
Analysts ENTJ

Bold, imaginative and strong-willed leaders, always finding a way or making one.

'Thanks to all you guys, I really thought I was alone in this. It feels so good that someone else understands the struggles you have with others. I will take your advice and not give my attention to...

I'm 22 years old and I just transferred to a new college in DC. Luckily I have an aunt who lives in DC with her husband and two kids. They have a nice Townhouse and allowed me to have the guest...

all the NTs, I really wanted to get a good outlook on this, INTJs and INTPs give great advice to me.


Yes I do. In a way, it's scary to know you know so much about me without ever speaking to me.

Tell me about it. I have too many stories not enough time to type them all.

Good tip.

Thanks for sharing and you made me laugh as I agree.

Thanks I need to hear that. ENTPs don't seem to agree with me, and I only got one INTJ who experiences the same thing.

Thanks, I need to hear and know I was not alone in this world on that one. I posted the same thing in the ENTPs forum and they believe I am trying to control my friends. I only want what is good for...

I am only trying to help them, I know what is best for me and them. I have been around these guys for almost 2 years, I can almost always read what they are thinking and know what they want out of...

I'm sorry you feel that way, however please don't make it seem as if I am a bad person. I was in no way trying to offend anyone with my opinions I just simply want advice on how to handle this...

What is that suppose to mean?

I hate to admit it but you are right. I just don't want to be seen as the bossy asshole. I am so much more than that, they need to realize I know what is best for them and if I don't I'll research it.

What does that mean?

So, I have quite a few friends who are Feelers and I hate listening to their problems and giving them advice for the simple fact that they'll either get offend or will not listen. I even go as far as...

So, I have quite a few friends who are Feelers and I hate listening to their problems and giving them advice for the simple fact that they'll either get offend or will not listen. I even go as far as...

So, I have quite a few friends who are Feelers and I hate listening to their problems and giving them advice for the simple fact that they'll either get offend or will not listen. I even go as far as...

So, I have quite a few friends who are Feelers and I hate listening to their problems and giving them advice for the simple fact that they'll either get offend or will not listen. I even go as far as...

Think of Jesus of Nazareth, Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln, John Paul II. They are the reformers in the world who for the most part.

What makes an ENTP woman different from all other? (Include all common pros of cons of her please)

What are ENFP women like? (Please give great detail as to how she would commonly dress, care herself, what she would like about a guy, her more than likely life goals)

Someone who is extremely intelligent and is very passionate about something that I consider to matter in life.

It was still good advice thanks

Well thanks guys for the advice, it was really helpful I talked to Josh after midweek service in our church cafe and he apologized as did I for things that were spoken and came to a common ground. I...

Thanks guys I actually will be seeing this guy again in half an hour and will take some of the Great advice mentioned above. Wish me luck

We are both males, he has a girlfriend and being gay at my church is not necessary a good thing

I attend this christian bible group every Tuesday, and recently I have had some issues with this guy name Josh (who's an INTJ). Basically in group discussions he undermines everything I say or...

I am currently a college student and have read a couple of blogs and articles online about what careers are great for ENTJs. I like some of the jobs that were listed but don't know if I would be...

Well Said..... I can't think of another way to say it and you made the home run. I agree 100% to what Humility said. Best of LUCK....

1. Enfj 2. Infp 3. Entj

I thank you for your opinion however finding this girl and apologizing is just not going to happen. On the next date I will take the advice of what was said here, some was very helpful and continue...

I hate to be a cliche but I seriously felt nothing and it was alot going on with this video.

lol typo thanks

I think you are right as far as empathy but being honest sometimes I don't understand why people do some of the shit they do, and if I don't understand it I don't care enough to understand it. It's...

I so say France, I love France I've only been to Paris twice but it is amazing, not to mention the culture, history, and amazing language. I was suppose to be a Frenchmen

I love the way INTPs think, my bestfriend is an INTP. I asked him what he would do if he won the lottery his answer was give it all to charity and keep some for a house and other basic needs. Best...

I took the test once more and I got ENTJ.

NO Madam majority of my nice life is in the wonderful city of Dallas with trips all over the northeast. The Texas stereotype is for those nasty savages in south Texas,

I don't think I have an inordinate amount of self-esteem and arrogance. Some people do think so. At least I feel I can see where they're coming from before I decided NOT to change.[/QUOTE] Okay...

Thanks for your opinion and I somewhat agree with you. However, I don't consider this to be rude I mean I really wanted to help this girl and being rude by definition according to Webster is as...

Read over the comments everyone is saying I'm an inconsiderate asshole. I'm NOT. I used the analogy to communicate that there's nothing wrong with hearing TRUTH it doesn't make you a bad person to...

And yet, the point still remains -- the world doesn't tolerate unfiltered opinions and you have to adjust to that sooner or later. There's a line of what is acceptable in society. You seem to have...

How can you say that? Are you sure you are an ENTJ because you're not relating to me at all. I am not being a kid. I expect everyone I talk to, to be the best they can be or don't talk to me this is...

Welcome to the CITY, MORE PEOPLE MORE PROBLEMS MORE ATTITUDES> why do you consider yourself rude?


fuck off you sound like a complete idiot Why should I give anything to this guy if he's likely to make me feel bad for doing so, why couldn't (you) just say thanks and not use? If I don't want it,...

Whatever, you don't know me and have no right to tell me what I need fuck off seriously.

thanks for the advice it was very helpful...I must admit I would tell the person who brought an awful gift why did you buy this awful gift? Is that what you think of me? I can't help it, I must say...

Okay so I am a ENTJ, at the church I attend there is this guy named Josh who says he is a INTJ. I can agree because he fits all the descriptions online about INTJs. Me and Josh don't get along...'