather when I was 9 yrs...and, my mom to Cancer 9 years ago... if you need someone who might....maybe...understand a little..I'd be happy to lend an...

King...c'mon. What is this BS?!?! I'd be sorry if you didn't ! If you didn't live 1300 miles south of me, we'd have beer together a lot....even thogh I don't really drink anymore. You're...

Damn you, Wanderlust94.:tongue:

Write her a note expressing your interest...but, keep it short. End it with, There's so much more I could say...that I want to say, but I'd much rather say it to you than write it... Maybe we...

Fall in love with someone who: -Is passionate enough to fight when they believe they're right....but humble enough to admit/concede when they're wrong -Someone unafraid to say your wrong who...

You're still the man!

You crazy.

Just move to New Hampshire, U.S. then, I won't be too far.

You work for a tire company, by chance? Edit:nevermind...just saw the beer and smokes comment.

Post it in both. Fuggit.

lol....I didn't mean I just moved here. I've been in New Hampshire foralmost 15 years. I grew up in Connecticut.I still go down to visit family all the time. you are right that we have not had very...

I moved from CT, where its more mild for New England Weather, to NH......How bright I?

Didn't realize you were a fellow New Englander.

:shocked: Deal. :mellow::proud:'