'I thought it was one of his best better than the original MMLP and perhaps even better than the Eminem Show. If he left rapping after this album I would be fine with that.
I once had a dream that a giant tarantula the size of my bed busted into my house, kicked me out and stole my identity. For the entire dream the spider pretended to be me and every one believed it.
Whenever I'm about to do something I think 'Would an idot do that?', and if they would I would not do that thing. -Dwight K. Schrute.
One of these day I'm gonna win.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7o7JKmHZO0 Voice of an angel.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0OVD0_YJnU Snoop Dog as a pirate. You're welcome.
I swear to god u will win this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have broken many a things by throwing it across the room.
I am an ostrich. That is all.
Anansi Boys American Gods Ocean at the end of the Lane. ANYTHING WRITTEN BY NEIL GAIMAN.
At his point an oscar nomination is better than the actual oscar because they always nominate the best movies and pick the shittiest of the pack.
I do not hate these things themselves but the over use of them in my own personality and life frustrates me.
I like grabbing a stick-like object, pretend its a sword, and fight imaginary villains through out the house with my super strength (which totally exists) and super wit (which also totally exists)....
Even though I love horror movies and have watched all the famous ones and none of them have scared me. Maybe a casual jump scare but nothing that kept me up at night (except spider movies).That being...
I have no idea how to get pictures to show up on this forum but Gamzee Makara (Homestuck).
But seriously I'd say I'm watching a bunch of classic Doctor Who right now.
My voice is far more wiry and high than I'd like it.
John has stated he is an INFP although his writing style is very conversation centered. To be fair though John has said the reason he enjoys writing conversations is because of all the ones he...
how can you truly understand others if you cant truly understand yourself.
Fiddler on the Roof (on Youtube) The Great Dictator by Charlie Chaplin (on Youtube) Glengary Glen Ross (Netflix)
Id be sipping my black coffee in the morning drinking my Earl Grey at night and probably reading something.
1.Samurai Jack: Incredibly artistic and good at taking risks. The show has the ability to take you anywhere in the world and introduce you to old or new cultures. The show is very quiet and uses this...
Samurai Champaloo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OuRajFzMYI
I didnt understand whay she was saying but the song coveyed a tone of sadness. I liked it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXzmAvVMz80
Tf2: the greatest FPS of all time
This pretty much how I go about my life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHqNpto9ooY
I dont know if some one chose this one yet but its incredibly underrated. Charlie Chaplin: The Great Dictator http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8wmubeHArM
This is true most politicians only show partially who they truly. We just have to for when people in his administration write books about him.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yhc1BrM79hg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90wyB17QT5k
He has a real optimism to him and is very idealistic. He has a statue of a hand holding an egg in his office that represents the fragility of life. All this leads me to believe he is an NF. You could...
the Venn diagram for boys who dont like smart girls and boys you want to date is a circle -John Green
Mos Def is MOS DEFinitely an ENFP and I always felt like Eminem was one too given his silly humor.
If we legalized prostitution we would gain alot in revenue STDs would likely drop and saftey for prostitutes would be insured. The law isnt stopping prostitution so it may as well get revenue from...
I deal with it by making it better.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUBKcOZjX6g Dont know if this would be categorized as a sad song but it made me sad.
In response to Free beer: All of these are true except for the fire one. Seriously it may be your own property but one that can ruin the air and two fire has the tendency to spread and regardless...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYb_BsQRkrQ Sit and be relaxed.
I love it. But only if it can be clever.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pco91kroVgQ I like the music but the lyrics are so fucking stupid and obnoxious even though they think theyre smart.
I find providing pastries pleasant.
I literally just wrote this on an envelope after hearing this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiqCQarvZUM The rains going away yay they all say but please dont go you make the...'