'I certainly see how enfp`s can be fascinated by alternative medicine. But personally I believe in science and school medicine. It does not mean that basic science packs easy. I have encountered...
Another Fe-imitator here..
ENFPs might wish to think twice before pursuing careers in medicine or pharmacy. Both of these careers may be attractive to their lower functions since they require significant fact retention (ST)...
INFJ-ex gf: Honesty. Loyalty. Style of communication: telepathy;). Infj seems to know exactly when to give corrections, so when the infj gets upset, pay attention! Goes along on adventure but longs...
Infj, almost telepathic communication. A healthy infp, the emotional connection. Istj, like oil and water, but very loyal.
If I like someone my act becomes more silly. If being withdrawn, nervous or perhaps even overtly friendly...for me its usually how I behave towards someone I am not into.
We all need to vent sometimes..! Sorry to hear about your experience.
Don`t turn his actions into a testimony about you...in other words...move on. 475338
From one genius to another..how did you manage to copy you badge of pride? Copy past did not work.
474650 There it is..an ENFP genius.. :airguitar:
In every formal group where Fe is strongly present I feel like being naked while hoping nobody will notice. I also wonder how I most gently can introduce my Fi and Ne when people attempt to...
I find ENFP and ISTJ to be like oil and water.
As the poll shows...ENFP`s are clearly an underestimated group..:laughing:
My last relationship was with an (female) INFP. INFP and ENFP can sense each other very well. He should stop trying so hard to make you feel better and instead start being himself. Not...
Isn`t this a classic ENFP dilemma. We value both people and freedom. I think you could improvise but not compromise on this issue.
If I play out the ENFP card without censorship then there are always some who can't take it.
The shyness comes from dealing with sensors terms.
I usually get a bit surprised when someone dont like me :laughing: But there are a few sj`s that I crash with because of fundamental differences and then there are sensitive types I hurt by being too...
Can seem like a safe place for the ENFP to be...at first...then you can imagine putting a burning stick into cold water and constantly pulling ropes in different directions. ENFP plus ISFJ/ISTJ=not...
My advise is to not push loosing your innocence or nativity. Some caution is warranted though but dont change who you are. Also in my opinion it changes when getting older but same time I think the...
I asked him point blank if he was interested in meeting up..maybe thats the problem right there?
The god/bad ENFP list sounds like someone Bipolar.. This one, quite spot on..: 25 Struggles Only ENFPs Will Understand | Thought Catalog
My experience with an INFJ checked most of the boxes except their introversion.
A vagina is nothing but another piece of soft tissue, unless it also comes with the correct wrappings. But..the enfp known to be utgoing, charming, and playful. You do the math.. ;)
Have you often been told that you think or care too much? Can you seemingly step on someone and in retrospect not care? How about feeling indignation, can you easily let it pass? For me,...
I find it difficult to NOT look through the mask people put on. In addition the social norm dynamics make me feel fake. So I am not always very self-confident in the mumbo jumbo of social norm and...
I dont belive in perfection.. :crazy:
Did not sound enfp
Count me in. Some would say it fit under the umbrella of social phobia. But personally I think it is a difference. For this phenomena I believe its more a fear of being tied down if people comes...
Born into it. A few times in life I made an attempt to read the Bible. But after a few pages it becomes very clear that I simply cannot believe in it.
When it comes to people I would ask for an advise, or talking through a decision with, then ESTJ are on the top list. When it comes to friendship, there are differences that can not be ignored in...
Too bad there is so much Fe out there, which either forces you to hold back on Fi, or be yourself and end up disturbing the sweet Fe harmony.
Amen to that!.. +1 to much of the other things you said too!
The social norm and our basic understanding of things can be tough to challenge. Lots of proof from that through history. I haven't read that book and on Amazon the reviews are mixed, but looks...
I certainly believe in academic reinvention. It is a huge confidence boost when you discover that your abilities are much greater than first thought. I have no clue why, but chemistry was much...
Just as with mbti there is controversy about learning styles. I think you pointed out the most immediate resemblance. Its not obvious what to think of these theories and one article described how...
I am not hands on dependent. To learn I NEED to understand the consept or end result first. The tendencey to challenge the norm is what leads to ”having to try things myself”.
Neither..and it feels great!;)
Yes, this too! :laughing: I remember one exam in University, where I had studied with dedication and beyond the teachers notes; the notes told me nothing except that I could earn an A by...
I am not surprised that enfps can relate to VSL but of course its not exclusively related to M-B-types.
I really liked how you presented that we can have some of both and sometimes even opposing preferences.. Even if I can be quite verbal sometimes and are not very technical or geometrical, I also...
Music and arts are actually both areas where the VSL`s thrive. I never enjoyed geometry, geography or physics. Algebra and chemistry came a bit easier, but I never really enjoyed algebra (or...
Could not find any previous threads on this topic..(?) Which one is you? Auditory-Sequential or Visual-Spatial? | Gifted Adults | Gifted for Life | Personal Growth for Gifted Success
Kryptonite. Especially during a conflict.
Thanks to you too! Having an estj on your side can be very valuable, they have the the rational point of view I often lack myself, so to run things through with them can be very useful. Unfortunately...'