'just don't drink and drive!
get black out drunk
if you wanna stop smoking weed just stop sheesh
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/t1.0-9/1902920_10201923804808072_8765195351802367863_n.jpg like this I dress modestly, my hair is generally always a mess. That's pretty...
creepy hahahaha
I am 6 foot and skinny
being smart
You realize you want them back and then you realize you only want them because they are gone.
turn off my watch
Immortality would be cool but I'm down to explore the universe as a ghostie.
I just look at my notes and repeat every fact fifteen times to myself. I then go over questions in my head and generally get the right answer. It seems obnoxious and it is tedious and boring, however...
Blaring free jazz with hired hotel valets standing in the corner to add mystique. Smoke machines are activated randomly adding to the dream like feel. If a song is requested the DJ plays that song...
no blue and orange are opposites.....you clearly have a unconscious agenda
Daniel with no sleep gets shit done man although my movement is sloppy. When I'm burnt out I'm much more focused.
Of not shit of not...I'm running coffee and barely any sleep forgive me lmfao
Oh hahaha I thought you were just bragging about how you got laid. You will be okay. You have a 70% chance of knocking a girl up with a condom...I hope you aren't lucky
walking to VCU and seeing people in blue capes being filmed reading from the old testament....what is life?
I don't wanna hear about this
ENTP's the George Costanza of MBTI
You make a good point lol. I'm generally happy I just get someone and I'm like better find everything wrong with them and break it off quick then instantly regret it. PS: I don't recall pleading
A girl I had a crush on for years liked me back and I sabotaged it like that, I still don't know why I did that. Fear of commitment I guess...I really did like like her too lol. Entp's are strange...
lmfao I know that feel
Sound like a classic Daniel running away from commitment.
Yeah I get very embarrassed when people call me out.
The term sociopath is thrown around too easily these days. I know I'm not one, I care about people too much. Sociopath's are broken people, who objectify everyone and don't have to do mental...
The entp forum is serious business. I'd really appreciate it, if you took your business elsewhere.
Conflict is great man I dig bringing strong personalities to meet and watching them bat heads.
I've rationalized politicians cheating and been like should I hate FDR and Martin Luther King, I mean they both cheated on their wives. I'm sure these would be the mental gymnastics that would run...
I can go a long time without real social interaction. I become bored but I eventually cope and I realize hey I don't need people. Then I have a great conversation and I get that extrovert rush and...
Breaking Bad can be really silly though at times too. When the drug cartel guys decided to murder Shrader in the middle of a crowded parking lot. Remember when it turns out the fourth season was a...
I went through this exact thing hahaha. I'd get panic attacks fairly often and it sunk me into this depression where I didn't do anything because I thought what if I have a panic attack. My panic...
repeat the vocab with definitions 15 times to yourself and it'll get locked in your brain the next morning problem is that you'll never actually learn it but hey it worked for me
Poor bastard caught the feelings
I do this all the time when I get really depressed. I would walk to the mall and then think why am I at the mall I hate the mall.
It's like everything I don't like about myself in a rant.
what's ground breaking about this quiz? Also these questions seem super broad hahaha. Half the time I kept thinking do I like fiction? well it depends....do I like scifi? well it depends.
It's miserable but shit gets done
I don't get it
It's all about getting past the first few days for me at least. My best tip is to get out of bed as soon as you get up lol
what benefits, the urge to bang anything that moves?
I liked how myspace had profile songs
The 50's weren't that good we had Korea and all that jazz. The 50's seems to me like the times when America went from being isolationist to full on military industrial complex.
Arrogant, clever and handsome ;)
Are you kidding me we have had cities forever
Don't you just love it when you don't proofread your posts lmfao
I never read anything about him he's just someone people always point to and call a sociopath. He's certainly no Jim Jones or Marilyn Manson
I don't know but I feel like a normal person has to twist his bad deeds into something that makes him sleep with himself at night. (it's a dog eat dog world, I deserve this, if I hadn't done it...
Mad Men House of Cards It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Twin Peaks
I was just saying
Imagine how profitable it would be for a politician to feel no remorse lol. I wouldn't be surprised if Lyndon B. Johnson was one. Then again though sociopath's are also stupidly impulsive and despite...'