If you love him, and he is worth anything to you, you will show consideration for this bond in the life choices you make. 5 years in the future, when you're single and massaging some old guy's...
Depends on the value you add to the organization & how badly they want to keep you... If you're expendable don't expect any sort of major raises.
I was in your position too, I loved psychology but my mind was made for engineering. I got a major in only engineering but studied psychology on my own time. You don't need to pay a school to learn...
x93Cheshire Cat: Where are you going? Alice: Which way should I go? Cheshire Cat: That depends on where you are going. Alice: I donx92t know. Cheshire Cat: Then it doesnx92t matter which way you go.x94 ...
Obviously I'd be the cat in that situation haha
That's a strange way to ask for mercy ;)
Saying language and math don't exist can be true, for example, it doesn't exist for someone who has never needed math or language. The jokers get their own category because you don't know if they...
The third type is a category of its own because you don't know if the person makes the joke cause they really understand it or cause they want to sound nerdy.... man, explaining jokes is lame. ...
Mine is Leo... lion and bull, I think one is prey to the other haha
No. I'm saying people can be equally introverted and extroverted simultaneously but believe they are only introverted or only extroverted. The same applies to the other categories. Only a sith...
It does, because someone who has been 'typed' will tend to define themselves as 100% accurate to the personality type definition although they may have been typed with only 51% accuracy. For example,...
pernoctator What I'm saying is that you're not 'INTP' 100% of the time and that your personality is more sophisticated than those 4 letters.
The point is that nobody truly 100% fits into any specific classification. We often test differently depending on our states of mind. Also, some missing critical personality elements include...
The expression 'pearls to pigs' comes to mind but is immediately replaced by the by the observation that the English language has few pearls to give ;).. in fact, the lack of a good mixture of...
What does a jehovahs witness think god wants their soul for? And how does a jehovahs witness see the jews?
I would care because if you have kids, some would be born darker than others and this could create problems between them.
What america does is a mix of giving, receiving and autofelliato lol
No, I'm fully aware of the Forer effect.
Continuing my train of thought, this is going to be wild: Without knowing any language, we would experience reality in a single, fluid, uninterrupted stream of information (no words). ...
You have to burn bridges to secure your future sometimes. I don't think ENTJ normally invests enough emotionally to struggle with letting go of someone.
What is the first job titles do you plan to apply to? Choose your courses and major based on that. Good luck.
If you are experiencing depression, I strongly recommend running 3 times a week until you can run a 7-8 minute mile. It will change your life.
Sour grapes on a rocketship
There is a concept called linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism. These gleam the surface of the whole idea of what I am getting at. Will post more later...
But are you fit
It wouldn't be right to talk about the pros and cons of multiculturalism without mentioning the differences in biological aptitudes that are reinforced through linguistic psychological drivers.
Yes. Favoritism toward a particular racial group is racism toward the others. With this in mind, forcing multiculturalism in any setting is racism. In fact, forcing multiculturalism in a...
Some people say that 'multicultural' really means anti-white. Food for thought.
Only if you're fit, submissive and don't talk while fucking lol
I agree with this. Nothing is worse for a manager than finding out that a new hire bullshitted everything on their CV. I've seen some people lie about bilingualism, of all things.
Completely irrational.
I used to be like that too emberfly. It takes time to develop the patience and self control to let some people learn things independently... Especially when it concerns trivia things like political...
Yes doctor
Lion and maybe tiger or zebra. Why all the whining about fun quizzes??
This thread gave me stds lol
SolidWorks 2015 haha
Being happy is a choice.
You will never know for sure if they are avoiding you. When dealing with people`s seemingly bizarre behaviour I like to remind myself of something in psychology called attribution error. Naturally,...
Sex, dinner, grocery shopping and children
I've thought about getting a pet but I'm reminded of the extra responsibility they would add and the desire disappears. The extra responsibility outweighs the benefit to me I suppose... I'd consider...
Yes and it always works.
Not the answer you're looking for but you simply can't help him here. He will need to find a way to de-stress after work (running and working out are magical for this). At work he probably needs to...
About tree fiddy
You need confidence in yourself. Setting some goals and kicking their ass is a tried and tested method for this. Good luck. A
You obviously trust her significantly and this creates a huge bias for you in her favor. I would suggest that you evaluate her actions and use that to decide your next move. When a SO stops adding...
we should ban guns too huehuehue
Racism usually has reasonable grounds. The automotive industry is the root cause of all of our environmental and economic problems.