
Diplomats ENFP

Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

'*sigh* I came back here to research on something and then I came into this topic. I wish people will realize that we can go down as deeply as possible but might never find a real truth to our...

[spoiler ] meow [/spoiler ]

I'd say INTJ, but I'd double check with a form. Yeah I know, the forms can get pretty annoying but the best test is the human elements involved.

I'd really say, go with what you believe. I don't believe in the physical approach because I prefer untangling the mind as much as possible before deciding if drugs are really all there is. ...

I personally frown at the idea of creativity being related to the arts exclusively because it's not the tangible product, but the idea of what makes you feel like a human being. As a person who...

The problem is, networking is very useful, if not, almost your lifeline in certain careers. If he got bombed for lacking social skills in the past, he might start wrapping it up in bandages and come...

Because there's no correlation between MBTI and not being an asshole. /case closed. Also, dogs are cute. If you beat puppies, then you're an asshole ;) And Michael Jackson weeps.

Well, to be honest, intelligence is tied to memory of any length. If you don't have a detailed memory of at least one thing, of any subject, then bad news, really. I'd say there's a correlation...

Still doesn't take away the possibility I might still consider myself an S lol. But while I'm at it, may as well play around with different appearances ;)

....lose your belongings? I've been frequently losing my things or forgetting I even carried stuff out since I've been a toddler. Certainly, I'm not known to be reliable to be aware of my...

I'd like to believe that genetics are more complicated than what kind of wretched or God-send human being comes out of the sources.

Do the mysteries of what process makes the happiest landing ever cease? :tongue:

I'm sorry I keep dragging you down to unknowns :P Although the NF's should actually be the easiest to self-type unless you're value-blind. Sometimes I even doubt my temperament.

Definite ne/si influence. I don't know if this just adult coodling young people but whatever. at womenizing: Maybe inferior FE turns you into sex bombs without awareness o.O Could it be...

Is there a possibility that you don't feel good about yourself?

:P Will I dis-balance the spinning top if I give any further input? @Acerbusvenator @FacelessBeauty Time to call for Batman.

Possible: ENP ENJ I can see where ENFJ can apply however.

I believed that too, but analyzing the text is another art. It might be related to what type of intellect too; visual thinkers with visual, verbal with verbal. Some people can't read the tone of...

I should have known you guys sooner. We can ride a nice hot air balloon around Kiersey's temperament. It's too bad we can't get a T-shirt souvenir to go with it, but have some photos. : P On the...

No one is wrong under my hugs. Unless you're doing multiple choice exams. Then you're alone and screwed ;)

Want a affirmative, definite, non-doubting hug? Hug's are absolute. You do not question hugs unless the other person has a kitchen knife in the other hand and claims that s/he's going to cook. ...

I think you're an ISFJ. I can think about a varied of meanings for that, and I don't concern for the actual truth. Not to mention, you're also very pragmatic. Your attitude towards abstract...

Do you think it'd be better to ask for attitudes about food then? Isolate the variables.

Ixtp, leaning on S.

But wouldn't it be interesting to investigate otherwise? The OP is only looking for the top of the bell curve, not the rim of it. I consider myself ENFP and I at least have one meal a day....

Funny, now he sounds like my INTJ boyfriend. He'd also stated once that even though his work didn't offer much salary, it was the experience that mattered. Reiterating that he's pretty childish...

The internet is too mysterious </3 Tell us any advice he gave : P

I'm not convinced on TJ because by her reasoning that NJ's will just go on with intuition more so than she, she'll more likely park at a judging function and look at the map first. If I were to...

I always wondered why human zombies don't hunt at least other mammals. South Africa and Australia has some pretty fucked up critters. There's also 2 million insects per human. Some species of animals...

:wink: Well are you a man or woman?

If most of the human population became zombies, or most of the insect population became zombies that hunts other living things??

Do you think perhaps is a more NE-oriented term? Although your tone of writing sounds more like an FE user. :P How did you feel about the random question from nowhere? ...

http://makecocktailsathome.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/collins-highball.jpg Would you like a glass of something? I can serve you any glass-of-something you like but better make it interesting...

The T's in general dislike their logic circuits being molested by others too although a T might be more apt to tune into a bullshit detector where facts are concerned. Although, do you think he's...

Acerbusvenator This is pure FI. I'd imagine your choice of skies have something to do with the way a tert Si makes you feel. Not the subject of choice itself but the way you attach to...

Holy crap! During the reincarnation process from past live, the soul must have split in 2 and it became male and female.

...if your friend is an INFP just like you, would you feel mind-blown XD? Fi-somewhere actually is possible because they can appear to be accommodating but also keeping tabs on their inner self to...

Nymph is a feeler. I'm calling INFP

;) Do 4's need to be depressed to stand out?

Do you think your picture reaction describes an Ni/Se axis? You have a well developed meaning behind the picture but you have to go and describe what's there; a subjective (ni) interpretation on an...

@Katriona1992 But how do you know the true extent of what it means to be an ESFP? Anyways, I wonder wondering if you can try this approach instead: ...

Your feeling of missing piece might have to do with NI, because unlike NE which is still fact based, it looks at internal framework of the object in question. You feel missing pieces, you feel...

INFP is a possibility on second guess but... 1) You speak with certainty and awareness. It's honestly choleric. 2) No 9) Might be an inner SE scare 3) 7a) Surreal yet sane? Stubborn yet...


Technically, we don't really have anything to lose on the basis that we'll eventually die. All our money will be circulated around the economy. Our belongings will probably end up in the...

1) I'm not sure if this is any better than how many people secretly type others in their heads. This is the best manifest I can come up with at the moment because so many people just list superficial...

Have you guys ever met another Fi-user with different values that you start to clash? I found it hard to associate with such persons and is pretty reluctant to disclose myself. There are times...

Myself: XNFP Mother: ISFP (Suspect) Father: ENTJ I rarely found a topic of interest with my parents and my Mother and I have a FI incompatibility; I prize a more minamalistic living, she wants...

Shameless advertising and marketing test: http://personalitycafe.com/whats-my-personality-type/106870-other-kin-form-typing-others.html

Thought it'd be interesting to have a form where you want to type others. If one is having difficulties answering most questions, then maybe one should work on their social skills or stop being...'