'I haven't a clue!
I'm just trying to understand her a little better--I still suck at typing people... And let the typing began! - she's very sweet, but also very confrontational--not afraid of voicing opinion. -...
Worst genre ever TBH.
That's just sad--some people simply just suck no matter how hard you try. If you have tried to talk to him numerous times and he just ain't having it, then I do think it's just best to drop him--at...
If that's the case, you need to tell him what you just told me. He might be upset with you, but at least he'll know what type of person she is or that he has no chance with her. Her behavior is...
I honestly do not think he is intentionally trying to hurt you--and I agree with him... You are over-thinking things. Perhaps he never told you about the girl because he thought she was not a good...
Err... I am confused. How did you come to the conclusion that she likes you romantically? Unless either your friend or his girlfriend said anything, I really do not understand how you came to this...
http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6202/6047822156_0df8b518f1_z.jpg http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6081/6054886027_a695a45766_z.jpg And my beautiful Docs...
Meh, don't really care if some of you agree with me or not. Musical notes are basically lyrics to me. I think it's rather dumb to ask an inane question though, based on your interests and asking if...
I did read it and my statement still stands. Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to. Poetry is poetry--regardless if it's music or not. If you don't like it, then you obviously most not...
To answer your question: yes. If you don't like poetry than you must hate music too. Anyone who hates music is an idiot to me. Just tellin' it like it is sista'.
Anyone else love drinking some good ole tea? I'm looking to try some new flavors.
You know you're an INTP when you've been telling yourself to clean your room for a few weeks, but you keep putting off for later. And when you eventually decide to clean it, the cleaning supplies...
^^The thing is, I've been an INTP this entire time until I started to doubt it around the end of last year. Otherwise, I've always typed myself as an INTP. I think I started to doubt it since my...
And now I'm back where I started from...
Cognitive ProcessLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use) extraverted Sensing (Se) ******************* (19) limited use introverted Sensing (Si)...
I've stopped reading the books past book three, but can't they get drunk from it?
You've been extremely helpful BTW and I agree with you. I think I was focusing too much on one aspect of my life instead of the whole shebang. So I asked my mom instead since she knows me better than...
Yea... I started a new job today and I'm kinda doubting that I'm secretive. I think I'm just secretive about my emotions. If I like people I never shut up. I got in trouble in school all the time for...
Their primary goal is to find out their meaning in life. What is their purpose? How can they best serve humanity in their lives? They are idealists and perfectionists, who drive themselves hard in...
What am I thinking? I'm totes not a feeler! Ahaha, I wonder what the hell I've been smoking these past few days. I think the problem is that most people think INxTx have to act a certain way. I...
^^^ I probably scanned your post because I noticed Anna Karina! Isn't she lovely? Her face is so divine--but Leslie Caron's physical features are perfection. I'm gonna' read up on ISFP; you all...
^^ I'm a perfectionist and control freak--and I can be very... ASSERTIVE a lot of the time. I have this motto that I need to put people in their place who I think are trying to boss me around. I'm...
Dude, those are the kind of people that you avoid!
I kinda disagree. I do not think I am an ISxx, etc. since I have problems paying attention to details; I make my plans based on the goal--how I get there isn't all that important to me. Recently I...
What I love doing...? I really love photography, music and fashion, usually. I like putting together outfits, etc. I also love going to see live music (I listen to underground stuff) for the...
^^Ugly and big? :(!? I'll probably tell the elephant all my secrets and go on adventures with it; if I'm daydreaming I'll probably day-dream about conquering villages and them worshiping me and my...
Have you ever seen Adventure Time on Cartoon Network? Everything that happens in that animation is pretty much what I would have wrote--EVERYTHING. My thinking process is that ridiculous. The whole...
Yea... I thought I was an ISTP for some time as well. I change my mind a lot. Deep conversations... It depends with who. I usually blab on and on about random things that are completely irrelevant. I...
Well, I think I should at least be an xxxP because of how unsure and indecisive I can be. I think this would be easier to figure out if everyone just asks me questions because I really do hate...
amon91 That's the worst advice that I've ever heard. I don't get why some of you extroverts think we like to isolate ourselves, we do it for the enjoyment. Just like how you need a bunch of people...
Joining in :blushed: Hobbies: taking photos (both DSLR and SLR--I love my school's darkroom!), drawing, ceramics, hand-building (ceramics), painting, reading, gardening, baking, collecting older...
What's your story? Haha, I'm curious...
What are some of your tips? Things that you learned and things that you hated? I need to survive this for two years :(
Margaret Atwood, Shirley Jackson, Murakami, Samantha Hunt, etc.
7w8 10char
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/6560_128956771186_605386186_3468855_8316974_n.jpg Meh. I do not have cornrows... My hair was in a bun x.x; Strangers tell me that I should smile...
My mother often says that this is my dream job... And it is... :/
I've been an atheist since I was fourteen.
My mom and brother are ENFJs... For the most part, we get along very well. My mom is like my best friend, TBQH and my brother is very important to me. We get along, minus every now and then......
I usually avoid people and spend quality time on my own. Maybe go for walks or go exploring. Number One is that I change my appearance in some way or another. Maybe my hair or something. Or I change...
Probably never and I'm OK with that.
I don't do weed, but I don't have a problem if other people do.
I hate anime/cartoons and animations. Interests have little to do with personality type.
You can't have both Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar; It's either or. Anxiety and depression are a part of Bipolar disorde/BPD, so I don't know why you have separate diagnosis. And BPD is...
I couldn't careless about my type. I take this mumbo jumbo just as seriously as I take horoscopes. I have seen people trying to act like their type online, which is irritating. MBTI is nothing but a...
It's simple, just tell them. Problem solved.
German, microeconomics and math.
I hate parties. Are you sure she's an INTJ?'