Just did a test and I came out most definitely a type 2w1. 89330
Indeed, I found it very helpful- thank you! From reading what you said, it seems I probably am more of an Fi-user than an Fe-user. While I definitely feel other people's emotions and I'm incredibly...
Lulz. okay.
Awww thanks! I appreciate your comment. I also love your username. It sounds delightful. I appreciate that as well. *nods*
Based on this description of the ENFPs, I'm probably a type 4... How do I determine my wings?
Indeed, thank you so much for sharing. I know I definitely don't feel like I fit in with most ENFPs... O_o so maybe this will help...
Well I want to learn! Teach me, dearie. TEARCH MEEEE
ZOMG COMPLICATED. I'll probably need it explained to me several more times. Sorry. :[
I AET LLAMAS. Just kidding. *hug*
Awww I'm so glad! I hope I did. O_o
Heyyy lady brah how goes it?!? ntm? eh whatevs yo. Life's good brah. srsly.
Robert, I know about the cognitive functions, I have read somewhat extensively on them. The reason I posted this thread was because after studying the functions, I realized I do not only use the...
*wince* I don't like asking for tests , but is there a better way to find out your enneagram numbers? I have absolutely no idea whatsoever. What IS Enneagram? something completely independent of...
I feel like there is some kind of similarity that many ENFPs share in the eyes... A certain look we all have, a mixture of inquisitive, adventurous, mischievous and dramatic...
My unicorn nose isn't so sure. We need more objective ways of knowing! How do I *know* if I am zees ENFJ?
Good looking. lol
Unicorns are extinct, it's time to move on. I love your avatar by the way.
Good evening my friends. I have long thought myself to be an ENFP, but recent developments seem to have shown otherwise. I've taken plenty of tests, and I'm not really interested in doing more....
I don't know what happened, sorry. Anyways, here are the pics I meant to share: 89089 BLOO cardigan. 89090 BLOO eyeball.
Technical stuff that it made me delete for some reason and I'm writing from my phone so idk. This is a quote haha: Haha, okay, no. I was a little bored and felt like playing with you. Anyway,...
Violator Rose- thank you! Your name is powerful and interesting. Due to your flattery, you have permission to join my dragon army. *bows*
Volant, your name is lovely, and you make me think of a summer breeze. Thanks for the welcome! You are the first person to speak to me here on personality cafe. *bows, then runs up and gives you a...
I wanted to declare that I have arrived, so you can all prepare yourself. My name is Josh and I am pleased to greet you. Something interesting. Le odd face: 89060
89051 DURR GLASSES. 89052 The infamous Eye Smile.
WOOP ENFP selfies! Here's a couple iPhone pics of yours truly. 89046 Selfie with new-ish haircut... This was during the summer. 89047 I think this is the typical ENFP smile right? 89048...
Oh... Also. Read the last few pages that made me think of a couple things. 1) sagging pants is the biggest evil when it comes to basic guy's fashion. 2) if my shoes are brown leather, then my...
Epic. Well said, brother. haha
For my style, I really value reflecting my personality in my clothing... I prefer blacks and grays, and I love to put together an outfit with a predominately dark color scheme contrasted with one...
Hmm okay. I'm a new member so I guess I'll start off by trying to introduce myself. This is the right place to do it? What do I prefer to be called? Josh. lol Nicknames? Old man, Foli,...'