'I'm questioning my extroversion.
Usually I'm in between two things to do. I finished something and I had an idea of what to do next but I don't have the motivation or energy to do it or is bored by it so I usually waste some...
Interesting, I got INTJ the first time I did a MBTI-test (16personalities) so it certainly is possible. When you talk about operating in my shadow functions, why do you think that and could you give...
I give my permission if anyone feel that they are up for it.
I got my hands on a code to a self authoring program today so I'm thinking about that and if it will help me in some way. Either way it will be a fairly interesting experience.
I saw your name before I entered the thread and thought you would probably be typed an INFP. So based on my presumption and preconception of an INFP it's accurate.
47% ENTP 16% ENTJ 12% INTJ 10% INTP 2% ENFJ Well, other people have suggested ENTP for me before and I've started yo think that I may use Ne and not Ni.
Would probably go with ENFP. - 1. I enjoy history, especially war history; like the battles, commanders and the strategies used. I'm also often fascinated by the people in power like...
> Did an MBTI-test yesterday. > Got INFP > Have a personality crisis > Let's consider the possiblity to see when I have fucked up. I mean, I did fuck up somewhere, either when I did the test...
That's how you know you have common sense. Though with that said I must say I'm the real life version of Professor X; my use of Ni is so high that my hair is falling off.
How dare you be your own person.
~Back to the writing board~
Not entirely sure but dark humour or insensitive jokes may be a T-thing as I can see an F find jokes like that morally wrong and reprehensible or just not wanting to upset people around them. ...
I'm not sure ENTJ is my type after all; Se may be my inferior function rather than Fi.
I thought it was well known that a big part of this forum is a massive circle jerk. - When you prefer to give solutions instead of sympathy.
I'm the same; once a teacher told me to read through my answers and instead of spending five minutes to read through them I pretended to read through them during that time. That was an utter waste of...
1.) Dramatic 2.)/3.) Adventurous and Vigilant 4.) Serious Lowest: Self-sacrificing Not sure if It fits, I may have fucked up when answering the questions.
I have to feel comfortable with the new people/setting both in real life and online to feel comfortable talking/writing. However, in real life I can get really talkative when I get comfortable with...
Who gives a shit? was one reaction I had but if I had to guess I would guess that xSTPs or maybe even xSxPs would make the best spies if I think about the James Bond-type; if I had to make a guess...
The description I found to correlate most with me was the ISTP one.
So, what you say is: Sensors usually don't read long posts. Intuitive usually read long posts. Because you think that you act more like a sensor when you aren't serious (when you don't read...
Is this a genie that is good or malicious in nature? In other words, did I summon the Genie from Aladdin or the genie-version of Jafar? If I managed to summon a genie that clearly is evil in nature I...
When you don't want to take a standpoint whether you lean toward extroversion or introversion.
Kajada I could see Fi in some of your examples, at the very least F if I should be less precise; I guess I also see signs of introversion. I'm looking for Se (your aux) but can't really see it/pin...
Okay, so your problem is that people are dominating the conversations without letting you talk? Before you got on the internet to complain did you do something like this: - Talked to them about how...
I've gotten an ESFP vibe from you earlier but ExFP seems fitting.
As I see it, I'm no expert, it's probably not that unusual to relate to more than one type if it is between types that share some functions; with the same functions they will share similar traits and...
ENFP seems plausible.
6/80 Have done this test two times on different occasions; got 6/80 both times. I actually thought I would get a higher score this time around but apparently not. Seems a little low, however I do...
Kajada You got a lot of nice suggestions for ENTJ-animals in this thread and then you choose the walrus? Apparently you like to live on the edge, however let's embrace the walrus when you so...
No, but not so long ago I thought I didn't fit in any mbti-type. The problem was that I looked in the wrong places.
When I'm on here I usually find INFPs cute and adorable at the first glance but I quickly realize that I, in general, would tired of up an INFP partner really fast. To be fair I would guess that an...
Lion (mainly), Gorilla and Bull are suggested for ENTJs? Saw Meerkat suggested at the beginning and even if I can't see that as clearly I still enjoy the idea. If I would suggest a bird for ENTJs...
Blue Ribbon Thanks for taking the time to type me; a plus for throwing in other things like the enneagram, now I have something to go on when I start looking into those things in the future. I...
Links: http://personalitycafe.com/intro/957242-king-kings-have-entered.html - Introduction http://personalitycafe.com/cognitive-functions/975554-se-si-ne-ni-one-my-main-perceiving-function.html -...
Every other day with shampoo and I try to plan so that I combine that with my training schedule so that I don't need to shower more than necessary. If I train a day I wasn't supposed to shower I only...
I don't think I really regret something; I may question why I didn't did things differently a short time after I did it/something happened but that question does disappear after some time. Regretting...
If I go by my understanding of Fi it really seems as if you have Fi as dom/aux. I would suggest to not read descriptions (at least not to use it as a main way of typing yourself) of the types but...
Victoria7 It sounds like you are an introvert but you could be one of the introverted extroverts (ENFP as an example, like people above suggested) but I would probably bet on Introvert. I...
Well, I've yet to explain Fe/Fi properly to myself so I don't want to mislead you there; I know that my sister (who most likely is an ISFJ) also have trouble with watching violent movies because she...
This time I got a result that would correlate with an IxTP type but the last time I did a big five test I got SCOEN or SLOEN (I don't remember which) which correlates with ESTJ.
At the moment I'm questioning Tarkin being an ENTJ and if you compare Krennic (who people and me type as an ENTJ) to Tarkin I think there was a certain difference; sure, people of the same type may...
This sentence made me think about Fe, I'm new to this though so I may get reprimanded for saying that. However, I do recognize myself in your description in regards to the extrovert/introvert...
Well, I'm not sure if I'm an extrovert or introvert (leaning toward extrovert at the moment) but I thought I was an introvert for a long time. Reasons that make me doubt I'm an extrovert; - I'm...
The first word that popped up in my mind was artistic.
xN(F)P, F solely because you brought up the part about animals; otherwise xNxP. 1.) I'm working in a store and even if I think I haven't gone out of my way to be nice to customers they seem to...
I've realized that I usually evaluate if something I'm doing is worth it or not; what am I going to get back by spending time doing this? I'm playing a game and then I start to think if it's worth...
Another scenario from yesterday. We sat in a group and the teacher checked who was there but she missed a person, let's call him x and I started to think about it. Like, shouldn't she ask where he...
INFx; I couldn't nail down the J or P but I guess I thought of Fi when I read it which should have made me say INFP if I had thought about it a second longer. 1.) I hate when people say...
A friend had forgotten his bag in a place today and we talked a little when eating; I asked him who would entertain me during the lecture if he was going to get his bag and he asked me to tag along...'