'Yes, the renaissance was great because people were more undividualistic/different, and they were so because they operated from their true selfs instead of just their tiny ass mbti personalities. ...
You're welcome, glad you understood the message. Never take a footstep outside the comfort zone of reason, or you may end up catching glimpses of the unconscious. Keep imagining beings of light is...
No, I am not trolling lol! I may talk like a troll, but I am no troll. Seriously, I honestly believe this (not that I'm not a troll but my OP, Jesus :confused:)
Have you ever considered the possibility that perhaps you're the one who is projecting? You're projecting that I am projecting to avoid actually considering the topic at hand (as his ideas are...
This is ridiculous. I am not trolling, although it may come across as such.
@ephemereality You obviously disagree, but I am not projecting. How can I be projecting when I'm not targeting anyone individually? Anger is a natural emotion. The suppression of anger is what's...
Look, I do not mean to imply that individuated mbti types actually suffer from a psychological mental illness, imbalanced is the better word that describes my sentiments, yet I personally do...
My reasons are irrelevant. The information is what matters. I'm not hoping to get anything out of this thread, just throwing out thoughts. That's what internet forums are for, aren't they, or must...
Ofcourse it's not as simple. It's a completely generalized picture, although it's common sense to understand that dualistically opposite cognitive functions also most likely end up using...
You prove my point exactly. No, I do NOT want to debate you, or even anyone else for that matter. Debating is a thinking/Yang bias. Absolutely pointless, completely pointless to be exact! You didn't...
You're welcome.
I pretty much disagree. I disagree that it is a bad theory. Ok, shake hands? You don't even realise your thinking judgement is an opinion, not an objective fact. That's what all you ISTJ's and pretty...
Believe what you want. I'm not even giving another theory. I'm simply saying that personalities are flawed things/distortions, not healthy things. The MBTI is the perfect cult. You can't...
Do you realize how you sound just like a religious person? Why don't you just leave us alone? Maybe I got sucked in by the cult too, and I feel manipulated, that's why. Just thought you should...
There is no such thing as a positive personality. All personalities are on a downward spiral: Too much Feeling and you'll become an unquestioning/irrational fool. Too much Thinking and you'll...
I'm sorry that you rejected your left-brain and possibly a part of your neocortex. Must have had some traumatic experience somewhere in your youth or maybe some underlying insecurity that hinders...
C'mon, it's obvious you are all cult acolytes suffering from the Forer effect + Cognitive Dissonance: Another blog post worth reading: Myers-Briggs Is Pure Nonsense|Uncle Guido's Facts
Politics is that way -->
I TOTALLY 100% DISAGREE. You would see a vast increase in individuality, not decrease, since people would then be using ALL of the functions, not just 2. Individuated mbti types are the real ones who...
You can call it 'preferences' for all I care, it's the same concept expressed in a more soft undertone. If you have preference for thinking over feeling, it means that your thinking is dominating...
Look around you, how many healthy/balanced people do you see? And how do you know that the remaining few healthy people are actually operating on a single/dual cognitive function(s) instead of just a...
I still have doubts about my type aswell, which I have because I'm not a goddam type. I have doubts because it's 84841
Expertise/professional advancement ===== compartmentalization. They go hand in hand. I am completely OPPOSED to this version/vision of society, it's inhumane and alien. It's a dystopia filled with...
Sure, wikipedia. Also, Do you have any evidence supporting the typology theory?
Before an MBTI professional jumps debunking my idea with the argument that all people start out with one/two cognitive function(s) in their infancy and only develop a balance later on in life, I...
That's the point, it's not healthy to be just a puzzle piece. It makes other puzzle pieces dependant on you and you on them. It's the definition of compartmentalization (everyone becomes an expert in...
That's bullshit pulled straight out of Lenore Thomson's arse. Anyway, you're missing the point, since even in his model, you'd still be severely brain imbalanced if you fit well within a type.
You know what I'm saying, you're only an INFJ because you're biased towards introverted intuition, followed by feeling. By definition, this makes you imbalanced on the sensing, extraversion and...
It's the definition of mental imbalance and ego. Thinking is an overactive left brain hemisphere and underactive right brain hemisphere. Feeling is an overactive right brain hemisphere and...
Haha, I agree. PS: Do you know how much your avatar looks like Trevor Philips from GTA V?
Cmon, who butters their toasts, honestly... Also, I don't mean to question your judgement or anything, but are you sure he's not ENFJ? I can't really see ENFP's being fluffy since our F is...
I knew she was either INFJ or ISFJ (introverted Fe users). My best friend was an INFJ too, I've found out that the ENFP is the doormat in these relationships. I don't know why, but when you frickle...
I'm finding Johnny Depp the most obvious famous Ne user. But I'm pretty sure he's more ENTP than ENFP.
@MuChApArAdOx Yes, I also view ENFP women as more alpha than most other types, but only because you're generally the more feminine women (which goes hand in hand with the (E)NF temperament), not...
@The_Wanderer I don't care about sports either (atleast following/watching them, playing them I like!). I generally thought that this was our N coming in the picture. I can't imagine an N-dominant...
No, you're just another one of them immature ENTP's who are extremely good at overestimating their potential. ENTP's are never world dominators simply because of your P. Leadership is out of the...
Because you're a pushover. Bullies only bully pushovers. You can stop being a pushover by building self-esteem. Working out/exercise does wonders for your self-esteem.
That's simple. Just ask him directly on a date. Not speaking for all ENFP males here but I personally do not really care about the foreplay. I like afterplay more than foreplay. Probing his brain...
I don't know about you guys, but I generally feel a big difference between female ENFP's and us male ENFP's. I know ENFP's don't use Fe, but anyhow I generally sense more of this in the ENFP woman...
Salesmanship is not a career for an ENFP. Although we're quite capable of it, it is a crappy environment for Fi. You'll mainly be indulging in Ne/Te loops, and your Fi will be totally ignored. I've...
Still no replies to post #46-47? I need answers damnit! Is it possible that there are actually 32 types, based on the idea that the secondary function can be either the opposite attitude (E/I) as...
ok, I believe you :p I do the same thing often too (screwing up little details). Must be an Ne thing (or the lack of Si thereof)!
You mean you have Ne, since ENTP's don't have Ni? Not saying you're not an ENTP, but you could also be INFJ. Ne (ENxP) usually keeps on expanding, constantly generating more and more...
I also think this was a good post: http://personalitycafe.com/articles/25205-dominant-tertiary-loops-common-personality-disorders.html explaining how dominant/tertiary loops may lead to...
In continuation of that other post with the pictures (page 4), I've found another possibility (notice the purple markings): 83806 Notice the green and purple markings. If the function lines...
Well, I don't want to beat you T's actually, but I'm not gonna back down either. Just want my place that's all. The lonely part doesn't sound too good but I can't see it being lonelier than...
Well, if it came from Jung or not it was still a faulty/incomplete picture. And also that second picture doesn't mean anything either, since there are no I/E dimensions drawn/mentioned there. It only...
That picture is awesome because it takes into account the concept of Yin/Yang. I guess it describes the INTJ (Ni -> Te -> Fi -> Se). Yet it seems contradictory to Jung's drawing circle which you...'