'I feel like I'm a lot of 2 and a little bit of 3/4. (Yes I know 3 and 4 are meant to be 'opposites')
Tropical is Taurus, Vedic is Aries, and I act like so much more of an Aries.
I have to be reminded to act like a lady a lot. Mostly from my mother. I use manners and I'm polite but I honestly don't care if I'm being too loud or if I'm not sitting properly. I'd prefer to...
I always get Neutral Good or True Neutral.
I'm doing pretty ok. I procrastinate a lot (I'm literally in English class right now, I'm supposed to be editing my paper), but I do pull through with mostly A's and one or two B's here and there. I...
I'm in high school right now (like, literally right now. I am typing this in the middle of biology.) and I get pretty good grades (Straight A's last term, except for one B in geometry) I have no...
I'm an ENFP. Sun is Taurus, Moon is Virgo, and rising is Cancer
I think it depends on the guy a lot of the time, really. Like, I'll either be super flirty and girly, or I'll try and act arrogant and mysterious, or I'll just play along with the guy and make jokes....
Ok, so I love this show as well, but I mostly focus on Mabel. I know a lot of the replies on here type her as an ENFP (which I completely agree with) but I see a lot typing her as an ESFP because she...
Yeah, no it's definitely ESTJs. ENTJs I can deal with for a little while, but ESTJs make me wanna throw myself down several flights of stairs.
I don't find myself being attracted to ESFPs ever, at least romantically. When an ENFP and ESFP are together, it's sort of like a big explosion of energy. So, it'll be fun at first but it will die...
I'm a little odd in the fact that I LOVE being in like big groups of people for hours on end, but when I'm with a small group of people, I run out of things to say and I'm ready to take off pretty...
Thanks whoever replied! I think it helped just to type it out and actually articulate it
Yeah, while I was writing this, I was trying to remind myself not to get too stereotype-y with the whole ENTP stuff, because everybody is capable of emotions, etc. Thanks!
Hey, so for the longest time, I've tested as an ENFP, and it's been super accurate. But, as of late, I've been noticing I'm a lot less feel-y. Nothing happened that would've made me less feel-y, but...
Gender: Female Hair Color: Brown with a bunch of different colors depending on the lighting Hair Style: It's like halfway down my back, so I usually just brush it and leave it down, and then I'll...
Preach it.
I am perfectly chill with Fe itself, but Fe users make me want to... like strangle a penguin or something. Especially my ENFJ and INFJ friends. My ENFJ friend is always like trying to help people,...
Ugh, yeah for sure. A lot of times people will say stuff about how they're feeling and I care about it but I'm not like Stop the conversation, I need to help you right now! I'll just keep up the...
Preach it, OP. My mother is the exact same way. She always has this smug look whenever she says anything to me.
I'm gonna go ahead and agree and say ENTP. For a while back I was like 'oh, nah son. He's an ENFP' (I'm an enfp, so I just tend to automatically assume my favorite people are also ENFPs) but then I...
I have a friend who is an INFJ. Honestly, she acts like she knows better than everyone, thinks she's always right, and then gets bitter and irritated when she's proven wrong. She also tends to tell...
Usually just my family because they all pester me and I'm just like...'Waterbugs.'
1. Verbal/Physical 2. ENFP 3. Yeah, in movies (ignore my signature it needs to be edited)
You know what delicious and flavorful food I love? Bran muffins.
I think i misunderstood how i was sposed to post. Oh god, ignore everything i do im sorry.
7w6-9w1-4w5 so/sp. (I'm pretty sure I'd be so/sp, but not sure on that....) Also, could ya'll just ignore my signature on this post? thanks.
Euuuggghhhhh.... I really dislike him. Always have. From what I've heard he's rude, inconsiderate, and just a big baby-and not in a good way. Also, his music annoys me. He just seems like a (pardon...
Everybody should have like... a 'spirit animal' (literally) to follow them around all day. Mine would be a dolphin. A tiny one I keep in a fish bowl. His name would be Enrique.
Death to all pants.
Well, first I would get somebody else to clean up the poo, then I would Febreeze the crap out of the room. Next, I would start planning my revenge. Then I would get my revenge by leaving 5 bags of...
Me too! My mother always chides me for it.
I like kicking walls and throwing stuff at my bookcase when I'm angry, because I think the loud sound satisfies me. I also cry really ugly-like until I have a headache, or listen to sad music until...
Rock dat boat, gurll! Also, funny story, we've been writing fictional narratives in English, and my story was sort of like this whole situation. Hm.
Violet, Lavender, Abstract Tan
Well, I have the attention span of a squirrel when I read long posts that don't seem very interesting to me. But if I was going to read, say, a long post about the origins of the unicorn, I'd...
Aw, thanks! God, everyone here just drinks like ten gallons of awesome a day! ^_^
13. Why?
Thank you very much! :)
Uh. Cure cancer? Maybe become successful in business, and become a millionaire, then have the biggest party ever.
7w8, 4w5, 9w1. I don't know what the butt this 'Stacking' shananigans though, soo.
Hello! Question! I edited this post BTW, so the title isn't accurate anymore. Anyhow, what's Enneagram Stacking? Can someone explain?
Ooh. My area of expertise. Well.... If you're a little bit on the shy side, just drop him a text, and say 'Hey, I like you, will you go out with me?' because, it takes a little while for us to notice...
That is beautiful. :')
Well. The resort would probably have to be themed, otherwise we'd get bored. At least I would. It would sprawling across beautiful beaches and rolling green hills. There would be at least 4...
I take it back. I was thinking about my friend, I made her do that test at school on Wednesday. Whoops. I just retook it, and my brain was just like.... oh, WHOOPS, go to the Shame Corner. This is...'