brutha u cray cray
Facetiousness aside, though, I'm not sure why this topic is blowing up.
You're a dickhead. :tongue:
I personally think INFJ, IEI and beta ideals just fit him too well. (Will add more to this later)
The OP's fiance actually came in here. http://cdn04.cdnwp.thefrisky.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/25/330x182px-LL-7dc6c095_micheal-jackson-eating-popcorn-theater-gif.gif I want to see more...
http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/005/954/wtf_is_this_shit2_RE_73_Million_Sharks_Killed_Every_Year-s468x349-71815.jpg I'm going to have to ask for your reasoning, there.
https://images.encyclopediadramatica.se/b/b4/Autistic_karate.jpg Via ED. Watch yo' shit.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcxKIJTb3Hg Taming the Agressive Rabbit http://florida4h.org/projects/rabbits/Graphics/Activity5_Temperment_clip_image002.jpg It had to be done.
If you feel like that, you might want to look into this rather than enneagram type 5, Bohemia Subtypes | Enneagram Worldwide
https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/600661_10201103867629609_1363655238_n.jpg Kind of like jizz.
:laughing: Snark aside, oi. I'm still trying to work out this Fe thing. :tongue:
ENFPs have to be religious now? What makes you say that ENFPs are inclined to be optimistic about God, or that they need God to be optimistic? Monsieur Dini, get yo' ass in here.
Ah no, don't worry about it. I didn't take it personally if that's what it seemed like. I'm just telling everyone to be careful with their sources, because there's a lot of bad information around. I...
:laughing: It does. It really does. Actually, with that 7.5, I'm just going to add a Queen JimmyRustler award simply because if this is trolling, this is just class.
Guys. Enough pinning OP on another type. And please, don't good misinterpret sources. Be very prudent with what you have. Really, much of these things have started with observations and then blown...
https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/6402352384/h4A85B883/ Welcome. :wink:
My confession is that I only came here to be entertained by the drama some pages back and to say hi to my bro, JaySH. (also hi INFPs)
This is talking about SEI, Sensing Ethical Intratim, which is Si (Sensing Intratim) dominant Fe-aux users. If you want something on MBTI's ISFPs, look at Ethical Sensing Intratims (ISFj,...
Being the shadow of the ESFJ, I myself butt heads with them frequently (unless the functions in the lower stack are well-developed on one or both of our parts, hence transcending the ego, but this...
You missed my point. That (opposites attract) may or may not be true, depending on individual circumstances. It's not that clear-cut and you cannot have a formula for romance. Also, certain quotes...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyr1T0hSxHo Take a look at the comments here.
Romantic theory isn't evidence for typing and is irrelevant to types and cartoons. The ENTP infatuation with the INFJ is not proof that attraction works that way. It does not mean that Arnold is an...
That's a very poor argument for Helga being an INTP. That does not indicate N (in this case, Ne) usage, at all, actually. Pi (Si or Ni) are both generally considered very instinctual. Remember,...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdf5n-zI14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY_Gc1bF8ds http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/lifestyle/2012/12/22/end-world-didnt-happen-but-new-era-for-mayans-did/...
Navi I realized that I left caps lock on so I had to go back and backspace -AVI and rewrite it. All with my nose.
I'm a 5w6, 8w7, 2w1. I'll add my thoughts on this.
* 5-8-2, upon better inspection (and a healthy state). That being said, I'm curious as to what you are researching.
I've been thinking about this and to an extent, I can relate to all three of this. Probably relating to the first one the most. Circumstantially (i.e, in unhealthy states), some of the...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix7vrluEm4E Welcome to PerC, @Radiance12.
Dear God. Well, a final congratulations to you and your robot-hood, @J Squirrel.
Your score: 17 0 - 32 = low (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 20) 33 - 52 = average (most women score about 47 and most men score about 42) 53 - 63 is...
>phrenology http://perfectlycursedlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/biden-shaking-head.gif The reasoning (if there is any) tends to be absurd when justifying phrenology. If it's going by...
Hahaha, this reminds me of something I did with @Hussein Muhammed; what each type's role would be in a Zombie Apocalypse. I call Think Tank. :laughing: That does seem accurate, though. Same...
Beautiful pluralization. Just, beautiful.
It's about time! http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l200/bookworm_r/Humor%20Pics/afedcc1.gif http://now-here-this.timeout.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Fireworks.gif ...
Oh god oh god. Why did I read this book. Seriously, fuck this shit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQc
Hm, for the record, the passage isn't that concrete and doesn't cover much about the Ti-Si loop. While the general underlying principle is fairly accurate (as cue5c has showed to me before), the...
The idea of Kurt Cobain being an INTP is completely absurd. He was very much a Fi-dominant. He doesn't even seem T-ish as others have suggested. Kurt Cobain Quotes - BrainyQuote Kurt...
Welcome to PerC, Ne-dominant. :cool:
I used to pronounce it like you do. :tongue: Now I just say it like Jennywocky. I was inclined to pronounce it like that because I speak a few languages (mainly Indo-European) natively. It felt...
I don't think you understand, mom. OP's a herp.
To let everyone know how many facepalms she deserves. Which is all of them.
Wow. I'm not an INFP, nor male, and all I can say is.... http://i.imgur.com/RNKyC.jpg'