'You beat me to it! :laughing:
THIS! I don't know what's so hard to understand about it, either. I prefer their Mexican pizza with extra cheese, but I'm damned if they even know what the phrase means half the time. :P ...
Why can't so many people eat Taco Bell without getting the shits? I mean, this is great for cheap lols and all, but past a certain point you wish people would just stop whining and STFU.
I have not known one, but there's no reason why one shouldn't exist out there somewhere.
Some people will find most (or even all) of the things you like and find interesting to be pointless, stupid, and/or boring as hell. Other people, you will find most (or even all) of the things...
From all I remember, when it comes to teenage and early twentysomething males, it usually boils down to two factors... 1) Is she hot, and 2) Is she stupid/useless enough to make me feel...
On the job, if they are intelligent, at least relatively trustworthy, have a decent work ethic, actually give a shit about something other than themselves, and are more competent at whatever it is...
Eh, I've seen plenty of other young NT males (and not type 8's) do it, too. I think of it as a stage that they pass through.
I have an idea as to why this might be. I see it in a LOT of younger men who are bright, especially NTs. Unfortunately, intelligence and wisdom are not the same thing, and thus, many of these men...
This passage is from The Long Walk, by Stephen King, and it has always made me laugh. Tubbins had gone insane. Tubbins was a short boy with glasses and a faceful of freckles. He wore hiphanging...
They're quite right about the value judgments of inferior Introverted Feeling being barbaric and absolute in expression... When I think of an honest living, I think of reciprocity -- not taking...
Over the course of a few conversations, I have run across something rather interesting regarding geographic areas (United States), gender, and the phenomenon of giving unsolicited advice. Most of...
You have said nothing regarding her age or any potential health issues. If she's only middle-aged now, she could end up living for decades to come. Forty years from now, are you still going to be...
Being an extrovert doesn't mean you're bouncing around like a game show host with a meth habit every moment you're awake, lol! Yes, I like my me time, and find it essential to my mental balance.
I say be careful. No, it's not a type thing, nor even a chatterbox thing. When a guy who barely knows you blows that hot, it is usually a bad sign.
Is this ENTJ a psychiatrist, or is he your psychiatrist? Because if he is your psychiatrist, then the two of you being involved sexually isn't merely dubious on his part. Regarding the ethics of his...
I'm getting a BPD vibe, here. Am I warm? No, this is not meant as an insult. It's an honest question.
Thank you all. At least it was relatively quick... only about a week and a half from when I talked to him on his birthday and he was fine, to being planted in the ground. At least he didn't have...
Ok. I'm not too good at beating about the bush, so I'll just get to the point. My father is dead. He died late July, after being sick for a week and a half. You remember how I bitched some time...
There's a lot of overlap in these questions between autism and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Typically, neither an autistic nor an OCPD enjoy their routines being disturbed, or are...
I would not make a bad therapist, but it would probably be more from the schools of functionalism/behaviorism, or gestalt psych (as Fritz Perls did it... basically, calling people out on their own...
Dealing with strong Fi tends to make my own Fi louder, if that makes any sense. It is easier for me to hear it, connect with it, and understand it when the process is being bootstrapped by someone...
Look. New job or not, do you seriously believe he can only spare 10 seconds to shoot you a text once every seven days, but mysteriously somehow gives a damn about you at all? ... I hate to...
Was thinking mostly of Te development in FPs when I said that. If they are healthy, their Te becomes more developed as they age, in much the same way as our Fi does.
Elistra, the Emissary of Unwelcome Truth Rustling jimmies since 1976. :tongue: My instinct is that it will break down at least somewhat by age. Some of the younger ones might not like it, but...
I'm at the extremes on both ends, judging from the feedback I have received over the years. I have no poker face regarding my thoughts and opinions, but at the same time (barring anger) my emotions...
I think it is not only ok to try and figure out what makes someone tick, but it is morally imperative that you do so, at least if you're going to have to spend any real amount of time around this...
I used to e-brawl a fair bit when I was younger, too. In my case it was generally on politics boards, or sometimes on the various boards of a (now defunct) MMO, Asheron's Call 1. An NT, married...
:laughing: Your rhetorical hyperbole aside, I do sense a certain self-defeating streak within you. Not even in the name of a putative 'greater good' either... not martyrdom. Rather, it is in...
There are sometimes signs. For example, they sort of hang out on the periphery of the group, say nothing, and look awkward for awhile. Then, they go away. If they return and then continue with that...
This thread is hilarious. :laughing:
Ah, but you are. You don't actually want to win...
And that is what you seek here... for us to beat the (verbal) shit out of some kind of inner child of yours? Why? What is the point in this thing that you do?
I married one of your kind, you would be surprised at how comfortable I've grown with Ti over the years. Ti in service to Te, mind you. Much like Aristotle (often typed ENTJ, as well) I see no...
So, you kind of have an ENTP trolling subroutine in your mainframe? :wink:
*reads over the preceding commentary* @knifey Let me guess, you have very weak introversion and are in fact almost an extravert, right? Right on the border, there? You verbally poke in the...
Surprised you didn't just go for his mom and save yourself the trouble. It's kind of like this... http://i.imgur.com/6SEAD.jpg :laughing:
If I were to shut down my Fi, I would lose not only my humanity (such as it is), but my moral bellwether, and also the energy source which underwrites everything I do. If you stop and think about...
Now, if I... 1) Did not experience the oxytocin surge (some people don't, or do but at a much lesser intensity), 2) Had a higher sex drive (testosterone being the primary hormonal determinant of...
All I ask is that I'm not put in the Bitch box again. One, I've spent a lot of time in that one as it is. Two, it's dingy in there, the wallpaper is faded and peeling, and there are no ashtrays. ...
When people say that kind of thing, I hear them saying they are a special little snowflake, are afraid someone will figure them out, or both. Harsh, but true.
I support those who support me, regardless of species. ... although admittedly, what spiritual/religious impulses I do have are along those lines, yes.
I've never seen the 'don't put me in a box' attitude in someone without it being accompanied by one of the following: 1) OMG I'M SUCH A SPECIAL LITTLE SNOWFLAKE THAT I'M COMPLETELY UNLIKE ANYONE...
Grats. :)
I'm growing tomatoes this year, among other things. I don't need pesticides, because I let all the spiders who want to live on them, as well. There are webs stretching between areas of the same...
What is it with people who use the word yikes conversationally? I've yet to meet even one person who uses that expression who isn't immature, extremely annoying, and not worth talking to, just in...
Why do they even do that for? Is acting like a smarmy little twelve year-old girl supposed to be even remotely attractive? I'm not into other women, and I'm sure as hell not into children, so the...
I was never one for casual encounters either, even before I was married. To be perfectly vulgar, there's nothing I can get from a casual hookup that I couldn't get with far less time investment and...
Tact = WIP, probably always will be. You know, I think part of my problem is that I have the sort of tact most ExTJ can appreciate, but not necessarily others. This happened years ago, but it is...'