
Diplomats ENFP

Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

'Buckeye, that is just heartbreaking to read. I can relate to some of it, but gosh, stay strong my friend. I don't want my situation to esculate like that, actually I fear it. The way things are...

GirlyGurl, what did you say? please don't erase your response. I would appreciate any insight and feedback! I love my mother and I want there to be understanding between us. I fear a rift will be...

right. uggghh!! I just want to pull my hair out. She usually calls, but I have yet to hear from her and she is using my sister to communicate with me. I am wondering is she has already shut me off.

I think I will start with that. I am just regretting letting her know my feelings a little bit.

Thank you for the advice pockyist! She usually calls me every morning and didn't, should I wait a couple of days before talking to her or proceed to speak with her now.

Please help me understand my mother more. I love my mother and I want a closer relationship with her. I had horrible talk with my mother in an attempt to patch things up in our relationship....

Thank you Hurricane! I graduated with an education degree(4-8th grade science and ESL)

I love to take walks outside, headphones on, no hurry, no direction. This song will never get old to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2VCwBzGdPM

Hi, I am ENFP and I am kind of indecisive.

this is so sad.:sad:

Invisibility cloak- awesomeness invented. human teleportation-please let this be possible in my lifetime! I believe!

hmm, what if the Earth was square shaped? :shocked:

I just went through almost the entire thread scrolling to your awesome pics. Good thing there is not thanks/like limit. :D You guys make me smile. And your are all lovely!

lololol. This reminds me of ME! You ready to see my sexy face?! *makes disturbing creeper face* *looks beneath lashes flutters eyelashes furiously trying to stay serious-composed.


OMG...my heart. I love this thread so much!

Thank you again Jay! It was a lovely day spent with friends.

Thanks Jay!

Done!! until I get bored and go to grad school.https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/944253_10201018352851780_1661661032_n.jpg

I forgot about this place and now I am obsessed with MBTI again.lol I just graduated last week and now about to start the afterlife....

ENFP fun http://askformoore.tumblr.com/post/31629047644/this-totally-describes-our-friendship

u see no problem w/ the bible?

lol, then i must be one of god's favorites, cause my life sure aint one that gives one the opportunity to complain:proud:

if u believe in god, how did you rationalize the concept and existence of this higher power that created everything out of nothing?

because we want/need harmony. we want everyone to like us. So when that harmony is corrupted, in this case her co-worker's apparent animosity, we want to fix it. we will take measures to smooth out...

No worries, I don't judge that way. Each person gets an equal chance to turn me off and i'll be on my way and vice vera.:) typing is good to know/useful but people are individuals and i see them...

I know it pretty much says we are attention whores, but to be honest i don't like to be put on the spotlight like that. Maybe when i was younger, in my teens i gravitated to that in an effort for...

thanks darling! It bothers me when people put themselves down too! lol, feels weird cause i'm usually the one that tries help them pick up their spirits. Your right of course, hopefully(crosses...

i lost my wallet recently!! well I know its here in the house....somewhere. :( And guilty of losing all the things you mentioned above. And fuck yea its aggregating. I must of wasted years of my...

is that the ideal match quiz? I took that and my 'ideal match' came out to be INTJ but I don't think id want to be with one judging from time spent on this forum observing. But who know, maybe if IRL...

yea, so i gathered.lol

*shrug* stereotyping, sure, and it''s already been established in this thread. meh, there was no intended disrespect from my side, nor any respect.

I srsly think infj is my perfect match.

lol-ouch, rejected. @ the above. sure! why not?!:crazy:

I see nothing with asking obvious stupid questions, who knows, the book description on some things might not exactly fit you and would be interesting to see how many replies confirms, denys,...

why yes, yes i would.:tongue:

hey Nate, I think you could have worded your question differently, it comes across to me as being a bit accusatory. As ENFPs we're natural optimists and may come across as often unrealistic...

ahahahaha *frantically asks for username change* Don't think i've met one of your type IRL, but i would like to! Experiments are pretty fun, would be cool to test it out and see what...

hi guys, i would appreciate any feedback from you guys. I can get a teachers certificate with this major. What do you think the future of health educators? will schools always need to...

yep, I do have the same problems in social settings as well, but its gotten better....i think. Sometimes i have so much to say...and i cant find the right words to get any of it out.....it quiet...

yeah, been reading up on it and its def an interesting disorder. I def see the parallels of my personality type and ADD/ADHD. it quiet fascinating actually, sooooo many similarities:shocked:

eeeh placebo effect? It quiet possible. In the health industry, Im convinced thats how a lot of the weight loss/bodybuilding supplements sectors are so successful. Yet, physiologically speaking, a...

ehhh, if she protests, we'll just have to tie her down and do things to her that will make her moan and purr and lose train of thought all together!:tongue:

uummm, can i join you guys?:mellow:

Im an e-pedo!!!:tongue: i'm 20. are you of age? if not, you can add to my pedo reputation!!

I remember going to your profile, if I recall correctly your 16. would it make a me a perverted pedo if i said yes?:mellow:

hi my ENFPs and your awesomeness!! just wanted to know if you guys have problems with your thought process and what you see on your screen. I mean i'm the queen of grammar mistakes if i don't...

agreed. It would be very hard to adopt any set of values that arent villainous to me but others might see it as such. This is because I tend to put myself in other's shoes and see things from...

thanx sweetie!!

hahaha, i've been accused of this before!! yea!! I love to see others smile:happy:'