
Analysts ENTP

Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.

'Say every personality type comes with a different superpower. What superpower would your type have? What makes this power most suitable for your type?

I've always thought that it made more sense to group xNxP together and xNxJ together. What do you think?


My original guess was ENTJ even though I've always felt like she was more introverted. The cognitive functions actually make more sense though if she is an INTJ in my opinion. Ni Te Fi Se.

Yeah, it's true that Nancy seems to change because I guess my first impression is what stuck. Towards the end she didn't seem like an ISFJ anymore so ISFP probably is a very valid option. I can...

I like when a person makes both direct descriptive statements and goes into their reasoning, because it shows both how they think and how they perceive themselves - what sort of archetypes they...

Maybe its a possibility but I believe she is a judger. When I first saw the show I remember thinking she was an ISFJ for some reason, despite not actively looking to type the characters. ISFJ was...

I know its weird and very illogical, but for some reason the fact that I already had two ISFPs made me subconsciously more reluctant to type ISFP even though that was actually my main thought. I...

Everything makes perfect sense about AnTefix now. Great ideas!:proud: That means that we just need to release 6 more heroes/villains. Everybody who is reading this I recommend you start...

I'm glad you like this idea of this thread. So with the thought manipulation, how powerful is it? Can most people at least try to resist the urge, or only superpowered people. And, if you had to...

Say that there was a superhero or villain for each function and their superpower was somehow based on their function. 1. What would the superhero's name be? 2. Would they be a hero or villain...

Actually, I did mean this site in general. The only reason its on the type me forums is because I didn't know where else a thread like this would fit. The psychology forum was the only other forum I...

Here are my first guesses on everyone, then I'll update later. (Stars indicate my certainty: 1 to 5.5 scale. [One is minimal and 5 is highest. Nothing is certain since 5.5 stars isn't possible to...

Here are my first guesses on everyone, then I'll update later. (Stars indicate my certainty: 1 to 5.5 scale. [One is minimal and 5 is highest. Nothing is certain since 5.5 stars isn't possible to...

Here are my first guesses on everyone, then I'll update later. (Stars indicate my certainty: 1 to 5.5 scale. [One is minimal and 5 is highest. Nothing is certain since 5.5 stars isn't possible to...

I definitely agree with this, and you are right. Personal experience is probably not even needed for the typing, and my main concern where I have noticed a deficiency of personal experience is on...


I will have to respectfully disagree with your statement that, someone expounding on their creativity in great depth may tend to make me think they feel that they need to talk about or otherwise...

This is very true and I can see how it is beneficial to type using the subject's way of expression also. Good point!

I just wanted to say that I imagined you sounded like this when you said fascinating. Kind of random but it was my first thought. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o05eTzXGC20

Great Post by the way. I feel that you deserve some recognition.

I forgot another issue. I get all my inspiration and motivation from being around people, but the problem is that I intentionally do not have friends. On weekends, I am in contact with very few...

Oh, I have to admit that this is actually a very creative way of typing. I'm impressed because I didn't even think of that. So you used the fact that I give to so many examples as a means of typing...

Show Don't Tell Am I the only person here that is a bit annoyed with how rarely people here use personal experiences, personal thoughts, and personal ideas, when they are writing about themselves....

This is unimaginably true.

ISTJ Type Most Likely To plan out their entire future up to the day of their death.

ENFP I thrive on the thrill of giving a presentation. Being in front of everyone and giving some sort of dramatic performance of a presentation is my favorite. I'll name a few or many...

The biggest issue I have encountered with being an extravert is that it is very difficult to control my impulse to talk. Currently, and in my upcoming years, I have plans to work in solitude without...

Calling it faith is way to far though. Faith means no evidence, logic, reasoning, whatsoever. I can have faith that there is a teacup floating between Mars and Jupiter for absolutely no reason...

First of all, I don't understand why all Judging types have a Dom or Aux extraverted T/F and all Perceiving types have a Dom or Aux introverted T/F. Essentially, this is the only guaranteed change in...

I always start by explaining introversion and extraversion just because it seems to be commonly understood by most people, even if they might only get the superficial definition that includes...

I honestly have been unsure how I would really describe the difference between perceiving and judgement. I almost entirely disagree with how the 16personalities assessment uses questions about how...

I didn't necessarily have any points other than clarifying what was and what wasn't a logical fallacy, but I definitely agree with everything that you've written in this thread and I don't think you...

I was reading through this thread and I know this is from a few days ago but I felt the urge clarify something. As long as MBTI ascribes focus on meanings and patterns to N we will continue to...

ENFP, especially if it is unintentiaonally What is the type that is most likely to be impressed by this question?

By the way, this is the biggest insult for me to. I remember two years ago when I said I was nominated for most unique in our 9th grade class Mosts thing, and he said, how are you unique? You go...

Body Movement: Kinesthetic: 4.43 Social: Interpersonal: 4.29 Language: Linguistic: 4 Those were my top three and the learning styles fit perfectly. I agree.'

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5pggDCnt5M I'm busy now but I'll be back to tear this apart. What do you think though? Edit: I feel that the thumbnail is taunting me with the ENFP letters...

Suddenly the fire alarmed blared right into my ear. I swiveled and took a face full of wall. So much for paying attention to my surroundings. Anyway, now what am I supposed to do. Oh hey, do you...

This is why all my passions are things that are not only ridiculous but also widely ridiculed by the entire world. Filmmaking is my only normal passion I'd say. My second passion is perpetual...

Mix these characters together and you get me. Number 1: Aang From Avatar: The Last Airbender https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1vig5BPLRA Number 2:

I think that IxTx is automatic at least. INTP is my main guess. I'd say that you are an INTJ. That makes sense with your choices.

On a thread where you have to post 5 things about yourself I posted these 5 stories, and to my surprise, I guess they did not give the impression of an ENFP. I'm interested in hearing everybody...

That's a bit of a surprising conclusion to me and I like surprises! I'm really curious to know what makes you think i'm a judger and also i'm especially surprised about ESFJ. Way to make things...

Wait, I seem like an INTJ?

You seem like an... ISFP 1. A clear representation of Fi. You have your personal values and methods and strongly prefer to use your personal way. 2. Again, even more Fi. Your feeling is your...

I'm very curious about what high levels of intelligence look like in each type. What's the difference between geniuses who are different personality types. Questions to consider. -Is this...

Dad=ESFJ Mom=INTP Sister=ISFJ Me=ENFP It's fun

1) When addressing any intellectual issue of any sort, I approach with ferocious logic and reasoning in order to decimate my opponents in debate. I don't accept emotional arguments unless they have...

I would say that the type with likely the best skills for complimenting the largest amount of people would be an Fe user. An Fe user is probably going to be the most capable, have the most ease,...'