
Diplomats ENFP

Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

As an INTJ, I have been very interested in ESTJs. The reason that we share the same Te function in that we both like to get things accomplished. Can anyone give me the details in how to make a...

Here is a quiz that I just created: Orange or Gray Red or Maroon Green or Aqua Blue or Yellow I took this quiz and came out Orange, Red, Aqua, and Yellow. This means that I'm an ESFP. ...

Winnie the Pooh is another type of ISFJ. So is Cinderella. Cinderella is an ISFJ because her Wicked step mother and her evil step sisters are always taking advantage of her kindness and her...

I have always smiled like this and know what it is like. Grinning from ear to ear is something that I always do.

I was wondering what your favorite school subject was. After all, I'm curious to find out.

I can relate to the laziness my personality type. It is due to my ADHD. I am in constant need of stimulation. I try to clean house but my boredom gets the better of me.

Thank you for sharing this information. It told me a lot about the Si function and what I do in my life. It was very riveting too.

Hi guys. I'm an ISFJ and I have an anxiety disorder called agoraphobia. I've had this problem since I was 23 years old. Because my main function is Introverted Sensation, I have stayed at home all...

I was wondering if ISFPs make good friends. I know that they are known for their creativity but what are their hidden potentials? I mean what would ISFPs do to keep themselves busy.

When you are hard on yourself and no one cares at all about how you are feeling.

Even though you use a lot of detail words, you are an INFP. You may come off as an INTP but that is because you use a lot of analysis to deduce your type. Even INFPs can have a skeptical nature. In...

You should do what is best for you. Only you can decide if it is right for you. :)

Hi and welcome to the forum. If you need a friend I will always be here to help. ;)

I do not know about a morbid sense of humor but I like fart jokes and toilet humor.

Here is what I got: 13 Words of Affirmation 10Quality Time 6Physical Touch 3Receiving Gifts 0Acts of Service

I was always wondering how the Si function and Fe function affects the way an ISFJ behaves. I was wondering because I am interested how it works for an ISFJ. The Si side allow the ISFJ to recollect...

Yes and it makes it hard to concentrate as well. Every now and then my ADHD will turn against me and make me feel that I do not live up to my potential. That is why I take the Daytrana patch to help...

Hi everyone I retook the MBTI and came out INTJ. I'm very glad to hear this.:kitteh:


I have never seen anyone group the “NP” preferences as an archetype or temperament but in my work with hundreds of people, I see a pattern that looks like NP could very well be the “ADD” or even...

I was wondering if there are any ENFJs with ADHD. I am an ENFJ suffering from Adult ADHD and I'm very hyperactive. I use the 10 mg Daytrana patch everyday for at least 7 hours for the full benefit....

E: extravert Dominant (EE or Ee) I: introvert recessive (ee) R: Realism I: Idealism RI: NT (Rational) R: SP (artisan) I: NF (Idealist) O: SJ (Guardian)

You're right! I'm a deep autumn.

Hi. I was wondering what my season could be. Here is my pic: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10565226_1544675289081637_4802105520361910050_n.jpg I was wondering...

Yes as an ISFJ, I've always had problems concentrating on my work. That's why I wear the daytrana patch. The daytrana patch helps me focus better.

Hi there, everyone. I'm Billy and I'm an ISFJ with ADHD. I was wanting to know if there are any other ISFJs with adhd? Any comments would be very helpful.:happy:

By reading the thread.

Even though you have been flexible lately, I can conclude that in fact, that you are an INTJ.

I'm very humble. I like to help others but I'm very sensitive. I'm very self-critical. Even though I'm given loads of encouragement, I'm hard on myself. I often need lots of reassurance throughout...

You seem to be an INFP to me.

Well thank you Zyn and welcome to the forum. Here's a cookie for you.:tongue:

Welcome to PerC INFP friend. I hope you meet and make new friends here.

Thanks for the advise Essay.

I've always had bipolar. Even now I struggle with meds. Oh well.

I'm an ENFP with bipolar disorder. I often struggle with unstable moods. I'm taking meds for it. I was wondering if any other ENFPs out deal with the same struggles that I do.

Interpersonal, linguistic, and musical for me.

When you make everyone laugh at the same time.

Hi guys. I'm wondering if any ENFPs get autism. I'm only curious because I'm an ENFP with high functioning autism. Any comments would be appreciated.

hi i'm billy. i'm new here. i hope to make friends with everyone.:tongue: