'I'm bringing this thread back because we have new enfps on the forum now and I'd like to see how they respond.... I've heard that enfp men prefer NT women but this thread seems to indicate...
I agree. and I'm sure we have had an NF president I just cant think of one at the moment. It seems we have had almost every type as president. An NF woman president would be nice!
Obama is such an NTJ. I would guess entj. People think he's enfp because of his motivational speeches. He must have had NF writers. Because if you look at how he actually solves problems he's very...
He's esfp but he understands N topics very well and unlike the majority of other S types actually enjoys discussing them. If you look at how he interacts with ppl he's very esfp. He used to stay up...
Don't worry about letting your quirky nerdy side show. That is likely to spark his interest. If something really interests an enfp you've got him. With NP types they look for someone who is...
I thought you wanted a friends with benefits situation? From this thread sounds like you are looking for a bf. Be clear about what you want early on. Enfps are sensitive and if he gives his heart to...
What's your style? also how do you define being in love? Do you think that in love is infatuation plus deeper feelings or can you be in love if you aren't super duper attracted to the person? Does...
No just instant messenger.
That's fine. Send me an email with a short description of your problem and we'll go from there.
Ok so I have developed some Fi techniques to help people pin-point the root cause of their issues. I need someone to dialogue with me over aim or skype. I've helped ppl with these techniques before...
The rest of the book is done except for this part.
No I already did all that. I just didnt save it. what I'm really needing is a few ppl to walk through the steps to show how it is done step-by-step.
Ok so I have developed some Fi techniques to help people pin-point the root cause of their issues. I need someone to dialogue with me over aim or skype. I've helped ppl with these techniques before...
Ok so I have developed some Fi techniques to help people pin-point the root cause of their issues. I need someone to dialogue with me over aim or skype. I've helped ppl with these techniques before...
Ok so I have developed some Fi techniques to help people pin-point the root cause of their issues. I need someone to dialogue with me over aim or skype. I've helped ppl with these techniques before...
I agree, I think she is infj or isfj.
Robert Downey Jr is soooo ENTP not ENFP!!
So did it work out? Did you end up in a relationship with him?
Best friend is enfp 2nd - infj 3rd - enfp 4th - enfp 5th - intp 6th - esfj 7th - intp 8th - istj I also really like entjs. Have recently met some that I perceive will become close friends...
Is it fast or does it take months? Is it usually with a friend, someone you've known in the past or is it with someone new and exciting? How much do looks, personality, and emotional depth play a...
anyone else willing to help me with this? I'd like to get multiple perspectives...
Yeah this doesn't sound like a relationship but more like a parent!! Relationships between two adults shouldn't be like a parent-child relationship. There should be mutual respect and enough trust...
Anyone I can pm and ask the question to? Your help is greatly appreciated.
Souled In Hey do you mind taking my name of our your post? (If possible) I like staying anonymous on here...I know I have a pic up but I can remove it at any time, which is nice.
Yeah I wasn't sure what to call it. It's more like a speech I guess.
I Hear the World Cry There is a lot of suffering in the world People try to cover it up with blame If the person had just been responsible they say They would never find themself in this...
These may be the same thing but maybe not. I know sometimes we are naturally attracted to people and things that may not be right for us. For instance I was naturally attracted to NTs growing up but...
I need a flyer designed for my MBTI group that I started.
Would love to view some of your work and maybe hire you for a project if you're interested.
I don't feel like spilling all my personal details all over the net but have a relationship question involving a guy I'd like to have some help with. Anyone willing to help me out?
Yes. I've run into problems with guys wanting me to sleep with them right away. Even though I explained to them I wanted to get to know them first they tried to pressure me into it. So that sucked....
This code would work if your wife were also keeping it, but she's not. From what you've said about her it doesn't sound like she considers you at all.
Castration is dangerous to your health! Men are supposed to have a certain amount of testosterone and their bodies are not built for having low levels. I can't believe you are being such a martyr...
Well as long as the honriness is regularly appeased I'm fine with that ;)
If your wife doesn't want to be with you sexually she is not loving you as you should be loved. That is a major marital problem and worse she's not willing to budge at all on this. How is it not ok...
Yes, this is it exactly. Sorry if I made it sound like all I want is sex or that I want it bc of society pressuring me bc that's not what I meant at all! I'm really looking most for an emotional...
I'm not really just tired of the sex aspect, but the whole not connecting on a deep level with a guy. I'm 27 and I've wanted a deep relationship since I was a teenager but it's never happened. I'm...
I debated back and forth where to post it and didn't realize ppl actually read those blog things. Still skeptical tbh.
^ INTJs are not really all that mysterious. Intelligent and interesting definitely but mysterious? Not so much. I think P types have more mystery than Js, as Js can be very predictable. In fact i see...
Spent a lot of time thinking about this over the years to come to the conclusions below. I left out some of the more obvious things that people tend to think of when they think of leadership skills. ...
What was it? In what ways did it affect you? How long did it last? How did you deal with it? Did it work? What could you have done better? Are you still affected by it? What did you learn from...
I won't go into it right here but I'm really struggling and I could use some supportive friends. This is one of my most difficult battles I've faced and I feel like I'm facing it all alone. I will...
Just going through a really hard time right now and could use some supportive friends to talk me through it. Can't go through the details on here but pm me and I'll explain the situation. Thanks to...
Whenever I feel like this I just remind myself that life is so short and I'm gonna be old, lonely, and miserable very soon & I will look back wishing I'd just had fun and done meaningful things...
We first started talking in December I believe...
robespierre I'm 27 and I'm really looking for a long-term relationship with someone, not just someone to date. Never had a proper bf due to not knowing anyone I could connect with on a deep level...
Any other NFs have this dilemma: Thanks to learning about ppl thru mbti, observation, and other personality stuff I've been able to find guys to date who share what could be called the NF...
Not too late at all...pm me ur FB name or link... Weather has been great here as always...I live in SW FL lol
*hugs back* Thanks for the love :) That's the #1 thing I love about this forum - So many like-minded ppl who really care about me. Made some great friends on here!
Yeah... I've been sick for a while with adrenal fatigue & it was so bad I was basically bedridden for a while. During that time I was really bored & my mind worked well so I spent a lot of time...'