
Diplomats ENFP

Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

'do you guys have issues with making choices?

i feel bad. i got a drink from the bar tender tonight within like...idk 30-45sec, my Hispanic gay friend had to stand there with her wallet out towards the bartender for like, 45 minutes before...

was about to die due to lack of coffee. *sips* doctors say im doing much better now

Best day i've had all day

I didn't know you were a Himalayan salt pen holder, thats crazy that you can type.

well, for instance my situation right now, is i asked a girl out, and she said she was hella busy for the next three weeks but would love to go out when shes free, so.... i've been questioning...

I have lied to spare someones feelings before, and i felt like crap I have been honest with someones feelings before, and i felt like crap Now days i usually try to put my feet in their shoes...

If your life was a movie, what kind of movie would it be, and has it started yet?

If your life was a movie, what kind of movie would it be, and has it started yet?

If your life was a movie, what kind of movie would it be, and has it started yet?

If your life was a movie, what kind of movie would it be, and has it started yet?

If your life was a movie, what kind of movie would it be, and has it started yet?

pretty good, not wonderful or terrific, but pretty greaaaatt.. until i found out one of my class mates/childhood friend from kindergarden had passed away... so preeetty freaking bad :(

Notus Asphodelus change one thing in your day, every day. doesn't matter how big or small the thing is, but change something :)

just slowly putting my life together, day by day :)


your too nice

alrighty guys i have an ethical question i've been stuck on for awhile now, as a single 24 year old enfp(or for any single adult for that matter), what are your thoughts and views of dating multiple...

I'd like to imagine I have such an effect on people, but i also have a hard time looking at myself objectively so.... guess ill never know

since you know her well(ish), invite her out to do something that you know she likes, or would be interested in :)

random thought, but i've been reading and researching a lot into body language, and have found that if your in front of someone you don't like, or if they are looking at you, you'll tend to cross...

happy, excited, tired, a little nervous

teemo units?

well im very gude about not putting multiple demands on people at the same time, with one exception... i like to talk through movies >.> sowwie

Well, i guess i havn't thought about it directly like that, but indirectly its not so much that i don't talk when around introverts. But instead i give them more space more often, while my esfp...

So...a few things to this if i don't say something on the fly as i come up with it, then i just feel awkward and brain can't get past that thought, i can completely understand having to sit there and...

watched logan with a few of my friends yesterday, was pretty good, not the worlds greatest movie or anything, but pretty good

It is a lot easier and a lot faster to be able to get to know people, when they are honest like this, thats for sure. with that being said idk why but i think i personally have a fear of silences, i...

Where theres no dead time with awkward silences, and conversation comes easily without effort?

hmmm, yaa i've always been very very good at being likable, but i've not been so good at being interesting. Usually starts off with being interesting but somewhere along the lines i/they turn it...

im not interested

Whenever my friend gets jahova witnesses at her front door, she answers the door naked, works like a charm

i never really thought about it, but do us guys show a lot of random signs as well of attraction, like moving hair, or touching something or...?

i kind of feel like a mess, like all over the place, happy, but still a mess


being direct, is something I've always adored about you guys err girls*

As an enfp, I would never stalk people btw, looove the new furniture, looks great from the yard

Talk nerdy to me you task manager :laughing:

yaa i suppose is a form of validation to me lately, not THE only form of validation, but a one and yaaa, int/enfp social event, ill bring the wine, beer, and coffee

Interesting, i mean that makes a lot of sense, i think everyone likes interesting conversations. But with you, how does one go from just being some random person your having interesting...

*challenges you to a drinking game*

uhhh theres gonna be several answers here... First, you gotta realize i don't like all attention, and not attention, i don't have to be the center of the party. The attention of a girl...

aweeee don't feel embarrassed, as a guy who loves attention, i love it when this happens to me

bwahahaha i havn't laughed so hard all day Well, at least this way, you won't be easily forgotten

Im guessing with you its all about long in depth conversations?

When you say move physically closer, do you literally walk closer to him, or just lean closer or more eye contact or?

for girls only; do you touch/play/move your hair, or earrings while around a guy you find attractive, and if so do you do it on purpose or on accident, and do you even notice that your doing it at...

for girls only; do you touch/play/move your hair, or earrings while around a guy you find attractive, and if so do you do it on purpose or on accident, and do you even notice that your doing it at...

for girls only; do you touch/play/move your hair, or earrings while around a guy you find attractive, and if so do you do it on purpose or on accident, and do you even notice that your doing it at...

for girls only; do you touch/play/move your hair, or earrings while around a guy you find attractive, and if so do you do it on purpose or on accident, and do you even notice that your doing it at...'