
Analysts ENTP

Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.

'You just walked into the ENTP forum and asked us to do something as a group. AS A GROUP. What are you, insane? (Joking, of course. May try this thing. No promises. Just as well might not.)

Guys. Sherlock is an ESFP. End of Story. I seriously can't believe that people still ask this question.

Am I the only one sitting here wondering why Spidey is reading Atlas Shrugged? Rand doesn't seem like a philosopher that would appeal much to Peter.

Is it natural to laugh while simultaneously wanting to throw up? Oh God, with each chortle I feel my stomach turn....

I woke up this mornin', and then went back to bed... Cold Winter Blues -Pat Donohue

And if I give a monkey a typewriter and an infinite amount of time, he'll eventually type up Hamlet. That doesn't mean the manuscript isn't going to be covered in monkey shit or that this discovery...

You know you're an ENTP when you want to hear the juicy details on this, because it sounds absolutely marvelous.

When you're walking down the sidewalk and start playing Chicken with the random strangers walking your way. Also, while doing this you test the effect of changing the way you walk on whether people...

I do love compliments so. I believe I felt my ego grow a bit.

Okay, I'm going to be serious because I do think you deserve your fair shake. Truthfully, I don't think you're an ENTP. I don't know what you are, but I'm almost certain an ENTP is not it. Ever...

You do realize that the fact that you are still taking this so seriously while a Spider-Man thread is afoot proves that you're not an ENTP, right? The above argument is not even relevant. 98714

Just looking for some opinions on my personality type. I've always gone back and forth, and have come to settle on ENTP for now, but some outside opinions are always nice. 2. You are with a group...

*Gets the popcorn ready.*

A biscuit. What else?

I refuse to make comment until you properly familiarize yourself with the use of the English language and your keyboard.

You do realize you put this in the NT forum, right? What did you think we were going to do? Skim?

Give me your address, phone number, and social and I'll be there in roughly 24 hours. I expect a damn fine float.

I'll take a sandwich and a orange ice cream float, if those ingredients are ready.

Indiana Jones, mate. Indiana Fucking Jones.

That's it everyone. Thread's over. Nothing more to see here. 93382

Gotta agree with the above... Can't keep a good genius billionaire playboy philanthropist down.

You know how you normally drive a car everywhere? Don't do that. Skydive to places. That's right. Everywhere you go, make your entrance through the sky. Make sure your parachute has the word...

Damn right. Have to have someone to appreciate our ideas. Besides, if she doesn't get caught, it just proves how goddamn good we are.

The rule for me is classy but casual. Usually I'll wear a sports coat with a t-shirt or button up underneath. Throw on some jeans and sneakers and I'm ready to go. I'll change that formula up...

If we get bored... And I mean really, really, REALLY bored... In all seriousness, I would think no. Would we think about it? Hatch some plans? Probably. Actually do it? Nah, fuck that. Too...

People are always telling me to do stuff, and I'm all like that, you know? I start to think about feeling like how you feel when you do stuff like that. And then I feel the stuff I do and it makes me...

Fucking love it. Love to fuck it. As much as I secretly love Christmas, especially if there is snow on the ground, it is far too much fun to be Scrooge McGrinch. Bahumbug for the shits and...

Zero degrees Kelvin. Absolute zero. It is essentially as cold as anything can ever get.

So cool... Like, we're talkin' approaching 0 K here... So cool.

Nope. I don't like cigarettes. Though, a lot of research, I am considering taking up the occasional pipe. The health risks are minimal, approaching negligible. There is no inhalation, so risk to the...

I read this thread, realized I'm wasting my life, and am currently going for the world record of Longest Time Spent Sobbing Like a Small Child. Does that count as badass? (Seriously though,...

Well, shit... I really thought it would be more interesting than this. Time to find an answer. Tally Ho. Maybe a last goodbye to the family, though it may be best to simply pass in to the...

I have to agree with Jennywocky here. I have the strangest relationship with spiders. On one hand, they really are fascinating creatures. They are fantastic predators and it really is a joy to watch...

Either we'd be far better off or we wouldn't be at all.

I'm fairly certain I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Never been tested, but my behavior seems to fit the bill. I voted Unsure. Of course, I could be COMPLETELY wrong.

A medal made from metal, of course...

See, I was thinking something classy. Gold is too easy. Platinum? Maybe. I'm voting we just buy him a giant sheet of aluminum foil.

My God... You did it. You created the perfect definition of an ENTP... Quick! Someone get this man a metal!

I concur with the good sir above me. What, indeed...

If I had the means? Yes. Since I don't? I can't.

You must realize, to any intuitive, turning them into a sensor would be the equivalent of sentencing them to the Seventh Circle of Hell. Once you go crazy, you don't go back.

So, I kinda think I'm an ENTP. I've been rolling with that for awhile now. I've always thought I was some sort of NTP. Still, I have no idea, because I feel like I don't know myself. At least not as...

ENTP- Chaotic Neuteral. I think this is nearly a constant for ENTPs, perhaps NTPs in general.

Nazi Gold in my basement. Tons and tons of evil Nazi Gold.

Right now, I'm just praying college is going to be interesting. High school was terribly boring. My teen years have been stagnant, I feel. Personally, I have developed and grown, but I don't feel as...

Ok, so, does DC have a nearby zoo or aquarium? Personally, I love going to my local zoo and/or aquarium and documenting animal behavior. I think this developed from my love of people watching. I love...

I know, I know. I was making use of the stereotype for a joke, and a bad one at that. Vampires and light-bulb factories. Yeesh! I really am tired...

Well, there is your problem. Church to ENTP's is like a light-bulb factory to vampires. Bleh! Seriously though, it's 4:00 AM where I live. I'm not even sure why I'm up. I'll try to have a better...

You paint such a detailed, and likely realistic, picture. Though I don't quite like Hawaiian T-shirts. Too... Garish. Definitely an unbuttoned dress shit with an undershirt. Very comfy. Perhaps the...

A double pun on my title which was already a pun? My God... At this rate, we'll create a singularity.'