
Diplomats ENFP

Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

'Ahhw! Cutee :D And funny that you somehow still have the same facial expression now ;)

Glad you got over it! But yeah there are many different types of asthma and all have different cures... Im looking specifically at the effect of rhinovirus (causer of common cold) on asthmatics...

581794 581802 581810 Me likes animals :proud:

haha so trueee :P But I would follow orders from anyone if it would help us achieve world peace And usually people see me as the most independent person they have ever met Soo there might be a...

I feel weird.... I'm in a sort of trance listening to guitar music and this feeling overwhelmed me: I feel very in touch with nature and I have a wish to truly be part of it... Going for a swim...

I agree with this post! My communication style is a bit different from what you describe in your ENFP so I don't think it is the same for everyone... But for me it also takes a long time before I...

My current job is being a PhD student :D And in my research project I'm trying to find a cure for asthma And I'm pretty happy with this job :D although it's a bit stressful and too busy sometimes...

These reasons here seem all pretty plausible to me! If you want to figure out which one it is, it would be the easiest to just ask if he might want to go for a coffee with you or something like...

First I want to say: There is nothing wrong with you! Many young people (especially the more sensitive ones) go through a face like this in their life. You are definitely not the only one!! *Big...

I've been in a long term relationship with an ISTJ and two ESFJ (all with some problems with talking about their feelings :P) I never could have predicted falling for an ISTJ guy since I honestly do...

INTPs have a really cool personality type as well in my opinion so I'll return you the compliment :D Feels a bit weird to accept a compliment on that 'we ENFPs are amazing' since I'm not sure if...

I switched feeling a lot younger than I actually am and feeling much older :P Depends on the situation XD... In my enthusiasm for sure I'm muuuuch younger ;) But in being responsible and giving...

Tape!! Anytime :D Although I have to say I like the type of glue you can use for photographs... you can put glue on you fingers and make glue balls out of it :D (Which is fun) But with tape you...

Same here ;)

I'm so sorry to hear :(! It's so stupid how we ENFPs work sometimes.... I'm a healthy young ENFP and I for sure can enamoured by just one person for a longer time (longest so far 4 years)...

Thnx :D And I know... Every day I wake up and look out my window and see these mountains I think: Wooww :D (Im originally from the Netherlands, where everything is absolutely flat :P... also...

Awhh So cute :D

It's really cute how you talk about her :D Just wanted to say that ;) But yes ENFP girls, including myself, can be horrible with giving signs. For us giving attention to people and make physical...

People!! Nice songs :D Thnx!! Special thanks: Great song! never heard of it before!! His voicee in combination with the guitar is just like perfection :P It feels as if the black keys...

Haha no I don't think there is something wrong with you ;) I'm also not that good in seeing peoples hidden motives... Mostly because I don't want to see it ;) I'm a very optimistic person and I...

Hii tttekev!! Cool to see you here on this forum! I love your video's :D!! I especially loved the video where you described ENFP's with Eric in the room! So funny ;) My ennagram type is also 2...

Welcome here!!! And it's always nice to read what the MBTI did for you! I think everyone sometimes thinks their insane :P I sometimes too think that I'm completely insane and I'm an ENFP (much...

I was thinking the same :D!

That's indeed really sweet!! I would not resent someone for doing so... I might be a bit upset and hurt or disappointed, so at fist it might seem like this But for sure I would also be grateful...

Why do you think drugs are bad? I do agree that they are not for all people and I truly understand that some people don't want to try them.... But I would not consider them to be bad in general......

Hi Nyla! Chronic illnesses suck! I've been chronically ill myself for 3 years. Docs couldn't find out what was wrong with me the first year. Till they finally found out it was Lyme's disease......

Same here! I really can't XD...... But in general I after a breakup I can move on quite quickly! But I don't want to lose the person out of my life, so I always try to stay in contact with them ...

You are very welcome! Glad that I could help a bit! And I totally agree.. telling her via a text is not a good idea ;) So indeed for now it seems best to try to move on..... I hope you'll be able...

Want a hug ^^? (If yes: *Hugs the Trollmaster*)

Well many ENFPs are not that good in noticing someone likes them (Even if it is super obvious to the rest of the world). It's kind of a blind spot sometimes.... So unless you tell her, you are not...

I just love it when objects have eyes :D  Reminds me of this (I still would really like to do this sometime XD):  http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/1786635_700b.jpg

Thank you :redface-new:

Yes INTJs are so nice to have around when your head is racing :D They are always able to calm me down indeed :D

I have to say, I've never been a fan of going to a doctor either And usually I'm also like... nahh there is nothing wrong!! Why go? It doesn't bother me (It has been said about ENFPs that...

... when you were planning to go to bed, but all of a sudden this extremely catchy song popped into your head and you just had to go and listen to it to 'get it out of your system', but then you...

Wow so many beautiful people here :D Few pictures from me: 370210370218 And me in my natural habitat: 370226370234

I think there is a big difference.... If you don't care about someone (neither loving/hating) you still can show love to someone (false love). Hating always comes from caring about something...

Yes!!! I have that all the time...:frustrating: I think soo much about everything that my mind sometimes really feels like bursting.... My ways of coping are : - Share my thoughts with some...

Mostly the same for me :D although shoulders are usually fine with me as well, but feet... NEVER! The neck depends a bit... If i see it coming it's ok.. but if someone all of a sudden puts a label...

I would not consider that recreational either no.... :( And I completely respect the fact that you don't want to try them for this purpose (I can understand this very well ;))! (I would prefer you...

Silk âx80x93 Interactive Generative Art 369778 (just a random thing I made with the tool in +/- 30 seconds :D) Oh and I love this video clip! Would love to join in on this :D dancing around in...

And what about Alcohol, have you ever used that? (It was listed in the post that alcohol did not count, but for me it does :P). I always find it really interesting that so many people respond to the...

I want to give you a hug now... Makes me feel sad you have such a bad body image of yourself..... I somehow can relate to your story.... I also want to look good, but do not want to attract people...

Yesss! I'm very ambitious! I want to do something useful with my self in this live! Until now I've dedicated myself to science and specifically the bio-medical field. I hope by bringing more...

For me the same! And they somehow are always able to calm me down when I'm in a hyper energetic mode or when I'm really stressed :D ENFPs and INTJs balance each other out I guess... That's why...

*Looks at Ifeelinsane from a distance* *Estimates how well she could handle a: jumping i'm really exited hug* *Guesses... yeah she can handle it :D* *Runs towards Ifeelinsane, jumps towards her...

Haha I don't know what kind of laughter I have... It really depends how much I have to laugh :D I usually do not make that much noise when I laugh, more that you hear the air coming out of my nose...

Hi Darek! Welcome to this forum! I'm an ENFP so Ill try to answer some of your questions! For me it doesn't really matter what kind of person I have in front of me... If they are nice to me and...

Same here! Although I would not like the idea of someone truly hating me... For sure I would want to rather have someone say they hate me and they mean it than that they love me while they don't ...

This is a loottt like me! I'm the idiot who is able to give my phone number to a guy who is all over me without noticing this at allll And then later when a love confession follows I'm like: OMG...'