
Diplomats ENFP

Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

'Haha I see ^^ I guess on the 1st look at the ISTJ description, you won't accept it at first for some people but you'll just learn to accept it. Although some ISTJs I know are very happy once they...

Thanks! Oh INFPs. My INFP bff is actually here in perc. I'm not sure if you know her though. Yeah at first my sis was not accepting that the description of istj was like... It revolves around...

Hello.... Enfp here ^_^ Just wanting to meet and greet some of you folks. I don't know much about this personality but I do have an ESFJ friend (not that close though). I see her as a party person...

Hi. Uh... An ENFP here ^_^ Just saying hi to the ESTJs out there. I dunno much about this personality but I want to know more. I also wanted to make ESTJ friends so... Yeah... Hi ^_^ *waves*

Helloooow. Enfp here, just saying Hi to you ISFJs there ^_^ I don't know much about your type but I'm a little familiar with it coz it's my mom's personality type. As far as I know, you guys are...

Hi ISTJs ^_^ ENFP here. I'm just saying Hi to the ISTJs out there. I'm really interested in your personality type coz my sis is an ISTJ. And it amazes me how... Business minded, practical, and......

My BFF Azalea Sho is actually an INFP. I talk to her everyday and yeah I guess she brings out my FI I guess o.o She loves deep convos about everything. So no choice but to... You know... Sounds...

Yes of course. But they also agreed that their result was very accurate to them. They also did research about the traits. Although their reasearch wasn't much extensive as someone who is interested...

Awww I want a duet mate hahaha

Yeah hahaha I'm going to add you then XD I'm also kinda new here

Welcome to the forums! ^_^

Sorry it's just my word for please don't get angry. My bad with slangs I asked them to take the personality test and then they turned out to be INTJs. They also agreed to the traits ^^ I'm...

Chill ^^ I don't believe INTJs don't smile either ^^ In fact, I have 3 intj friends irl and they all smile XD I also didn't say you didn't smile, coz you clearly said that you did. I'm just...

Oooh thanks for the clear definition. Hmmm I guess it's hard to immagine a type 1 enfp ^^ but I guess it's interesting haha ^_^ My third one is also 7 :) I can't get to the finish line too XD...

Correct! -nods-

Hmmm. I don't know. Being good at reading people and being good at manipulation are one of ENFPs major traits. I'm trying to review my life and think if somehow I do have those traits. But...

*raises hands* don't shoot! We mean no harm. I would like us to...... Be Friends <3 ^_^

Sorry. Are there any*** XD Times new roman and helvetica? Hmm I guess that suits INTJs o. O Other than comic sans, if the other fonts are available, I like Lucinda's Handwriting but it's kinda...

You havent posted in the ENFP! xDD

Hi and welcome! I'm an ENFP :) I'm kinda new as well. My bff is an infp. Hope we can be friends XD

Hi and welcome! ^_^

Hi Ms INTP! Nice to met you ^_^ I'm an ENFP

Hi! I havent met an ENTP before ^_^ do u guys really like debates? O. O

Hiiii!!! Nice to meet you! ^_^ I hope we can be friends. (wait, that sounded awkward o. o)

I don't think he's super interested too. I think he's just trying to be nice or something. I think... It's fine with him if you guys meet up (doesn't mean he is totally against it) but he's not yet...

Welcome!!!! ^_^ Oh my shocks!!! Theatre!! Do you like musicals? I love musicals! <3

I'm chill ^^ I'm just proclaiming your awkward smile and you being a lost button to the world wahahaha >:D

Lol the effort with the rainbows XD but yeah I'm just saying how she is irl. (idk if it offended her but she shouldnt wahahaha, jk) Yeah... I mean the cold or straightface personalities...

Guys XD Pink font and how she is in PerC posts doesn't mean she's ENFP. I can be all formal as long as I like and you can't say I'm not an ENFP coz I am. Remember that INFPs are often misunderstood?...

Hi Mr. Infj ^_^ Welcome to our thread :D

Hi and thanks! Actually, my bff irl is an INFP ^_^ I think she's more normal than me haha Wow. Great observation about the font. Hmm good question. Actually, I haven't thought about how it...

Hi and thanks! Actually, my bff irl is an INFP ^_^ I think she's more normal than me haha Wow. Great observation about the font. Hmm good question. Actually, I haven't thought about how it...

At least you have a naturally smiling face :D Excessive punctuation smiles, cutesy animals/faces..... Is it overwhelming in a bad way or good way? O. O I mean.. Do you guys get annoyed? Q. Q ...

Hiiii!!! ^_^ How are you? Hi INTP! How are you doing today? Ehhh? I'm not cute at all o///o but okay XD tnx haha Yep I'm Asian. From the Philippines to be exact <3

Thanks! Not really not understand with a specific question in mind. Just here to observe I guess? Or how INTJs are in terms of... Conversation I guess? XDDDD Oooohhhhh.. . I don't think it...

Haha I think his reason for leaving them was because he got tired of them XD I forgot but I think that's it. I have no idea why he's proud of that XD No worries, he hasnt talked to me since I...

I mean, whenever I try to add you, it says that we're already friends although we're not

Here is my picture with the word ENFP ^-^ 377433377473377481377489377497

Hahaha I also have my own opinions and stuffs but I guess it's not that strong. I still entertain what other think and see it as a possibility. But it doesn't always sway ny first belief. I don't...

-waiting for explanation-XD Well I guess I am kind of calm bubbly. I mean I'm bubbly, but I'm not a party person I think XD and I don't know a lot of people in everywhere I go haha. I mean I love...

Awwwwhope do. I'm more of a house person XD

As friends who loves talking to each other a lot from small talk to the deep ones, what do INFP and ENFP usually fight/disagree about?

Lol hi ^_^ cool picture

Yeah you had a good answer but I want a better one XD He's almost always gone. I'll do it next time

It says we're already friends :)

Hi! I'm an ENFP XD but you know that coz we're friends IRL. I like to be friends with other INFPs too XD

Cool! You have the same hobbies as my ISTP friends in terms of visual arts, reading, and listening to music =D Thanks thanks =) especially for sharing the hobbies part. ^_^ Lololol I see. I...

I see I see. One more question, haha sorry. I think my ISTP friends are more of a home-person. At least the people that I know loves to be at home than outside. One likes, reading manga, watching...

Hi!! So I just want to know what's the description of ENFP 9w8 and how does it differ from 9w1 and other ENFPs? Thanks! =)

Wait. Whats LARP? My shocks! Terminologies!'