
Diplomats ENFP

Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

'Ok, I have reached a point in my life where I am finally starting to realize how much my lack of motivation and inability to be aware of consequences of my actions are negatively affecting my life....

I Am You - Shpongle

Welcome Libber! It's always good to see more ENFPs :) there's quite a bit of us on here

I never wash my car... I kinda wish I did.. I'm just too lazy.

#1: Fake People #2: Anyone trying to control me #3: An argument based on no Logic #4: Judgmental people who disregard someone because of outward appearance (ie. tattoos, piercings, way of...

24669 My little studio minus some of my newer equiptment

Here's one I've been told all my life: Think before you do something stupid. oh heres another one I get a lot while driving WATCH THE ROAD!!

Yea lol.. I was trying to trim it, but the guard slipped down and shaved half of it off.. so after contemplating various ways i could make it work (a failed attempt) I painstakingly had to shave the...

Yea, that is how we are.. We ask personal questions up front and don't really notice that it may be too personal for comfort. I don't think you necessarily deeply upset him, he may just be...

Been there... don't want to go back. Wow, you really nailed it

I have totally done all of these things before

I have no ENFP friends that are dudes.. I'd like to meet one in person. I'm the only one in my group of friends and I am known as the crazy, spacy, hyper one.. but they all know who to come to for...

This is really the only thing i struggle with in relationships.. I fall far too deeply in love veerry quickly and basically open up completely in a short amount of time. It feels amazing until the...

These two are my favorite haha! I also make life decisions in the shower.. in fact, sometimes I specifically put off making important decisions until I can have some shower time. and the hair...

Personally, I absolutely love to smoke, among other psychedelics.. Now, am I productive on weed? no.. except when it comes to making music

A lizard..

When I'm stressed I usually envelope myself in my hobby (whatever that hobby may be at the time.... I go through many phases.. or obsessions lol) or listen to good music..

Yea I had a girlfriend who lived in Los Angeles and considered moving there for a while, but the amount of money I would have had to spend was far too steep.. I imagine San Francisco is just as...

:] well alot of you ENFP girls hang out in exactly the same areas as i do.. Maybe my location just sucks.. Oh and you have no idea how much i would love to live in San Francisco!

I totally agree.. I think how modern Christianity portrays Jesus and how Jesus really was are two very different people. And i also agree about fear based religion. The whole hell thing to me just...

lol I guess you have to decide that for yourself

This is dead on! I don't think finding God is something that a big group of people in a church can help anyone with.. I mean if it floats some peoples boats, so be it, but in my opinion, finding...

Ahh!! :blushed: hmwith why can't you live here damnit lol...

That is quite strange.. ISTJs are not for me..

Man, INFP's are great.. you guys are different and thats the best thing about you! You don't give a damn about stupid socially acceptable bullshit and don't deal with people that like to live in that...

I don't know how to enjoy this being single thing... I can't find happiness in it. It's been so long since I have been in this situation and I'm lonely as hell :sad:.. I need an another ENFP, or...

See i guess it depends what qualifies as dominating.. If they are dominating to the point of controlling then it's a big turn off, but if they are dominating in the sense that they care enough to...

I am 2w1 :proud:

Ok was dominating being used as a verb or an adjective? :)

:D wow this just put a serious smile on my face hehe

I always have trouble sleeping.. I usually get to bed around 4:00 if I can actually fall asleep.. Alot of nights I lay down and try to make myself sleep but my mind just runs through thoughts and I...

Ahahaha I love this thread! You are definitely not alone.. I do this all the time! :)

I am extremely attracted to fair skin.. Because of that, if the girl has a really dark tan it is a serious turn off. I also like light freckles :) and though it not really a part of the body, I ...

Yea that's gotta be an ENFP thing cause that's what I do (am doing now)

Thanks so much everybody! Veeg and Chinotto- I agree.. It is the small things about the relationship that are killing me, and yes the fact that I know exactly what I want now was something quite...

Me in a nutshell man haha.. Its nice to know that there are other people as nerdy as me lol

Haha YES!! I have also always had this trait.. I constantly research random things I'm interested in so that helps with it lol. This used to drive my ESTJ father crazy haha he'd be pissed that I put...

I definitely feel you there.. I think this is because we constantly feel extreme empathy for just about everyone and constantly help people because of that.. The fact that we do this gives us the...

I have my own believe really.. (I think organized religion is pretty much a disease that is destroying everything that naturally exists) anyway, my beliefs are mostly based on science, but I do...

Wow I spelled I as eye thats terrible lol

Ok so I was dating a girl for about 4 years (I believe an ESTP) how we worked for that long, I could't tell you, but her controlling attitude and lack of interest in what I had to say drove me away...

Haha yea I have been reading some of the posts the last couple days and it seems like something I could get addicted to.

I was diagnosed ADD/ADHD When I was a child and it has always affected my schoolwork, that and my serious lack of motivation in school.. I took meds for it back then but never took them because they...

I'm an ENFP and I cannot stay motivated with anything normal people find interesting lol Btw, this is my first post... Hello everyone :)'