'63915 I got my hair cut. :D Some people say that I look like David Duchovny now... Truth is out there.
I was probably seen as a musician or the music geek. :P Definitely not a loner, but not the social butterfly either. Though I was told that whenever I laughed they would always recognize me even if...
I just want to be with that girl :3
I love physical touch, but usually it makes other people uncomfortable, so I don't really get too touchy feely with others too often.
If you like PvP, you should definitively try Dota(2). It's really the king of PvP games. :P Learning curve is abysmal, but once you get the hang of it, it's awesome. Also Guild Wars 2 beta is coming...
http://i.imgur.com/toif8.jpg New hair! :D Just got back from cruise. Was fun ^^
Well it looks like there are many things wrong in what I do judging from the answers. :D I like lots of sweets, rarely switch my pillowcases, use hairspray/gel/stuff, but not always wash it off when...
This thread reminded me of this site. Those people are just scum of the earth seriously... Go ahead and let your brain melt when reading. :X
So yeah... I'm kinda fed up with my skin. I don't have a huge acne, but I have a huge problem with my obsessive need to burst every pimple and blackhead I get and it makes my skin look quite...
I remember few years ago in school there was this rebellious kid tough guy or something like that in my class. I think we had somekind of test or something and everyone was supposed to be quiet,...
Haha, I had almost the same hobby when I was a kid, except I collected batteries. :D Yes. Batteries. I had a huge box filled with batteries, but then some assholes came and threw them away. :'( (I...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehMPmKHO6Vg&feature=related Goddamn I love this song... <3
Heh, I remember one year ago when I thought about starting working out. I was about 52kg (115 pounds) and I was a bit over 170 cm tall. I was pretty damn skinny and I was pretty self-conscious about...
At the moment I'm working as a mailer in a summer job, which is a tedious assembly line type of job, which involves stacking lots and lots and lots of newspaper. :D The pay is pretty good however...
Ha. Too familiar. :D I often make some ultra lame pun and then it justs cracks me up after I told it because it was so incredibly stupid.
Trolololo guess it's time to take some more photos after haircut and stuff. (Although that's just an excuse because it's already grown back to it's original length xD) http://i.imgur.com/sj2x9.jpg...
http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/huge-metal-fan.gif I just had to put it out here. xD
HELL YEAH! METAL! Always been my favorite music genre although I listen a lot lighter stuff nowadays too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFY_RuQQgYU This song is just incredibly awesome. The...
Yea I used to play it for about an year. It was pretty fun raiding with my friends, but eventually it got kinda boring and repetitive so we just quit. I miss the good old times when we all were...
For me: Lack of social interactions and lack of freedom.
When you want to be entertained or have fun, what urges come to mind; what do you do? I usually go hang out with my friends. Getting drunk or playing video games. :D Bigger parties are also...
I guess you COULD say that I believe in God, but I'm more like pantheist. I think the God is more like an impersonal creative/spiritual force that resides in everything in this universe.
Turned 18 today. :cool: Woot
Looks pretty good imo. If I had to change something I would train all the abs on the same day. They are one muscle group as well and don't really need any special treatment. And also, I suggest...
Tridentus pretty much nailed it. :D
There's conscription in my country, so yes I have to go. -.- Still got one year of freedom. Pisses me off when I even think about it. Gotta waste my life for 6 months or in the worst case scenario 1...
I'm doing horrible. So, first I lose my iPod because it just somehow mysteriously vanished overnight. I tried searching for it over 3 hours, but I. Just. Couldn't. Find. It. It pissed me off so much...
Heyo, I was just wondering that are other ENFP often late from everything, because I'm ALWAYS late!! My teachers rage at me all the time and I never get good seats because I'm always late from the...
Are you considered hot or beautiful or cute by others physical standards? I have been called good looking and stylish and what else. So I guess. :D On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best)...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8Juilrg6oQ Now THIS is art...
No, not the copy image. There should also be an option which says something about the url-address of the image. Man it's so weird to try to explain when my computer is in different language. xD
:D Just right click the pic and click the copy the url address of the picture or something like that. (Not sure how it's written in english since my PC is in finnish.) Then paste the address...
Let's just say my ingenuity is unparalleled and without bounds. ;D
Try uploading your photo to here first: imgur: the simple image sharer And then copy the link here. :)
http://i.imgur.com/BKi5L.jpg Guess I'll contribute too. :tongue:
My favorite song started playing in my iPod and I randomly started dancing on my way home from school. I received some odd looks before I realized to stop. :D I also singed at school on breaks as...
Tried that, but it was just too hard to manage with those weird keybindings. :( I'm more into League of legends where the skills are QWER.
Well.. I don't wanna say bodybuilding because I'm nowhere near one, but I enjoy immensely working out at the gym. Somehow it just feels so damn good. :D There's nothing better than eating a ton of...
I rarely get any zits on my face... They all appear on my back! And I have compulsive need to burst them. >_> This means that my back looks pretty horrid, because it's full of scars from the zits and...
Hellbent For Leather How well do YOU know metal? Not bad. Some of these questions were tough as hell, don't feel bad. You still did a hell of a job. You scored 76% on metalpoints, higher than...
1. My legs 2. Cat :) 3. Random books 4. Pens and pencils 5. Computer, monitor, mouse etc. etc.
Man, I really don't know. Maybe starcraft 2 or Heroes of Newerth at the moment? And maybe Civilization V when I get to test it out. :D
http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/268/b/d/rose_by_moonfragament-d2zfj5b.jpg Just a quick rose I drew. :P
Well my budget was 700x80. I managed to raise it a bit, but well I bought a desktop already. :) Not the one I mentioned in this thread though. My friend recommended another pc for me and it looked...
Ok thanks for replies. Desktop it is then I guess. :D
Okay here we go: The laptop (Hp, Pavilion dv7-4006 black cherry): - 2 core AMD Athlon II P320 cpu 2.1 GHz - 4 Gb DDR3 (2 x 2048 Mb) DDR3 Memory - ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 with 1Gb of DDR3...
So I'm thinking of buying a new computer and I'm thinking which one should I take. One with AMD Athlon II P320 cpu and ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 video card or one with AMD Athlon II X2 cpu and...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8rZWw9HE7o Epic.
Justin Bieber. 'Nuff said. ...Well maybe not, but honestly, I don't think I would want to kill anyone, because I don't really hate anyone that much and don't really feel like trying to...
5. I didn't really get along with him as a kid, because I felt that he was too strict and I was pretty wimpy anyway, but nowadays I think he is really cool guy.'