
Analysts ENTP

Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.


Gotta keep it real sometimes IDontThinkSo

I don't know how else to explain the situation so I'm just going to speak in the third person. Hope it makes sense! You live your life constantly seeking improvement so that you can become that...

Those people who are too serious about life with their serious facial expressions making it seem like the world owes them something. Can't take serious people seriously, harhar.

Haha, and warriors are strong and they don't give up. A friend of mine once said, People are always going to be around. but the problem is that, are they the people I want to connect with? I am...

It may be developmental and circumstantial from my perspective, but I am afraid of being lonely. Reflecting on the past, I feel like I have unable to keep any of the relationships I started and...

It's so god damn difficult to stay focus when the people around you are having fun, going to events, and exposing themselves more than half naked. Like shit, I want to be naked too.

Remember how hard it was to push through that mile? Regardless of how hard, you pushed through. Remember what you told yourself that you would do? Regardless of how hard, how tired, how fatigued, how...

In other words, you found the dragon now try to figure out how to not be a burnt piece of meat. Thanks (:

Yes! On the first point -- being someone with an inflated sense of confidence on the exterior who prides herself on her ability to be funny, it is disappointing and discouraging when her company does...

I hate to admit to this, that I constantly seek for others' approval. I've read somewhere that this is an unhealthy ENTP trait. This occurred a lot more before than now, however, reflecting on my...

To add on to this, I want to point out that there are different forms of meditation. The type of meditation you're talking about here is mindfullness. While this works for the majority of people...

Yes yes yes yes to music, usually chill electronic such as trance as mentioned above or classical -- there has been times where I get super excited about an album but that album happened to have...

Scotch is for old souls. Broke college students can only offer whiskey of the Irish variety. **Edit Holy crap. Thanks for mentioning a type of liquor because it totally got me thinking about...

piggybacking on what MCK had said -- Possibly try to note the emotions that you're feeling while you're in the dumps and figure out what is causing those emotions that make you stress. Stress is...

Yes, I agree that I may be suppressing some things in my subconscious - that, you're right on point. I can probably discern a few reasons of why such suppression exists. I have also found, however,...

why don't you try to meet as many people as you can and be friends with as many as you can rather than focusing on getting a date? But what do I know? I'm also as single as single can get. ...

You're not lonely and you're totally a okay with being alone. In fact, you thrive being alone...However, you wonder sometimes, like wouldn't it be nice to have someone to share all of the wonderful...

How is life absurd? What made you come to this conclusion? Was any witchcraft involved?

RantnRave You briefly talked about automaticity and I find this interesting and would appreciate it if you can elaborate on this a little more. Would you say that x93flowx94 is the same as x93auto modex94. I...

Generally I have relatively good control over my emotions. For the majority of instances, I have already thought ahead of what my next actions would be in the present moment and thinking forward...

I wish the same can be said about cheesecake.

Hey, I am so sorry to hear that you're currently stressed out. Regardless of what those issues are, I find that I am not myself when I am under stressed or at least I am not the self that I want to...

Girl, you lumping bad news in one single category -- There is a spectrum of what events constitute bad news and how one responds depends on the situation. Using your examples above, I would respond -...

I almost rolled on the floor with uncontrolled laughter as I was reading this piece of advice. Bravo to you, haha. Still can't stop laughing. I can't imagine when you have children especially if...

ain't nobody got time [to write]. haha.

hola chicas and chicos! I happen to have an almost free Friday night and I am sitting here pondering this question. Please help. I have the intense urge to create some graphs and charts! The...

I haven't seen the movie but have been dying to see it. Reading your post gave me the urge to take the quiz online and surprisingly enough, the result I received was Joy. From reading your...

I can see where an ENTP personality can excel in sales and I have actually thought about doing it myself. Just out of curiosity, what sort of products? Additionally, funny thing that you mentioned...

From a less technical standpoint, I think that knowing my personality type as defined by MBTI had helped me grown as a person. Before discovering that I was ENTP, I was a lost child. (To be brutally...

Teacher, teacher! I, the student, have returned. Thank you so very much for your instructions above. I have taken into account every single word (literally and not figuratively) that you have stated...

They are also kings and queens of electronic music.

wink wink. one of my many super human powers. I kid I kid.

No. Liars are not welcomed. =X I'm making your life miserable. sorry (but not sorry)

No. Absolutely not. There won't be any conversations. I would personally plot and have an accomplice murder this future bf that you speak of if the word sweaty is even muttered out of the luscious...

I am disgusted at the smell of my own sweatiness, saltiness, and stinkiness. I wonder what thoughts are running through other's consciousness when they see or smell me. One of the criteria that I...

You spoke about the first encounter where you find this man's passion interesting- Possibly not so much the idea of antiquity, but the way in which he explains his passion is intriguing but can you...

If it's the first few times that I've met someone or am newly acquainted with a group of people, I would try to follow up with questions. I make the extra effort because it's a new place or new...

Are you on the verge of wanting to murder a human being yet? By a human being, what I really mean is yourself. I want to touch on the topic of processing information as depicted through...

I was a hostess for a bit. A guy walks in and goes straight to the bar. The bar happens to be behind the podium. This kid makes direct and intense eye contact with me every time I look his way....

Haha, being injured and deep reflecting have no association whatsoever. It's funny how we are always unconsciously trying to connect the dots... Lots had happened in the past where you can say...

Good? Haha, relative. I had to read your response a few times over a span of time so I could soak everything in. In retrospect, I honestly don't think I was ENTP growing up. Even if I had to...

You have only one hair scrunchy. And you try to go out for a run but can't find that single hair scrunchy. You can't even find a rubberband to tie your hair. You make simple things way more...

What you're suggesting here is that hiring managers base their decision on irrational conclusions. Sure, your competence and value may be greater than the pool of applicants during the interviewing...

Thank you for your response and acknowledgement of the importance of mentors. I wholeheartedly agree. I find it difficult to have any focus without any conception of what is realistic and it would...

Hey. I may be ranting here but I promise to get to the point...eventually. Given that we are around the same age, I feel like I am able to relate to your situation to some extent. You spoke about...

I have a million thoughts running through my consciousness and maybe even my subconscious as well. I am confused. I am scared. I am troubled. I understand the importance of working hard and I do make...

Same! I would demand people to laugh at my jokes. I usually say something along the lines of Can I ask you a question? Can you please acknowledge my jokes because I think they're so funny, just for...

holy shiitttt!! Been obsessed with this band obsessed with this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr-2Ke4EIPY

Can you teach me how to pose like that? No sarcasm intended.'