'I'm an ENFP and I love ENTJs! Sexy, sexy type!
Some say ENFP, Some say INFP, you say ESFJ...All I know is I relate to her, especially in the beginning with her 100 hobbies! Plus, on a personal note , I know it's like to be overprotected/...
Lol! So, THAT stereotype you're with! Of course! I mean, I don't blame you...
I LOVE how you tear someone down for stereotyping and then go into you OWN insulting stereotype of ENFPs!
Just curious.. Did you get this annoyed at comments others made that were super unflattering of ENFPs? Cause you were really upset at this ONE person. But, all anyone is doing at all IS making...
I'm an ENFP and yes it's true that I can be random, spacey, and goofy, I'm also very naive and very honest as well.
Bravo to this post! That was comprehensive, intelligently written and helpful to me. I am TOTALLY Repunzel, btw!
I don't know how unpopular this is, but, I don't believe people should boil lobsters and crayfish, etc, ALIVE. To me it's barbaric. There are less painful ways to get the job done.
???? Was that a response to what I said? I didn't say slutty- lol! I said SEXY! Not a comment on ENTJ loyalty to existing relationships.
[QUOTE=Recon777;6216850]No time to properly reply to everything now, but I have to say... y'all are definitely reinforcing my false stereotype that ENTJs are all cold blooded and insensitive by...
I know, me too! They're sexy aren't they? ;-) ....Powerful, authoritative, EXTREMELY confident- and BADASS!
Yep, you guys are the mythical creatures of humanity:-)
I'd love ya either way, Baby, married or unmarried! And you know, you INFJ guys are hard to come by :-(
Me too!!! :-)
<3 ;-)
I'm starting to really like you, Twitch! ;-)
Yeah, me too! It was a nice surprise :-)
Those cookies look so fun- but, I think they would seem tastier if they didn't look shiny, y'know like wet unicorn poop (cookies)... lol- but still very fun!
Hi:-) You have been summoned because the friendly author of the thread mentioned you among a list of names. The first person to post a comment on this thread had it right when they predicted that all...
I don't know~ Why are you guys so rare and hard to find? :-(
I love Andy too!!! He's totally ENFP- no doubt about it! The actor AND the character. I put his picture on the celeb ENFP thread a while back.
ABSOLUTELY!!!! I'll be the first one (I think, unless I'm later than I think) to start that NF dogpile of comfort and love!! Sorry about your crappy day :-(
The way that read seemed like it would sound like April Ludgate from Parks and Rec. :-)
Swede https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/10299957_552459681535097_7581456976105739236_n.jpg Gives a whole new meaning to F the Police! Holy crap!!!
I knew you meant it! I did some work to try to help you but came to a dead end as far as editing profile preferences and subscriptions directly. You have to unsubscribe through one of your...
Oh, pretty!! I love it! <3
Yeah, I had looked for other Syn. thread before creating this, and couldn't find any. It wasn't til I made it that the showed me down at the bottom a short list of similar threads~ and I was like,...
It could somehow be connected, perhaps.
[QUOTE=CaptainWildChild;6270642].....Calm your tits woah..... LOL!!! Thank you for the laugh :-)
I agree and know what you mean. And I feel like if I were any more girly and feminine, I'd be like an annoying cartoon caricature! But, I'm very assertive, and that seems to be judged by many as...
Thank you! Finally someone votes for the ENFPs!!! Yea!
This is a poll I found about rarity/ commonness of personality types, similar to the one above. Don't know which one would be more accurate, but its all worth considering. Sorry people, I know,...
I'm a 4w5 too :-)
smoke ...... and ENFP (more selfish, daring and typical feminists).[/QUOTE] Hey, thanks for compliment to the ENFPs! I've always bee told how feminine I am, btw. Also, not selfish, and I would...
Everything you said here were all the thoughts I was thinking as I was reading this as well. I can't believe what I've read and the stereotyping on introvertedness as feminine. To be honest I kinda...
Yes that is definitely Synaesthesia~!
PurpleLemon I love your name, btw! For a while now, I've planned, for if I ever Owned a Coffee or Tea House or something, that a possible name would be The Blue Orange. Not a big deal, but had to...
I like it. Some times though, it's a little distracting. I could live with or without it just fine. Though, if I lost it, don't know what would go with it that might be connected to it. I wonder If...
I'm not sure, but everything you said makes you sound like a synaesthete. And the colors of the wind could have been written by a synnie, or just a very clever and poetic person. Always hard to tell....
Ok, I'm so excited to hear from you! That's the main synaesthesia that I have. I agree with you about the tastes for Grape, Peter (although it's also Pizza), and butter. Do you know who James...
Oh, you're DEFINITELY a Synnie!!
@Superfluous I have that a little, where a sound or song can be a color or character or mood or a flavor. And it seems to make sense at the time, if you're a synnie, that is :-) PS, I'm so happy to...
[QUOTE=azdahak;4592144] typical flighty, bitchy, passive-aggressive manipulator. This is what you think a typical Woman is? WOW!
However I do truly believe that you've pointed out a very good pattern for female behaviour, especially for Feelers. Kindness == weakness. WRONG!! That's how we feelers are seen. Why would we...
Go Elistra!! I'm loving you and your butt- kickin' spirit!
I too have had demonic experiences- at night time. A shadowy figure, ghoulish evil figures standing over my bed, being shaken awake and the list goes on and on, unfortunately. Are you comfortable...
LOL! Yeah, that's true! My man gets good and mad pretty easily at me.... or other things. And YEAH! Of course they see something special in us! We're loads of magical fun- lol! :-) And they're not...
Yep! I am an ENFP married to an ISTJ, and have met many people on PerC who are either married to or dating an ISTJ. Maybe they are just the most willing to put up with our nonsense!
I don't know quite what an INFJ male - or female would be like. But, I assume sensitive, which gets a big star from me, since I'm a sensitivo myself.
My fashion sense is VINTAGE since I can remember! Also thrift shops. Vintage &/or cheap! Midcentury is my favorite.'