
Diplomats ENFP

Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

'Pacing. In my head... mostly.

You know you're an ENFP.... when you're easily conflicted... over big and small things... but not just in two ways - yes/no, do it/don't do it, but probably 5-10 different perspectives...

Returning to PerC perhaps? Unintentional hiatus possibly over.... Life just yanno... kinda got a hold of me... and I am not at my computer a whole lot anymore except for when school is in....lol. ...

Thanks guys!! :D

I know I'm an ENFP but rarely relate to other ENFP's especially on this forum. I always figured it was my over-developed dominant Ti (which is not characteristic of ENFP's), or my enneagram stacking....

I'm totally on board with what you said regarding the majority of the ENFP's on this forum. My expression of hyper is being ultra chatty about... say...75% of the time, and/or the habit of being...

Watching cartoons and debating what I want for breakfast... and also when/if I'm going to clean the kitchen and dishes from the other night when I made a huge home cooked dinner... which took a lot...

Just woke up from a really nasty dream. Wishing I wasn't alone right now, and that's just not like me at all. Feeling unsettled, though I've had several dreams in the last couple years that...

Stand in front of the bathroom mirror? Hehe. Good luck!!

Getting ready to go to bed I think. I've had enough of this day. Not mad or upset, but had enough of it. Watched 500 Days of Summer earlier and it just got on my nerves... struck some chords about...

Just got back from the store, then vomited for a while. Awesome. Just turned on tonight's Presidential Debate, and am getting ready to start on this recipe for my dads bday tomorrow: Pecan Pie Cake...

You're very right. It just took me some self-convincing to let it go. I'm only human, you know... :tongue:

Not letting bigots get to me. Taking the high road. I could again, write a sound, verifiable, (even biblically sound) response to some members of a hate group - but I've already wished them...

Still surprised the OP had nothing to say to my initial response. Oh well. Perhaps I struck a nerve, or he felt no need to reply, or I left him with nothing to say? Perhaps he is pre-occupied with...

I 100% agree. While I had a very doting ISFJ mother, who pretty much had already raised a family before us, being the oldest of 7 siblings and being in charge with two working parents all of the...

I assure you that not all INFJ's are doormats. Stereotypically ISFJ's are more the mothering type. Anyhow, many INFJ's do not take criticism well, care to take up all the slack for others, or are...

Relaxing after a very scary day. I almost died of anaphylactic shock. Luckily I was in the hospital and was able to call the nurse with the button in my lap before I went unconscious. Unfortunately...

Blasting FB with photos and stuff from the page I co-admin. Also eating a small bowl of chili I reheated for bfast, leftover from my first (and extremely successful) attempt at making chili last...

Did a little research and apparently that can happen with this brand - and yes it is dangerous (and expensive) - but they have suggestions as to how to fix it/stop it on their site in the help/FAQ...

Rinsing my mouth every few min and wiping my lip off repeatedly, bc it's burning a bit - I think the liquid in my e-cig leaked somehow when I switched the filter to the other charged battery. From...

What's a race PR? Just wondering. And as I said in another thread about 2 seconds ago (lol), Happy Birthday!

Well I was asleep for a while, but I guess I went to bed too early bc I only slept for about 2 hours. Now I'm up again. What am I doing? Well, what I am NOT doing is enjoying this e-cigarette that...

I have a quiet day (it's what I call them) a few times a year. They just happen. Nothing is wrong. I just feel like I am observing everything completely around me, without really processing...

Trying Domino's new Handmade Deep Dish pizza. The manager and driver (old co-workers of mine, and my ex/best friends step-dad's co-workers now), both told me it's so much better than the old one...

Um... Good for you...I think. Yay for everyday life experience I guess.

Woke up early after going to bed late. Watching reruns of Roseanne on a Saturday morning. I'm in pain but I'm sure my pain meds will kick in soon and I will be able to get up and make some breakfast,...

Yes, but the furthest I ever go is the beach (2hrs away) or the mountains (2-3hrs away). I won't go far. Every other trip has been planned at least a couple days if not a week or two in advance. Ok,...

Always good to see you around mate! Esp outside of the ENFP sub-type forum. :tongue: Also, I'm chatting with friends, winding down for the day. Just showered and had a nice salad for dinner with a...

I have an auto-immune disease (Crohns specifically). It means my immune system is attacking my insides, as if I had had a bad transplant or something.

Pain medicine for my lacerated insides. I went off of them for a few days, to make sure I wasn't addicted chemically and withdrew, which sucked but it's fine and was intentional. Now my tolerance is...

Sometimes it's nice to get lost. Especially on a walk or bike ride. It might help you learn the city, or maybe you'll discover something or someplace new and exciting - or even something about...

Trying to keep my eyes from going cross-eyed from the meds I'm on, while trying to read and write stuff online. Also listening to/watching American Dad in the background. Also just finished eating a...

Thanks for that - it was really funny, however once was definitely enough for me lol.

You know you're an ENFP when you find it amusing that other ENFP's think that we all go through the exact same, and very specific often day to day (activities or) things. This is incredibly common on...

Trying to find ways of entertaining myself when I should probably just shower and go to bed. Trying not to get into a political debate with a really close INFJ friend. I can't fathom how she holds...

Eating watermelon after just waking up from a much needed nap and thinking about the amazing salad I'm going to make later. Also chatting with friends. Can't wait for my next dose of pain medicine. I...

Looking for true love online. Probably a waste of time, eh?

Procrastinating going to sleep. Watching Adult Swim.

Ice packs man. Ice packs. And ibeprofun. A freezer full of icepacks waiting for me at my dorm at the end of the day when I practiced my violin 7 hrs daily were my best friends. Carpal Tunnel in one...

The Mindy Project was pretty good. Definitely going to tune in next week. I'm about to try these parmesan and garlic pita chips. I decided against eating hummus with them, although I have some...

Watching the premier of The Mindy Project, after hearing about it on NPR earlier on my Starbucks run. They were talking to/interviewing the Star/Writer/Co-producer. She used to write for The Office,...

Congrats! I'm almost to a measly 1000. But I will get there eventually!! Congrats again to the BEST Mod/Admin EVAH!!

Oh yes, I forgot to include in my list my love for Tarantino flicks. I loved Inglorious Bastards from the very first minute it started rolling. Also I love Kill Bill 1 and 2 - and am greatly...

Have you seen Kung Fu Dunk ? it's on Netflix. It's in Chinese though, but has subtitles.

Eat a banana and/or something with a lot of sodium in it. Depending on what's going on in your body it could be a deficiency related to either or both potassium or sodium. Or it just could be a...

So true.... so true.

In order of love and/or number or times seen (estimates LOL): Ever After (seen 300,000+ times) You've Got Mail (100,000+ times) Die Hard 4,1,3,2 (3 times) V for Vendetta (10 times) Love Actually...

It was somewhat concluded and discussed in-depth in this thread a few months ago that Up is the most ENFP attracting movie ever.

Thinking... and suffering. Watching Family Guy and trying to occupy my mind and distract myself from my physical discomfort.

Too true. We refuse to be deterred by their hard-shelled exterior and occasional lack of tact. :P'