'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLnYeIADVhM :mellow:
I'm doing very well. I've managed to re-connect with my artistic side and got back into drawing again. It's so relaxing and keeps me focused, I love it :).
I have a 9 fix, i'm a core 7 though.
Oookay....I never claimed to be a 9 though so not sure what you're talking about.
Not very SP, sure. Not understanding how it's not SX, though.
I desire to be a motherfucking millionaire so I can buy shit for myself this lovely holiday season, instead of saving and skrimping to get by for Christmas. I also desire for Anastasia Beverly Hills...
Thank you Kalei, this means so much right now. https://media.tenor.co/images/bb0de620a0f5ee58c2256642a524a01d/raw
I really wish people would listen to me when I try and open up to them, because feeling like you're being ignored time and time again sucks. I already have a strange...relationship (I guess?) when it...
So fed up with SJW's and their bullshit. You try and be respectful of other people's opinions, yet they can't offer you the same curtsy. K, sound bro. Ugh, get a fucking grip. Words are just words,...
Panic attacks are really stressful and horrible, and I'd never wish it on anyone. Even when you finally managed to calm yourself down, you still feel really shit. You can't just bounce back from it...
To not be in pain, period you are a dick.
Are you trying to race me? Does something happen if I reach the 5,000 mark? DO I BECOME A NEW COLOUR? :kitteh: Fuck you treehouse, I'm finishing first xD.
Chinese food, and a new series (anime preferably) to obsess over. I need a new obsession, I miss the feeling :(
When you want to do everything, but end up doing nothing. #LiteralDefinitionOfAllOrNothing #ThereIsNoInbetween Trying to motivate myself. I have all this internal energy that is so fierce and...
This just in: I look pretty damn good with a tan. And I hope I can land this job I've applied for. Money and everything is much better. GIMME HOPE GOD, I'VE BEEN GOOD. Make this worth mah while. ...
Hmmm, idk. I don't really understand the question, and I feel like people are sheeping others answers (e.g. being ignored) because of the strange way the question is worded? Like, I'm not saying...
Lol, I'm a lazy moody cunt xD. #7&4Ftw
Can I be Memestar?
Laughing at this cringey fucker xD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHjmJmZMHN4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpmJh2CjSIA Kito Tagging you because this was in your sig for ages:tongue:, and omg I've fell in love with bring me! (at least with their newer stuff) :proud:.
I'm on my phone and can't go into detail, but the ones that really relate to me are: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Which clearly means I am mistyped. NO! CURSES!!!
Me. Bow down peasants, I have arrived. Quick, gather round and I'll let you observe me (for science):proud:!
Cool thread idea! Shame I have no clue who I relate to xD. Fuck it, I'm claiming the most badass character, and if you don't agree with this you can all die, cause I said so *clocks gun*. Fuck...
Very strong:proud:. It's been suggested to me a few times that I am a type 6 because my wing is so noticeable. I'd say that my 6 is by far superior to my 8, although I have my 7w8 moments. However,...
Ah, shit. Was I doing it again!? Holy crap. Apologies. Next time, when I make another one of my lengthy posts bragging about how awesome my life is with my rich sugar-daddy (who, btw, totally saved...
My boyfriend is, in honest to god's truth, one of the best people I've ever known. He jokes that he's okay, and says he's a a bit of a cunt at times, but honestly...he's just wonderful. ...
I feel like shit. I've been having a really shit time lately. I'm losing confidence, and becoming more insecure again. I wonder if it's because I've not told myself nice things in a good...
Things will get better, time is an amazing healer. I know this won't help much right now, and it's probably not what you want to hear, but it's true. I've been there too. Once you get through that...
We got a new puppy :kitteh:!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, a dog in the family!!! Fuck cats, man. His name is Jethro, and he's precious. I love him already. This is him sleeping on me :).
I feel like shit. PMS-ing, cramping, anxious (which is making me feel ill) and freezing. And, to top it all off, I have an 8 hour shift to look forward to. Yay.
OMFG. I'm actually reading fanfiction right now, and I'm going to search for this. It sounds amazing:laughing:. My boyfriend has recently became a GOT fan, I'll make him read it with me too. ...
I'm in the middle of writing a chapter to a new story I'm planning on publishing o/. It's nothing real, I'm just returning to fanfiction after like a 6 year hiatus xD. I'm really happy. I used to...
I want to read a decent NaLU fanfic, not these piles of shit that I keep stumbling across. DAMN, IS IT SO HARD TO ASK FOR SOMEONE WHO LIKES THE SAME SHIP AS ME TO WRITE ABOUT IT AND POSSIBLY (LOL OK...
I just fell in love with this song all over again xD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-zpOMYRi0w
You know what's a good time? Playing super smash bros while high. You know what's not a good time? Thinking you hear footsteps in the darkness and you, your boyfriend and his friend all freak the...
Playing mafia, high. Do not recommend lol.
Current Mood: :rolleyes:. Just...stfu, please.
Can't be fucked with anything or anyone.'