
Analysts ENTJ

Bold, imaginative and strong-willed leaders, always finding a way or making one.

'I also agree with ESFJ.


ESFP seems like a perfect fit.

Socionics INFp correlates with MBTT INFP most of the time, assuming one doesn't critically consider the function split between the two; I don't know what your MBTT type is but it's probably that. I...

ISFj in socionics, so most likely ISFJ in MBTT You're reliable and hardworking; this immediately eliminates all P types. You're concerned for stability and freedom; this pits you in the IJ...

Yes, that's definitely Fe/Ni she's expressing; all those emotions getting out, the powerful imagination aiding her cognition. However, if she's an intuitive introvert, she will, more times than not,...

Yes, I saw it; I was leaning toward INTp at first, but I had to think for a while as to where his intuition was oriented. I'm honestly not very certain of his type; he uses both Ni and Ne very...

Another read over and I came to this conclusion: INFj The answer as to why I was getting vibes from both ISFp and ISFj are clear to me now: you are actually using the perceiving functions of one,...

I think INFJ is correct.

That's why I said INTP; the OP is an ILI, so there should be some very thick Te present all over (doesn't matter which Te since they're fundamentally the same thing in each system.) If she were an...

ISFP would be more likely; you're much too down-to-earth to be an INFP. INFPs are big world-builders, often lost in their fantasies of what could be, exploring mirrors of reality in a sense, whereas...



Yes, this is what I mean; logical types don't prefer to use persuasion, it's a last resort sort of thing; the reverse is true for ethical types. This is why I'm saying you're a logical type;...

This would be an example of persuasion. I'm not saying ethical types can't do it, I'm saying they prefer not to, like you just showed me.


Also, I did read your questionnaire; you do sound like an INTj (in the very least, you are certainly in the Ij temperament, as you are a very static individual), which would explain why your Fe/Ti...

I see where you're coming from but I must remind you that many logical types mistype as INFJ (I was one of them for a few months, myself.) So my apologies for skewing the image of the INFJ but I...

I will type you via socionics first: You are a dynamic Ni-ego individual: This means you're either an INTp, INFp, ENTj, or ENFj. This fits with the following:

INTJ INFJs simply don't have the same drive you do for proving yourself right and seeking the truth; as a rule, ethical types prefer to use persuasion, not argumentation; ethical types prove you...

Both the INTP and INFP have a fundamental desire to have their beliefs sorted out, and to have those beliefs come into fruition (something they're bad at doing because they're rather lazy, and so...

The amount of ENTJs on this forum is about the amount of any given SJ type, IIRC, so there's not nearly as many to begin with. With that aside, considering we have Te in the ego, we're mostly here...

When you interact with the external world (objects), you're an extrovert, and when you interact with your personal sentiments (subjects), you're an introvert; everyone does both, so the question is,...

I'd say INFP, considering you like to take care of people so tenderly; Ni is actually very strong in this personality type (2nd most powerful), though you wouldn't know it from the ordering. It's...

My analysis indicates ENFP; when you talk about not wanting to miss opportunities, I knew you had to be some sort of NP. You want to be knowledgeable, indicating Te somewhere in the mix. Thing with...

1. Poor Fe albeit awareness of it, Ni in top functions, so either INTJ or ENTJ 2. Perceiving-dominant, ergo NiTe I could give an analysis of the whole thing but if it's just the type you're...

Definitely Ne/Si; you're also a rational type in that you stop to weigh all your decisions as opposed to just going with the flow, which leaves us with either INXP or ESXJ. You don't seem to value...

You strike me as more of an ISFP, esp. when you talk about caring greatly for aesthetics which has more to do with the sensory functions.

ISFJ is my vote, INFJ as another possibility. I think ISFJ is a stronger option because you have more of a tenacity to go out and do the things you want changed (S), as opposed to trying to...

Istp 100%

ENTp, so probably an ENTP in MBTT as well. Here's my scratch pad so you can see how I came to this conclusion:

Hey nichya, thanks for the question. Functionally, INFPs and INFjs do convert evenly, but the functions are defined in different ways in each system so the conversion is largely pointless. ...

IEI (NiFe), so INFX in MBTT. You'll find most type as INFP, whereas most EIIs (FiNe) type as INFJs. It's just one of those situations where the functions don't correlate properly; this is due to...

You're a socionics LSE, which roughly translates into ESTJ. Here's how that works: First, you admit that you favor intelligence and believe that knowledge is power; you HATE to be wrong about...

Ne works with the object, Ni works with the subject. Example: Ne: I wonder what these objects mean. Ni: I wonder what a gelatin elephant would look like. Ne would then proceed to conjure...

ENFP I do see your strongest function as Ne, however, you are devaluing Fe in these places:

Either ESTJ or ENTJ. Ni-dominant is unlikely as you're not expressing a strong desire to pursue the unknowable (e.g. What would happen if the dinosaurs never went extinct?); rather, you're a...

XNXP Si, ergo XNXP Judging > Perceiving

INTP seems more likely, but I'd buy INFP as well. Both types share the same disdain for people trying to make them do stuff.

Fe-valuing, Se-valuing and yearning, which leaves ENFJ or INFJ. Consider both, but don't consider ENFP.

These types are nothing if not stereotypical; point is, they're proactive, whereas INTJs are receptive. The INTJ is in perpetual idle state until his energy is worthy of the task at hand, whereas...

Descriptions for the ISTP are pretty botched for various reasons (mostly because of Kiersey's disregard for the functions imo), but I strongly believe you're an ISTP. For some reason, ISTJ and ISTP...

An IJ will tell you when you're wrong, but he won't tell you what to think. What you think is a quality of introversion, extroverted functions can't touch them, and an INTJ really doesn't have a...

Giant red flag that you're an IXTP. IXTJ is really out of the question now! 100% positive you're an IXXP type. ISTP seems most likely to me.

INTJ You acknowledge that mixing emotions with the outer world is a bad plan of action, which shows a concern for Te and disregard for Fe; you then go on to say that people should think for...

ISFP My father is exactly the same way.

If you actively seek to command, you're an ENTJ. If you want to live an enjoyable life, you're an INTJ. EJs are natural leaders, IJs are natural individualists; one wants to lead and direct, the...

Here it sounds like you're pushing the limits of what is or isn't acceptable behavior, which is something ISFPs frequently do. INTPs have Fi and Se in their superego, which is like your parental...

The inward judgments are choleric, while the outward judgments are phlegmatic; her inward reactions are more developed than her outward. So that's TP most likely, or FJ 2nd most likely. My...

I'm detecting Ti, but I'm uncertain of its strength. You're most likely introverted, esp. considering your social desires and incompetency in that area. That leaves ITP and IFJ. Between INTJ and...'