
Diplomats ENFP

Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

I don't place much faith in tests. Actually, I don't place any faith in thetests, or faith in anything for that matter. :bored: So I would have to ask; what functions do you think youuse? What...

I wasn't raised nor taught any formal method of religion during my childhood and teens. Even as a kid though, I was skeptical regarding the idea of God, heaven, and Christianity; both in means of...

Uhhhhhh wow, it has been forever since I've seen thatshow. Lemme think about those characters. . . Odd: ENFP 7w6 Yumi: ISTJ 6w5 Honestly I can't remember anything about the show aside...

ENFP 6w7 Leo No, there is no connection between MBTI/JCF/Enneagram andastrology.

Would I be insane to think that Vegeta might be an ESFJ? Yes, ESFJ.

Typing you might be easier if you provided some basic information regarding yourself.

Some yes, others I'm unsure. If I do disagree with any others I'll definitely voice my opposition. That, or get around to watching more anime first so that I'm more knowledgable about the...

Makes sense. I concur.

I have presented here my theory on a new form of the Enneagram that I have created. I welcome any and all advice, critique, discussion, etc. So please, tell me what ya'll think of it :) New...

Yeah, Zapp is definitely a 3. Not sure about Kiff though; 2, 6, and 9 could all fit him fairly well.

It would certainly be an interesting combination of types. I would much like to actually meet such an individual in real life. Anywho, they'd be a person who chooses to make desicions based on...

Seems like a good list overall, but concerning these two different types, why are they so different? I mean I haven't seen either anime in quite a long time, but from what I remember Black Star was...

I actually understand that problem far too well; both from seeing others struggle with it, and myself at times feeling torn between two types because of the motivation/personality split. ...

Well, it would certianly make typing yourself via the enneagram much more difficult :tongue:

I'm 6-4-1. Here is a few pics that could best represent my tri-type (aka The Philosopher): 29009 29010 29011

It's not a stupid question; anyone with even mild curiosity in the field of typology is likely to ask it. The enneagram (and all other typology systems) is nothing more than a model; it arranges...

Most of this isn't really relevant in attempting to discern between ENFP and ENTP; both types could embody these traits easily. How does she derive her ethical values? How does she approach...

There's not much to go off here, but I'd say ESFP 7w6 so/sx should be about right.

Why thank you.

Going with this, ESFP still seems most likely. She could still be sp dom; sp's can sacrifice for others when needed, they're not completely selfish or anything. I also see a six fix in this...

I realte somewhat to type 4; given tri-type theory, it fits my heart triad somewhat well. As for core type, I'm not so sure, given that I don't relate that much to it, only somewhat. Also, under...

It is a bit of a strange pairing given that it's usually ENFP that gets typed 7 (well compared to INFP anyway), but given that the functions that I saw were more Fi/Ne with some Si and no real Te,...

Oh, they're the instinctual varients that are an extension of the enneagram. Sx types for example desire a level of insenity and bonding, so types want recognition in the social world, and sp types...

She seems passionate and intense, with a strong desire to experience things in life. Although to be honest, I'm actually not to sure on the sx/so myself, so don't regard it as tentative nor certain,...

I don't see any particular reason why Ni/Ne users would prefer different video games compared to Si/Se users; I'm N yet I play a wide variety of video game genres.

INFP 7w8 sx/so seems most likely.

Being familiar with many types is normal given the complexity of people; boxes of personality types is not a naturally occuring phenomenon, thus being confused among two, three, or a million types is...

Any other information that you can share. Specifically, what cogntiive functions does she seem to use most? How does she intake information and how does she make desicions? Also, what are her core...

Possible; at the very least I do think his heart fix shouldat least be second in his tri-type. Really? I may have to do some reconsideration into his tri-type. Hi Elfboy!...

I disagree, he might be obsessed with himself, but his desire to change the world does seem authentic. Yes, perhaps that desire was focused less on the later part of the series, probably because the...

INFP should be about right, but I am still unsure, although I'm usually unsure of just about everything. There is a possibility (discovered through an anonymous questionaire on another site) that I...

Meh the thread doesn't seem that long; I've noticed that 'type me' threads will sometimes go completely unnoticed while others get far too much attention. That why I make it a habit of mine to post...

Source for those quotes above: Socionics - the16types.info - Enneagram Instinctual Subtypes

Light is most definitely an So 1; yes he's narcissistic, but he still wants the world reformated in his pure image of how it should be, which invovles the slughter of anyone who isn't perfectly...

These typings are based on the AMC TV series, not the comic (which I have not read). Rick: ISFP (or ENFJ) 6w5 sx/sp ESI-Fi Shane: ENFJ 8w7 sp/sx SEE-Fe Daryll: ESTP 8w7 sp/sx Carl: ISTP...

Seems like as ESFP, enneagram wise, 9w8 > 2w1 > 6w5(?) sp/so In all honesty though, there isn't really a lot of information to go off from here.

INTJ 5w6 > 9w1 > 4w5 sp/sx I'm actually not that certain on the tri-type, but you definitely seem like an INTJ 5; 5w4 or 5w6 could be possible as well.

Well, if I am NJ, that would leave only ENTJ and INTJ as possible types, and given that I'm probably not Fi inferior, INTJ would then be the logical conclusion/possibility. Overall though, I...

True, I have heard before that the core type is of greater importance than the tri-type itself, so I do need to focus on that. Perhaps I'll read up on some 9 sp descriptions and see how much I...

That is certainly possible. Although I should mention that I entertain the notion of tri-type, so 9w8 could easily fit for my gut fix. sx 9 is a little iffy, I'm probably sp first or something. ...

Actually the problem with the edit feature is that it won't save when I hit the save button, and when I go to the advanced edit, an error occurs. :/

INTP hmmm... intruging. Any thoughts concerning my enneagram type? How, and thanks for the link (and edit advice), I'll be sure to check it out.

I just noticed that some of the words got placed together when I copied and pasted my list. I apologize for that, it looks messy and what's worst is that the editing feature doesn't seem to be...

So I'm curious as to what my type may be, but I feel as though confirmation from others would be useful. So here is a list of information concerning me, have fun. Thanks. - I tend...

INFP could be possible, but overall more information is needed in order assess you type. How do you relate to the cognitive functions?

Ones aren't neo nazis but neo nazis are typically ones. The Baby's desire is to see the world reconstructed as something perfect according to the doctrines of the Nazi philosophy (Te dominance and 1...

Jesus is 1w2 so/sx (or sx/so) if I remember correctly.

Don't be crazy the ballon will be fine *ballon pops* . . . Nooooooooooooooooo! :shocked:

Yay a welcome ballon, thanks ~O :kitteh:

There's a certain atmosphere that I feel around the time of December; like a certain familiar sensory experience that can only be known to me during that time of the year. For me these days, it's...