'No. If you neglect them, your finances will always be burning on the back of every decision you make, will start to influence your friendships and warp your perceptions of other people and their...
Comment: I gotta say Mr penguin, I don't really identify with anything you say or how you express it at all. Specifically: - Fixation on how you're perceived vs How You Really Are This is...
Aaahhmahghash sweetmay73 here's the thing: I understand shyness and insecurity and the need for attention or whatever, but I can infer from the fact that you write in wholly formed sentences (and...
Nahhhhhhh don't do that, I love busting my gut and making a fuss over a woman. The fact that it's not necessary is kinda the point -- in the same way music and colour and dress are also not strictly...
That humans will seek patterns, even if all evidence points to nothing, and will attach faults and misfortunes to blatantly ridiculous belief frameworks (see for example, religion) is nothing unique...
It's not dishonest because women are not retarded and understand the limitations and trawling realities of the internet just as well as you do. But man, come on- What you should have wrote,...
Facile - Appearing neat and comprehensive by ignoring the complexities of an issue
Monkey King - Try this as a basis: humans are innately hierarchical (as opposed to say solitary or herd like). There are exceptions of hermits and degrees of isolation, but these are outlying cases...
CCCXXIX - that's a bizzare chain of reasoning. You never actually say what you mean by materialism, but I think it goes almost certainly against what most people mean by the term / what a dictionary...
I knew exactly what you meant, and it's strange because type descriptions are typically written to appeal to their owners (oh it's as though I wrote that myself sort of thing). That she finds it...
Which ESFJ description says she's stupid? Can you post the link? The way the theory rolls you can't bridge between T/F S/N, it would make for a self-contradicting personality and your brain...
dirk diggler
When... I agree with your sentiment, but it goes even further than that. I think it's legitimate to complain about things you think should be done better, if others are elected or even just given...
LeaT -- no need for apologies, debate is how we just talk 'round here - appreciate your responding. I don't think so -- you made direct reference to how the decision process works inside the...
I think you're spot-on Monkey King, specifically with regards to which aspects of Te/ENTJ's are materialistic, and what is just resentful projection. I want to spell things out a bit to back up the...
pneumoceptor - woah! props for carrying this so well and so far. Your persona carries the discussions really effectively. I also like how you've started referring to the sessions as doing the other...
Lady Lullaby - I just happened to pop in and skim the last few pages and listened to about 2 minutes of you discussing your parenting. You've obviously given a lot of thought to the decision to give...
I completely disagree with this. I find charm has everything to do with how in control I feel of my situation. Just these last two weeks in fact, I was teetering on the verge of a $65,000 fuckup, and...
One day little girl comes home from school, Mum, today some boy showed me his penis. Mother exclaims What?! Little girl says Yea, and it sort of reminded me of a peanut. Trying not to laugh,...
NaughyChimp Aww look at you charming me up with your gratitude! I feel so special and insightful - just wait until you hear about all about my amazing political brilliance ;) As for educatin',...
Thing is, I identify with the idea of making my wife's and daugter's (when they come to exist) eyes roll by telling or doing dad stuff -- sounds like fun. I'd talk deliberately during a movie if it...
Sounds like you need to get out more. I understand how computers work inside and out, yet the workings of the world and history and other people blow my mind whenever I really start to think about...
MuChApArAdOx -- I gather what's being said here, but that's because I've read it in type descriptions. I put mock exasperation in my previous post to try and demonstrate why other people aren't going...
Nope, I hate people that talk during movies. If we were getting together to enjoy each others conversation and hilarious wit, then we go to a goddam restaurant or get coffee or go have a drink. ...
But hang on, you can't blame other people for this treatment. If I understand correctly, you present a friendly and authentic image, that neither represents your true self nor true intentions...
Not really, at least not in the sense that I think people usually mean when they say miss. I get lonely if I haven't been interacting with people very much, but I don't typically have any...
The most important part of masculinity is not giving a toss about what others think of you, and just getting on with your life.
I'm 99% percent sure my housemate is an ISFP. When I mentioned the notion of typing a person, he replied, thanks for pigeon-holing me. To him, attempting to peg people with certain...
ApolloNoUta Oops sorry! Not trying to attack you, that's just how I speak. Remember, I'm just a whale on the Internet, I don't actually know the first thing about you. My advice is more general...
Scientists in the beginning Apollo program knew that, strictly speaking, the classical/Newtonian model of physics is wrong (see: relativity) yet they still used it and successfully landed a spaceship...
I agree 100% Unfortunately, it also means that one has many more opportunities for exploitation, and the barrier to entry is also lower. As the MPAA is well aware, millions of honest folks...
Forgive, I've only read back a few pages but I'm going to add a different perspective. Nope. Precisely because ENFJs command such a strong influence over so many around them, they are...
You have to break from the habits you already have which distract and lead to slacking off. Habits go hand in hand with triggers: the area you probably use to write is also likely where you waste...
One (ha!) minor correction, though it might be an issue of language more than meaning: I don't have any concept of a deep-seated kernel to a person, good or bad. Actions are a complex mix of...
Acknowledging that I'm bringing criticism into the ENFP, but I think this is a hopeless selfish way of thinking: and dare I say that if you maintain these sorts of ideas unquestioningly...
Immna push this one step further. ApolloNoUta re-read your post, and notice how you've painted your mother as basically unstable, spiteful and vindictive? She gets angry over nothing! She singles...
If you're going to go down the dictionary route, let's look for example, at the first result I get on google for 'character': Interesting how many words it takes to try and pin down the...
Falling back on your tertiary (Te -> Se for ENTJ) when under stress is completely in line with MBTI theory. See how I worded the idea previously here. Also see what I wrote here, applying the...
Blatantly rejecting an idea because it has some complexity and controversy is as shallow as accepting it without question. If we take a simple definition of leadership: binding others to work...
You mean like this guy (or have I uncovered your secret identity?): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3iOROuTuMA
There's some good advice so far, let me be a bit more specific You've managed to hit the gritty, tough-guy-space-marine tone correctly (like the landing scene in Avatar, for example) but heres...
I think it's crap -- in the sense that it's so abstract vague that it has no actual meaning.
Fair enough. Having a presence and being able to confront is an asset, but you have to back it up with being the best at your job first.
Try going outside more, where the event aren't scripted to proven money-spinning tropes. Alternatively, stop watching trash and get into history. The real world is far weirder and more interesting...
And there's more too that than perhaps you think -- the more frequently your get angry, the less effective it becomes. I know a guy who's been yelling at his kids since they were 3, and now he...
I can identify with your boss and military supervisors trying to get rid of you. Based on your attitude coming through this thread, I would never hire you. I don't believe you're really so...
The trick to taking MBTI up a level, if you're not afraid of a bit of theory, is to stop categorising types in terms of capabilities and super-powers. These are symptoms, not the root causes, and...
LeelaWho -- I sympathise with your frustration here. That genuine compassion can be reciprocated with contempts is a fundamental flaw in the xNTJ world view. See if you can't make more sense of...
Female and male types, it seems -- there's some in this very thread.
A lot of ENTJs have SEXY in their avatars, obviously to colour their posts with you better watch what I say cuz I'm hot stuff!!! Those black-on-white Bond girls bending over are basically...'