'It totally bugs me that there's no updated list. So I'm gonna revive an old thread by adding one: Jason Gideon: INFJ (Intuitive vibes, warm compassionate demeanor, sensitive and morally driven...
The more responses the merrier. <3
@Sonyx Hey there... I'm ENTJ, and I've noticed that this is a big problem my ISFP has had with me as well. Since I am totally and completely in love with and committed to him, I see it as a very...
What are some prime examples of your inferior Fi in use? Any tips on honing it in?
Lol. Now that I've successfully managed to screw timeless over by leading everyone to the merry bandwagon that is his shining butthole, I doubt he'll want to help me ever again. But if in the event...
Love it. You guys make me grin from ear to ear. :)
I've learned that I need to be more careful what I say around him because a lot of the times, certain things will be taken literally, and then other times when he's having a more Ni-heavy moment,...
Hey hopeless, To answer your questions: Yes, I most certainly do have someone special in mind: 2 years on/off with the most wonderful man I've ever met! An amazing ISFP. I perceive my ISFP...
First off: I want to say how much I just love getting responses from you on all my tedious questions here at the ISFP sub-forum. They're always content-rich and really insightful! Secondly, to...
only hopeless Agreed with ENTrPeneur. These are some wonderful and extremely insightful answers... Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. :)
What are some of your favorite movies and TV shows these days?
What constitutes criticism for an ISFP? As a Te user, I tend to make objective observations or impersonal statements pretty frequently, and I think sometimes this can lead to my ISFP's feelings...
What type of things (statements, actions, observations, criticisms or questions) tend to offend or hurt an ISFP? I'm asking because I would like to know (as an ENTJ) what to avoid (and how to be...
I've been on and off with an ISFP for two years, and I find that I have a very hard time understanding his need to retreat. This inability to understand sometimes leave me feeling worried. I feel...
What are you like in a relationship? Do you seek long-term relationships? Are you intimately familiar with the saying for better or worse? Would you be likely to carry a relationship on...
I saw that, and deliberately ignored it. I'd rather my questions not get lost in a swamp of other questions.
Fi-dom sensors. As introverts, you often require time alone to process and sort through your emotions as well as enjoy yourself in your own little worlds. I'd like to understand this concept as best...
Fi-dom intuitives. As introverts, you often require time alone to process and sort through your emotions as well as enjoy yourself in your own little worlds. I'd like to understand this concept as...
What are you like in a relationship? Do you seek long-term relationships? Are you intimately familiar with the saying for better or worse? Would you be likely to carry a relationship on...
What are you like in a relationship? Do you seek long-term relationships? Are you intimately familiar with the saying for better or worse? Would you be likely to carry a relationship on...
timeless I started a trend. I'm sorry! :blushed: AnesthesiA, please. This new one doesn't sit so well with me after all.
- You know you're not an INFJ if you haven't mistyped at least 3 times or considered the possibility that you were any other type but INFJ. - You know you're not an INFJ if you are incapable of...
Awesomesauce. Thank you so much!
TreeBob timeless Promethea is that cheating? well anyway, if it's not, I would like my name changed to vitruvia, pretty please. :)
Why is this thread so short!? the Intouchables Silver Linings Playbook The Sentiment of the Flesh Lie with Me Diary of a Nymphomaniac From Beginning to End Girl, Interrupted The Heart is...
Going through this right now. It's such a mindfuck, I can't even wrap my heart around it! Thanks for the advice though. I appreciate your take on the matter. I might just have to heed it and let you...
It's so... 8-y. :tongue:
I know I have a tendency to be aggressive, straight-shooting, controlling, narcissistic and a whole slew of other terrible things (I'm working on it). But I can also be completely pacified like a...
They must be. 'cause I've been having violent/gory dreams ever since I was a kid. One particular where I was in a public square and somebody had hired a hit on me. So when the gunman came up to me, I...
I may like to retract my previous statement, as I have come to realize something pretty important. While I can't speak for all INTJs, I have known a couple (unfortunately, including myself) who are...
kso I started one of these threads for ENTJs awhile back, when I noticed that there hadn't been one stickied yet. Now I'm starting one for you guys. (Mostly for selfish reasons because I'm bored,...
isla You pretty much just spoke my mind. :shocked:
To quote, for further information: Although, to some extent, Eights fear physical harm, far more important is their fear of being disempowered or controlled in some way. Eights are...
(you're welcome:)) There is no need to leave your other friendships for her comfort. I would recommend that the next time you get a moment to spend with her one-on-one, you find a very gentle...
I'm back with more. ENTP: http://rack.0.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzA0LzE4L2Q4L3dpemFyZC42MGRlZC5naWYKcAl0aHVtYgkxMjAweDk2MDA-/ba24b08e/85b/wizard.gif ENTJ: ...
I'm on par with Octavian regarding this issue. Seeing that I also have an 8w9 in my enneagram (with SX at the top of my variant stack) I often feel possessive (protective?) of my SOs and the...
To elaborate: I've dated an ISFP in the past (for over a year) - and as you can tell from many posts I made about it - it didn't go, or end well. Despite the fact that he and I shared the same...
ESTP: https://24.media.tumblr.com/2f387f36dfce3ac2feec962b010432ed/tumblr_n017f0kGXl1t24nq1o1_500.gif xNFP after discovering their friend isn't pretty (on the inside): ...
INFJ: https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m42v8iB7jT1qi1axvo1_r1_250.gifhttps://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m42v8iB7jT1qi1axvo2_250.gif ESFJ: ...
I know this is a topic that's been brought up before, but it seems to have been quite some time ago. Not wanting to rehash and old thread, I've decided to start a new one. Without giving too much...
JJkul Your siggy. Oh my gawd. :laughing: If you mean go happily unnoticed and space right the fuck out, I might say INFP? Type most likely to win an Oscar.
I wish to know more about this.
Sometimes I get the sense that there is too much information to take in and not enough brain power to devour and recall it all. I'm frustrated by the idea that there is so much to learn and no way to...
I'm in my early twenties. And he abruptly cut contact with me last night. Which is not unusual for him. This ISFP didn't have much of a peaceful demeanor at all either.. By all definitions, he's...'