
Analysts ENTP

Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge.

'This is the perfect blend of Dragonball and Mario nostalgia ;) I was also a fan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51cNx0HrjjQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wa97p70V_Y Then Mario would...

718250 718258 Swtor

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqB5ENMEeH0 Looks like it



Friday the 13th series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obtc9U6hEYM scenes like this, lol And Godzilla movies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXrluvh7u7I cheesy fun stuff like this...


*waves at Emma* Not a problem I get the same extreme obsessions or apathy. Sounds like we're on to something.

Outside https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/SXgm-oOKZszzgM8rSjxbr89O_yk=/fit-in/1200x9600/http%3A%2F%2Fmashable.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2013%2F08%2Fobama47.gif Inside ...

One big phat problem with the Lightsaber is that's it's far more dangerous to yourself than even the zombies are, unless you have the force ...

I'm over 9,000


The dark comforts me


ENTJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kuIWYtqu2M

I believe it's what it is because there's clearly something to it. Patterns are important. But how much I'm not sure. I have noticed things and commonalities though, and after a while it's hard for...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8FtMr4fpys&t=33s https://images.moviepilot.com/images/c_limit,q_auto:good,w_600/bfe8djylyhrsm4ocf9v2/batman-the-telltale-series-credit-telltale-games.jpg >;)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akbZSS4v5b0 probably the type of stuff nobody else is

Fuck socks. Naked foots are best. It's so free to feel the air woosh between my toes! In fact...

It annoys the crap out of me. I'm an impatient person so if it's effecting gameplay and getting choppy it'll quite annoy me. I'll end up quitting to come back later. But if it isn't that bad then...

istj similar to a friend I know who is in fact istj

Contrary to all this NTP's hate authority thing, I'm a little different. If they aren't abusive or pushy for no good reason then I don't really care and I actually prefer a sense of structure...

^I second this cult idea

sp/sx or sx/sp either way

When you try to schedule everything but end up forgetting to look 3/4 of the time, When you prefer sticky notes to a calender

When you feel like a robot, every so often

When you get all philosophical about fictional stuff and the symbolisms in stories, almost obsessively sometimes Well philosophical in general, sometimes

ISxJ..? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3N-O5BCZSM

I suspect you're a lot like me. I get mixed up with INTP and ENTP all the time because I'm not a normal one. I'm known as witty, charming, funny and all that and yet very laid back and low ki I can...

Isn't it just cute how they try to force you into their own limited perceptions of how the system should be? Sometimes we break that because the truth is a little more expandable than that. Like type...

Quite impressive that you typed all this. I never would've said quite so much about my own past in such detail. I can see how the attachment thing could manifest then, as it's largely a childhood...

Thus comes forth an absolutist.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IOU6YvJoyQ My view in a nutshell

Sup, Bruh May your time here be wicked..

Evil is a strong word. Babies have a sense of naïve selfishness. If never taught otherwise, that selfishness will fester into something more dangerous when they begin to mature and grow into it....

Yes so I can be the secret ruling Dark Edge Lord using the world as my private experimental playground to observe fascinating human souls.

You have to register to do this? You have to pay? What is this? If it's not free and I need to register I'd rather not go through all that trouble it seems pointless.

One might say 'There is no Truth' But even they have 'facts' they perceive as a sort of absolute. Even they hold strong views in various ways that might differ from others. To say there is no...

http://profron.net/ofiles/2008/09/do_philosophy.jpg *chuckles*

Good point. That is always the problem isn't it? The fear that if we condemn said person they might be innocent and in doing so we will have been the wrongdoer. The catch for any harsh punishment...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u69DywBfLjA This always stuck out to me

No. But I would eat an ant pie. ;) https://youtu.be/TereMXIMyBA?t=8m35s 8;35+ proves it'd be delicious

Death Penalty is a solution. Consider it like taking out the trash. ;)

Can't. I hate veggies. I've thought of becoming a Fruititarian, though. It would be most fruitful.

Why's it always Christianity? There's other religions out there yet somehow that's the one true religion often by perception. There are SO many perceptions, so many religions, and yet so many think...

Sure, why not? Sometimes the less pleasant option is simply the best option. Fair. It may also serve as an example to discourage the repeat of such acts. The only issue is always over how humane...

Maybe yes and no. Truth and falsity often blur. There are times went something is miswired or let's say interferes in their functioning. Still, a lot of it seems to relate to...

Lots of black. Occasional whites, dark blues, grays. I wear more shades than colors. And I like to be covered up a bit more than others so I usually have a jacket (plaid or hoodie) unless it's too...

My two best male friends from childhood are ISTJ 5w6 and ENFJ 6w7 My best female friends are almost always INFP and INFJ somehow

I don't get why it's hard to believe their could be subtle physical cues of types. Eyes are a good example I've noticed in types, and clear differences recurring. There's only so many coincidences...'