
Analysts ENTP

Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.

You are too young to marry! Your family is going to be so disgraced! :shocked:

Oldest of two.

I would run around in panic while counting down the loudest I can.

1.) Unethical: Sometimes, but it guilt-trips me. 2.) Joker: Yes, I am. 3.) No feelings: Not true, but I sometimes think I'd be better off without them. 4.) Cocky: It depends on who I'm...

Counselor July, brightening up your lives. 87939

When people think you are weird/unusual/different but they like you anyway. :happy:

I'm right, but I can't be bothered to explain why.

When you have to write an essay about something you don’t like very much and it turns out to be a harsh critique of everything about it.

Heh. For some reason this does not surprise me at all. :ninja:

My favourite four is Ne, Ti, Te and Ni.

When you accidentally and completely unexpectedly offend an INFP.

This. You are intuitive if you get a lower test grade than expected because you made tiny mistakes everywhere.

Hmm... INTP.

When you cannot remember what you ate for dinner yesterday.

Could be INTP.


I have a paracosm, which is at its core a sandbox in which I can play with countries and people and pretend to be an ambivalent overlord.

Some from DYAC.  http://cdn.damnyouautocorrect.com/images/explosion.jpg

Super Crunchy? He mangled it badly indeed!

It’s simple. If you’re talking to a Croat, call it Croatian, if you’re talking to a Bosnian, call it Bosnian, if you’re talking to a Serb, call it Serbian, if you’re talking to a Montenegrin, call it...

Yay languages! My first language is Croatian. Call it Serbo-Croatian or else if you want, I don’t care. The most significant difference is that Serbians have an annoying accent. I am quite fluent...

Every single INTP (except for yours truly) that I know in real life has no self-confidence. :rolleyes:

Quoted for truth.

I daresay it’s more a game thread.

I am immature.  http://www.extraslike.com/upload/1380733957.gif

ESFP, very very very ESFP.

Agh, a Nazi! *runs away* Just kidding, welcome to PeronalityCafe and have a good time. :happy:

Exponentiation and polynomials are the worst stuff in the universe after physics and computer science, and after I said this no one could ever believe me I am an INTP or at least close to one. Gah...

:happy: I am quite artistic. I doodle all time I can get on my hands whenever I feel inspired. I sometimes try to write a short story or something, but I end up not liking it because the text...


Welcome! :happy:

You forget where’s your phone and start panicking, only to realise it is in your pocket.

Let me see... ISFP.


Welcome to this place!

Care to justify the facepalm with solid reasoning?

It’s probably very different for you, but my formula for making it through school is rewarding self with some dark chocolate after getting an A. Seriously, it motivates me quite well and has made me...

You're not the only one. If the function test is correct, Fi is, like, my third highest function, and my Ne is a hair stronger than my Ti. The latter is quite easily explained by me having a...


I could contribute to this thread, too. You’re an INTP when... ...you forget to blink when you are deeply thinking about something. ...you accidentally and completely unwillingly made an...

INTJ because of the Death Star on the avatar.


Screams ESTP to me.


INFJ, perhaps.



*puts on a smile* Thanks. :happy:

...and decided to join in just for the sake of it. I'm an XNTP, but I put INTP in my profile because I'm feeling more introverted than not at the moment. Expect me to change my type to ENTP and...

People can be very good if approached in a right way.