'YES YES! XD I think I'd chose this power over any other. I would love to travel from the past to the future, slow time down and play around by switching things a bit in certain situations. Sometimes...
Talking to animals and slowing down time! HELL YES! Those are awesome.. I want those powers too! Slowing down time is perfect for ENFPs :D
My guess is that if they were tidy, clean and organized they would have a much stronger J. I am neither of those things XD.
Lol I personally don't see much of a trend with zodiac signs and mbti types. I am an Aquarius pisces cusp.. leaning much more towards aquarius (feb 16), cap moon, scorpio ascending and I am an ENFP....
Wow! I can't read minds, but I'm good at sensing how others are feeling. Close enough? :p
hahaha Im guessing I am an ENFP that cannot read minds :( Invisibility is awesome, but I would want to be able to go through walls and stuff too by choice.. not like a ghost lol
Agreed! She is wonderful, and yes I've been following her for quite a while now, she is definitely an ENFP :p
Thought some of you younger ENFPs might like this video - Inner Beauty make-up tutorial. Its just simply brilliant and its not only for women. Don't let the make-up tutorial in the title fool...
I waited for my letter till I was about 13 - 14! I still had hopes up that there was a high school version of Hogwarts. Yes, I would love to be invisible too! No restrictions and I can do...
LOL I do try to move things with my hands too! And I keep failing xD And I would pick teleportation too, I would do anything to be by the beach at the moment. I've always wanted to fly too.. but I...
Wow, thats a really good question! Maybe you should post this on the baby boomer forum, I'm sure some of them might have had parents/ grandparents who they would have considered to be ENFPs who...
Interesting question! This is super easy for me. I would loose my ethnicity. Personally I am not at all religious but I am becoming more and more spiritual. I am a third culture kid and I...
Are you as delusional as me and grew up thinking that you were born to be some sort of superhero? If you could have any one (or more) superpower[s], what would it be and why? :wink:
Yes this too, contributes to my personally switches in my case :p
I'm not just A or B, sometimes theres a C and D too XD Most of the time it depends who I'm with or the day I'm having, or even how much sleep I've gotten. I wouldn't call it split personality...
Story of my life. Taking 5 hours to do a 10 minute task because I get so distracted. If its not physical then its mental.
Haaha it does rhyme! XD And yes! who am I fooling - that's me when I think about reality. I detest the mundane things in life.. I don't know how long I can survive following society's rigid...
Very true! ;D
This sounds exactly like me! And I worry about the same thing too! I just thought about this. Often times, when I give people a motivational speech, it is indirectly inspiring me in a way. So I...
Story of my life! And thats why I'm sooo sleep deprived :(
Aww :( sometimes I go through this too, but more recently I've been able to control my idealistic ideas around the SJs, TJs just to avoid looking stupid/ naive. Maybe because I often felt hurt as a...
Typical ENFPs for going off topic :p There are plenty of girls out there who are not into the cocky macho man, and yes, she will be pretty awesome ;) Yes, go ENFPs! A lot of...
This post is quite interesting, I'm only 20 so I don't have my lifelong experience to give input. Would love to hear about what these older ENFPs have observed though.
Thats funny, I was quite different as a child. As a child I was not as curious, I was a lot more observant from afar, although I still remained very intuitive. In class for the most part I paid...
Respect. Exactly why I love ENFP guys! :) I mean how much more true to yourself can you be! The whole issue with masculinity and femininity is so outdated, it should be updated to being human, with...
HAHAHA I love how you refer to a realistic person as an obedient slave XD. I completely agree with it. NFPs = HOPE. Without the balance of kindness, values, morals, and our out of the box views,...
Yes! People do underestimate us. I feel that although we are genuine for the most bit, but there are two sides of us. On the surface we are trusting, random, have crazy ideas, oblivious (I've been...
Being an ENFP is like hope for the world. If it weren't for us, and other NFs, there would probably not be much balance in the world. Some things I dislike about being an ENFP include: -...
I think that fear is by all means one of life's greatest obstacles. Nothing is stronger than the mind. For us ENFPs, its our 'amazing' ability to over think and over analyse everything that creates...
Completely agree with this! As soon as I shut up and listen to someone's issues, I feel like inspiration just pours out of my mouth, and it comes out so naturally, almost like it is instinctive and...
HAHAH so spot on, I've been doing that throughout this whole thread XD
Not sure if its only me, but whenever I read the news (which I do often), if the story about a negative situation (e.g. more poaching for ivory), I always connect with the story too emotionally and...'