
Analysts ENTJ

Bold, imaginative and strong-willed leaders, always finding a way or making one.

'Woooo, high score!    Narcissistic Trait Strength of Trait   Authority: 8.00 http://g.psychcentral.com/redblock.gif

When you do something diplomatic for a client and your INTP boss says Where the fuck did THAT come from?

Low effort / 10  http://i.imgur.com/yW4SiVH.gif

user352, from the terminology in your posts, it sounds like you're in a Big 4 audit/tax/services/consulting role, or something relatively similar. These firms hire the most talented people at the...

I think there's a low bar for success in a lot of things in life. Given that we ENTJs are more adaptable, we tend to succeed more, because we encounter situations that we can succeed in far more...

I mean c'mon people. To what extent do you all actually believe in things like cognitive functions, particular ENTJ quirks, and even MBTI in general? I'm making this post because it seems like an...

Honestly the only benefit I get from hosting big social things is the ego stroking. And objectively I know it's vain, but the emotional pick-me-up from being the head honcho can often be too much to...

So it's been a little over two years since I posted this thread. And coincidentally, also a little over two years since I've even logged into this site. I can't believe the positive responses it's...

Work hard, play hard. Not because I oppose giving maximum effort, but because I oppose the lack of a winning condition.


Very much an interesting idea. Thanks for posting. I am of the opinion that, societally speaking, personal philosophies and ways of acting in life are largely based on a person's belief position on...

I love that you're defensively confrontational the moment someone with more expertise than you in an area offers you genuine advice. Trying to read condescension into an objective post completely...

Current Business Management/Computer Science dual degree person here. My opinions regarding business education: The intrinsic value of a business minor is in familiarity with basic business...

ENTJ with an ISTJ mother here. I think I can keenly relate to the whole Supervisor/Supervisee thing in more ways than one, haha. Growing up, my relationship with my mom has always been...

Frankly I'm appalled by the misconception that this thread is about grades. It isn't. That was just my personal example which I then transformed to a general principle at the end of the OP. All of...

A list of all XKCD comics I enjoy cannot really be assembled in a timely manner. But related to the comic the poster above me reminded me of, I would be entirely content with actually living this...


I'd rather not derail another person's thread with my personal musings and blathering, and hence I felt that any negativity which would result from me making this post should deservedly be aimed at...

I gained the inspiration for this post from the other thread where a lot of people were bashing a middle schooler for caring about grades. Instead of posting it there and inevitably starting a...

I live my life by the mantra that I am correct until proven incorrect. Dangerous? Absolutely. Expedient? ABSOLUTELY. A lot of people will react to you based on your perceived level of correctness...

http://i.imgur.com/pRy5g.png Also, Invisible Children? More like Invisible Finances.

Nothing quite like this thread to elicit fondness of heart. It holds a lot of significance to me, for reasons I ought not disclose. ;) Nonetheless, the parallels between certain things and his...

There is no such thing as dressing too well - however, there is the problem of appearing to think too highly of yourself by dressing well relative to everyone else all the time. The best advice...

You're welcome! Just... keep it on the DL. ;) I love that that is the reason you follow your feelings, and I think other ENTJs would agree. It reminds me of a quote I love and live by: It is...

Create a reserved and quirky (but true) social persona that will get you by when dealing with the concrete, closed-minded sensors of the world - for expediency purposes, of course. Not to offend any...

Thanks for your detailed and insightful replies. I know I've really learned a lot from this thread thus far, and I hope the learning and general good spirit can continue for everyone! I have to...

My apologies for the long-winded post, but decisions concerning one's future deserve adequate explanatory treatment. This, but in all honesty that depends on the Greek culture of your school....

First of all, thank you guys for the feedback! I truly appreciate it and I'm glad you've taken the time to analyze my thoughts on a more than cursory level. Corroborating my theory one person at a...

C'mon! You're an ENTJ! Question the validity of the drinking age concept and brashly take some anyway whether you're interested in actually drinking it or not!

Coming from an ENTJ's perspective, I find you INFPs fascinating. I feel as though I can truly relate to you, yet at the same point I feel somewhat in the dark, but in a good way. So I did some...

I love speaking in metaphors, because it allows me to instantly determine who is worth continuing to talk to and who is not. If you're not smart enough (or not paying enough attention) to understand...

If you didn't have a fantasy world, how would you know what to change the real world into?

Yes, yes, yes, and yes, but you're missing one thing. You're here, so why not make the most of it? There is no higher meaning, so make your own meaning. Live, love, laugh, take over the world,...

This thread brought this to my mind. I apologize in advance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNZzJELbFRI

Funny story, actually. This thread caused me to recall an experience I had in kindergarten, where someone in the class was called on and asked to explain the three necessities of life. Having...

If you're not passionate about something, you'll have a really hard time focusing. Perhaps your crisis of focus is moreso a crisis of motivation. When doing a long project like a thesis, it can be...

Do you seek out and/or value the advice of older co-workers? If said older coworker is demonstrably intelligent, I will seek out his or her perspectives and opinions - subjective stuff. If not,...

Hire an ENTJ. We'll handle it for you. ;)

But... INFPs are too cute! Their removal from the gene pool would be tragic.

Summer affords all of us the unique opportunity to completely isolate ourselves from everyone we interact with on a daily basis, and then gives us the added bonus of being able to cash in our new...

Owing to the proportional equality of the length of the brackets representing both a and b in the image, the glass actually has less than half its volume filled. Before we make philosophical...

I would argue that you can't make the distinction between the humane and pragmatic points of view. The ethical point of view is always the one that encompasses both of these. Religious perspective...

The general rule is that an ENTJ will love head first, heart second. It's not that we don't have feelings, just that we tend to see them as a vulnerability and won't really expose the full spectrum...

I live in a fraternity house right now, so here's a few highlights: -Gelatin in a toilet -Buttering the kitchen floor -Unscrewing the base of a random swivel chair in the chapter room every week...

ENTJ here. You've just described how I've always felt about my life. :)

I don't mean this in a creepy way, but I find INFPs fascinating. They're very similar to me in so many ways, yet so different.

I find it hard to mope about being single when I can wake up every morning with the joy of knowing that my soul mate is somewhere on Earth thinking about the exact same thing, and that today might be...

ENTJ all the way! The ENTPs I've encountered are brilliant, yet scatterbrained, and I'd almost feel cursed if I had the unparalleled brainstorming capacity of those people but lacked the ability to...

I don't disagree with your thread at all, so the purpose of this post is for me to affirm that to you. ENTJs are perceived as arrogant largely because we feel immensely self-empowered by our...

Are there any quirky hobbies that INFPs particularly enjoy which might cause them to congregate in one place or another? I mean, if INFPs tend to love stuff like Zumba, I'm the type of person who...'